Now they are going to ban free refills on drinks?



  • vonallena
    vonallena Posts: 34
    I don't know how I feel about this ban. It would be interesting to see some numbers on how much obsesity actually cost this country and the insurance companies.

    According to an article on Medical Daily, Obesity accounts for 21% of U.S. Health Care Costs...roughly $190 billion a year.

    Health care costs are more expensive for obese people than it is for smokers.

    $1275 more for smokers vs. non-smokers
    $1850 more for obese people vs. people with normal weight.

    Pretty hefty strain on our economy for sure.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I don't know how I feel about this ban. It would be interesting to see some numbers on how much obsesity actually cost this country and the insurance companies.

    According to an article on Medical Daily, Obesity accounts for 21% of U.S. Health Care Costs...roughly $190 billion a year.

    Health care costs are more expensive for obese people than it is for smokers.

    $1275 more for smokers vs. non-smokers
    $1850 more for obese people vs. people with normal weight.

    Pretty hefty strain on our economy for sure.

    I know, lets ban obese people! Problem solved.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Govt. pays for a huge amount of the healthcare bill in this country. Is Govt. not allowed to implment policies that might reduce that healthcare bill? That's the issue here.

    This isn't about fatty's desire to drink free soda. It's about this national economy becoming burdened by healthcare costs.

    Get out of your tiny woe is me mindframe and look a little broader.

    Do you all want to fork over $20,000 per year to pay for your parents/grandparents health insuracne?? I suspect not. If you want a "libertarian" society, then plan on paying out of pocket for Dad's triple bypass or his diabetic foot amputation. Good luck with that, see you in bankruptcy court.

    You do realize the government contributes to the outrageous costs of health care right? The ridiculous amount of regulations and taxes they place on the industry drive up costs.

    Also, do you think this will make a dent in Obesity? No, not one god damned drop. The only way to combat it, via regulations, is to regulate everything that goes in a persons mouth, and take away freedom of choice. Plain and simple.

    Thinking like yours is what allows these politicians to erode your personal freedoms "for the benefit of the nation". Welcome to fascism.

    I agree that this won't make a dent in obesity.

    But the idea someone posted about taxing obese people higher....I think that sure as hell would.
  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member

    You do realize the government contributes to the outrageous costs of health care right? The ridiculous amount of regulations and taxes they place on the industry drive up costs.

    Also, do you think this will make a dent in Obesity? No, not one god damned drop. The only way to combat it, via regulations, is to regulate everything that goes in a persons mouth, and take away freedom of choice. Plain and simple.

    Thinking like yours is what allows these politicians to erode your personal freedoms "for the benefit of the nation". Welcome to fascism.

    No free coke is fascism but the Patriot act is okay with you I assume?

    I think we should tax what people put into their mouths actually. People don't seem to be able ot control themselves and my healthcare premiums are paying for it.
  • vonallena
    vonallena Posts: 34
    I don't know how I feel about this ban. It would be interesting to see some numbers on how much obsesity actually cost this country and the insurance companies.

    According to an article on Medical Daily, Obesity accounts for 21% of U.S. Health Care Costs...roughly $190 billion a year.

    Health care costs are more expensive for obese people than it is for smokers.

    $1275 more for smokers vs. non-smokers
    $1850 more for obese people vs. people with normal weight.

    Pretty hefty strain on our economy for sure.

    I know, lets ban obese people! Problem solved.

    Obviously not the point....but I am curious, why do you think there IS such an obesity epidemic in the US that other countries just do not have?...What is it that they are doing right and we are completely in the dark about?
  • betinafrantz
    betinafrantz Posts: 31 Member
    And i think its very spoilt to expect FREE refills, at the end of the day they are running a business.

    Exactly! That costs the company money. If anything banning the free refills will (slightly) help the economy.

    Yes! At the same time that it's government bussiness because it has to do with the country economy it also relates to people health. And the government should care about their heatlh of those who voted for them at the same time that they cannot ban everything that is bad for you (like alcohol, cigarettes, sugar, oil etc) because that would have a very high impact in economy and in people's life!
    Everywhere else in the world you pay for what you drink, if you want more, if you dont care about your health then you should pay for it... Many people would only get a second cup because it's free even if they dont "need" it. And eventhough must people here KNOW how much they can and should drink, there are still a lot of people who dont, even as adults they have no self control and honestly this is a very simple way to help because once you are paying you have a better idea and think twice before getting more.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I don't know how I feel about this ban. It would be interesting to see some numbers on how much obsesity actually cost this country and the insurance companies.

    According to an article on Medical Daily, Obesity accounts for 21% of U.S. Health Care Costs...roughly $190 billion a year.

    Health care costs are more expensive for obese people than it is for smokers.

    $1275 more for smokers vs. non-smokers
    $1850 more for obese people vs. people with normal weight.

    Pretty hefty strain on our economy for sure.

    I know, lets ban obese people! Problem solved.

    Obviously not the point....but I am curious, why do you think there IS such an obesity epidemic in the US that other countries just do not have?...What is it that they are doing right and we are completely in the dark about?

