Now they are going to ban free refills on drinks?



  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    Where I live most restaurants don't allow free refills. They don't sell drinks any bigger than the American sized Medium either. You are more than welcome to purchase another drink though.

    I don't see anything wrong with banning free refills. If you want more than pay for it? They're not telling you that you can't have more.

    The problem is that its not the establishment banning it, its the government. Even if they wanted to allow it, they couldn't becuase it wouldn't be allowed. You see where the issue lies? Government shouldn't have that kind of role in our lives.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    People kill themselves with over the counter drugs. Better get rid of those too. what if McDonald's was giving out free OTC drugs with every purchase?

    Thats there choice...and guess what...thanks to are supposed freedom in this country, you have a choice not to buy it.

    Free markets will also even that kind of crap out. If someone wants it they will buy it, if they dont, they wont. you'd be cool with McD's giving out free cough syrup?

    Ya why? I got a free sample of deodorant the last time I bought a magazine...whats the difference? If McDonalds wants to waste money on that, that's there business...not the governments.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member

    Oh yeah...because I totally go to a restaurant for the free refills. That got me in the door.

    And yes they can regulate that sort of thing...if they were marketing "free guns with any happy meal" the government would step in. How is it any different? Guns don't kill people...idiot people do. Soda doesn't kill people...idiot people kill themselves.

    Because the use of a gun can infringe on the rights of others (ultimately their life and thusly liberty and the pursuit of happiness) whereas, a soda infringes on no one elses rights except for the person that consumes too much of it.

    There are already laws in regards to infringing on the rights of others. Gun control should not be one of them. It should not be clamped down on because "one can take life and liberty from someone else with them" since its already illegal to kill someone.

    Gun control is anti-rights.

    Anyone who claims Libertarian should be against any form of infringement of rights. Anti-gun = anti-rights.

    I do disagree with any infrigement of rights... but I was trying to stay on topic here with the main soda thread and not going off into a tangent.
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    It's amazing how many people echo the sentiment "But it's not the government's place to say he CAN'T " on the issue of sodapop (or whatever the flavor of the day will be), all while proudly proclaiming their support for a political party that thinks the government should be able to tell us who we can and can't marry, and what we can and can't do to our bodies, etc.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    People kill themselves with over the counter drugs. Better get rid of those too. what if McDonald's was giving out free OTC drugs with every purchase?

    School nurses aren't even allowed to give out OTC drugs... I doubt that it would fly. Just as good an argument as the guns, though. Great job.
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    I'm actually LMAO at this. Oh no, actually PAYING for what you drink! If you want more soda, get your wallet out. What a freaking sense of entitlement. *rolls eyes*

    Shouldn't it be the businesses decision to charge for refills? The government doesn't give two ****s about our health. This is about generating extra tax revenue plain and simple. People WILL pay for refills, and they will be charged more tax. Open up your eyes.
    Open yours. The rest of the world doesn't do free refills. User pays.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Welcome to the Nanny State. Destination: Total control of our personal lives and freedoms.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    Every time I hear a stupid idea like this, I am reminded to always vote Republican.

  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    People kill themselves with over the counter drugs. Better get rid of those too. what if McDonald's was giving out free OTC drugs with every purchase?

    Thats there choice...and guess what...thanks to are supposed freedom in this country, you have a choice not to buy it.

    Free markets will also even that kind of crap out. If someone wants it they will buy it, if they dont, they wont. you'd be cool with McD's giving out free cough syrup?

    Ya why? I got a free sample of deodorant the last time I bought a magazine...whats the difference? If McDonalds wants to waste money on that, that's there business...not the governments.


    Use too much deoderant = You smell like a douche.

    Use too much cough syrup = You end up high or in the hospital.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Well it's been fun.... but I must go... perhaps I will stop by mcdonald's on my way for my $1 oversized soda to get fat off of. And yippee cause it's my educated choice.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I'm actually LMAO at this. Oh no, actually PAYING for what you drink! If you want more soda, get your wallet out. What a freaking sense of entitlement. *rolls eyes*

    Shouldn't it be the businesses decision to charge for refills? The government doesn't give two ****s about our health. This is about generating extra tax revenue plain and simple. People WILL pay for refills, and they will be charged more tax. Open up your eyes.
    Open yours. The rest of the world doesn't do free refills. User pays.

    Shouldn't it be the businesses choice, you know the people who SELL the product to determine if they want to charge for refills?

    This is government meddling in business again.
  • flabbytofabby
    The fact that people would even get upset over banning free refills is just beyond me. It is certainly not the end of the world and believe me you will survive. If you are so desperate for more soda just buy another. I just don't see the big deal at all. You're so upset about the government regulating this, you want free choice, etc... but they regulate so many other things already!

    Actually, I get upset about the government regulating things they have no business regulating... regardless of how inane it is... but again, that's why I vote Libertarian.... But I do find it funny that in Sweden it's legal to have sex with a dog, but not ok to have however many "free" refills one would like... (just trying to make a comparison based on liberal (ie to be free, individualism, etc) tendencies of the country... I really couldn't care less what a person does or doesn't do as long is it is not infringing on the rights of others)

    sweden refills aren't banned, they just don't do it. Like most places in Europe, unless its in chained resturants i.e subway etc

    sweden, france, uk are all free countries like the US, not as much a free market but we have just as much freedom, you americans don't have as much freedom as alot of you think .. well the smart ones i have met seem to realise they don't but ones online don't seem to.. its sad.

    Nope, I totally realize it.... I have stated that if too many of our rights are restricted (which is why I fight against things that are seemingly inane like free refills) that I would definitely move to a European country.... while I also prefer things like free markets (truly free markets, not this corporatist crap that our government and progressive think tanks tout as "free markets")... I prefer individual freedom more so.

    Most European countries are Mixed Markets, and tbh, apart from the Gun thing i DON'T see much difference in freedom and rights, although more types of food are banned i.e corn syrup, which makes sense as health care is somewhat free. But i don't think this is taking away, individual freedom. Maybe if they tell you you can't buy MORE drink, but not to say you can't have more Free drinks, unless its water.
  • Nunziata29
    I am right there with you. Also, soda isn't free for the restaurants either. I think it's only right for us to pay for seconds or thirds.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    People kill themselves with over the counter drugs. Better get rid of those too. what if McDonald's was giving out free OTC drugs with every purchase?

    School nurses aren't even allowed to give out OTC drugs... I doubt that it would fly. Just as good an argument as the guns, though. Great job.

    How is it any different than soda? It doesn't kill people immediately, There are no "second hand" OTC drug deaths, and its perfectly legal for anyone to buy...just like soda.
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    I don't care, since I can only drink 1 glass anyway. They already come in monstersizes. And maybe some people here stop drinking so much soda, if they have to pay for it.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    People kill themselves with over the counter drugs. Better get rid of those too. what if McDonald's was giving out free OTC drugs with every purchase?

    Thats there choice...and guess what...thanks to are supposed freedom in this country, you have a choice not to buy it.

    Free markets will also even that kind of crap out. If someone wants it they will buy it, if they dont, they wont. you'd be cool with McD's giving out free cough syrup?

    Ya why? I got a free sample of deodorant the last time I bought a magazine...whats the difference? If McDonalds wants to waste money on that, that's there business...not the governments.


    Use too much deoderant = You smell like a douche.

    Use too much cough syrup = You end up high or in the hospital.

    Maybe I am retarded, and like to eat deodorant = End up in the hospital...whats the difference?
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    People kill themselves with over the counter drugs. Better get rid of those too. what if McDonald's was giving out free OTC drugs with every purchase?

    Thats there choice...and guess what...thanks to are supposed freedom in this country, you have a choice not to buy it.

    Free markets will also even that kind of crap out. If someone wants it they will buy it, if they dont, they wont. you'd be cool with McD's giving out free cough syrup?

    Ya why? I got a free sample of deodorant the last time I bought a magazine...whats the difference? If McDonalds wants to waste money on that, that's there business...not the governments.


    Use too much deoderant = You smell like a douche.

    Use too much cough syrup = You end up high or in the hospital.

    Maybe I am retarded, and like to eat deodorant = End up in the hospital...whats the difference?

    If you are into eating deoderant I'm guessing you shouldn't be allowed in public anyway.
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    :tongue: :laugh:
    I'm actually LMAO at this. Oh no, actually PAYING for what you drink! If you want more soda, get your wallet out. What a freaking sense of entitlement. *rolls eyes*

    Shouldn't it be the businesses decision to charge for refills? The government doesn't give two ****s about our health. This is about generating extra tax revenue plain and simple. People WILL pay for refills, and they will be charged more tax. Open up your eyes.
    Open yours. The rest of the world doesn't do free refills. User pays.

    Shouldn't it be the businesses choice, you know the people who SELL the product to determine if they want to charge for refills?

    This is government meddling in business again.

    If you don't like it, there are other countries outside of the States you know. :tongue: :laugh:
  • vonallena
    vonallena Posts: 34
    It's amazing how many people echo the sentiment "But it's not the government's place to say he CAN'T " on the issue of sodapop (or whatever the flavor of the day will be), all while proudly proclaiming their support for a political party that thinks the government should be able to tell us who we can and can't marry, and what we can and can't do to our bodies, etc.

    You know what? You're absolutely right. If the Government can tell people who they can and cannot marry and what women can do with their bodies, then they can tell people how many refills they can have or have not.

    Republicans argue that (I myself, being a Republican can't). And don't bring in the Bible in it because God should never ever ever enter a political argument.