    Giant portions and lack of activity. Those are the causes of the obesity epidemic in america.
  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member
    I don't know how I feel about this ban. It would be interesting to see some numbers on how much obsesity actually cost this country and the insurance companies.

    According to an article on Medical Daily, Obesity accounts for 21% of U.S. Health Care Costs...roughly $190 billion a year.

    Health care costs are more expensive for obese people than it is for smokers.

    $1275 more for smokers vs. non-smokers
    $1850 more for obese people vs. people with normal weight.

    Pretty hefty strain on our economy for sure.

    And we have no problem taxing cigarettes like crazy in most states. Hmmm double standard maybe??
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Obesity epidemic is coming from peoples laziness, lack of personal responsibility and the general sense of entitlement that our parents failed to instill into these generations. Parents stopped instilling hard work ethics and personal accountability in their children, and instead focused on being there best friends.

    I see how school has changed, and the lack of physical education. At my son's school they stopped having mandatory physical exercise, so bigger (fatass) kids don't feel left out. Things like this.

    The insistent "kicking the can down the road"

    They made a CHOICE to be fat, to up size, to eat 3 brownies ect. We have that FREEDOM to do so. FAT is a CHOICE (in most cases)

    However with freedom comes responsibility and a lot of Americans cant take responsibility for themselves so they turn to the Government.
  • grumpy2day
    grumpy2day Posts: 212
    Well, obviously the government has to step in somewhere because people have shown (in general) they can't NOT purchase the biggest thing on the menu.. THEN they not only have no self control but when said purchase has negative effects on their health, they turn to suing the companies that sold it to them, instead of taking responsibility themselves.

    I tell you, it was all over when the woman at mcdonalds sued mcdonalds for serving her hot coffee. REALLY?!?!

    Now we have people suing fast food companies because it made them fat. Apparently there is a need for SOME type of force to come down and take control because the average overweight consumer is going to blame someone else.

    I agree! Stop the frivolous lawsuits! How about that, and holding the individual accountable for their own actions. That seems like the bigger problem to me. And you can thank Government for that problem as far as I'm concerned. If they are going to dictate like a parent to a willfull child, and encourage people to believe everyone else is responsible for their bad choices so they need the government to decide what's right and proper for them. And allowing that women (and others like her) to pass her own stupidity off on others and get rewarded for it is ridiculous! If they gave her lukewarm coffee she would probably have sued for that, or the ruined clothing. What ignoramous puts hot coffee near their privates while driving?
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I see how school has changed, and the lack of physical education. At my son's school they stopped having mandatory physical exercise, so bigger (fatass) kids don't feel left out. Things like this.

    Why should fatass kids be made to feel left out?


    Seriously? That's ridiculous. Physical education should be mandatory...I was appalled at how little had to be done when I was in school...but making it completely optional is awful.
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    Well, obviously the government has to step in somewhere because people have shown (in general) they can't NOT purchase the biggest thing on the menu.. THEN they not only have no self control but when said purchase has negative effects on their health, they turn to suing the companies that sold it to them, instead of taking responsibility themselves.

    I tell you, it was all over when the woman at mcdonalds sued mcdonalds for serving her hot coffee. REALLY?!?!

    Now we have people suing fast food companies because it made them fat. Apparently there is a need for SOME type of force to come down and take control because the average overweight consumer is going to blame someone else.

    I agree! Stop the frivolous lawsuits! How about that, and holding the individual accountable for their own actions. That seems like the bigger problem to me. And you can thank Government for that problem as far as I'm concerned. If they are going to dictate like a parent to a willfull child, and encourage people to believe everyone else is responsible for their bad choices so they need the government to decide what's right and proper for them. And allowing that women (and others like her) to pass her own stupidity off on others and get rewarded for it is ridiculous! If they gave her lukewarm coffee she would probably have sued for that, or the ruined clothing. What ignoramous puts hot coffee near their privates while driving?

    You have obviously never read this case...
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    I see how school has changed, and the lack of physical education. At my son's school they stopped having mandatory physical exercise, so bigger (fatass) kids don't feel left out. Things like this.

    Why should fatass kids be made to feel left out?


    Seriously? That's ridiculous. Physical education should be mandatory...I was appalled at how little had to be done when I was in school...but making it completely optional is awful.

    What I cant stand over that, is that fact that his school does not give "First place" awards for ANYTHING anymore. regardless of the grades, or how hard a kid works, they all get the SAME EFFIN GRADE.

    Thank god I teach my kid differently at home. Its crazy.
  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member
    Why are we getting fatter as a nation??
    When we got two worker households, we seem to have sold our food culture out to big business. There goal is to make money, not make us healthy. So, we get tons of cheap empty calories that make people want to come back for more.

    Look at newbie's diaries on here and the stuff people eat that they think is food just amazes me. Every snack comes from a package. Most meals come from a package. M&Ms and Doritos are not food.

    Now here's my arguement against govt. intervention and that's the farm bill. That soda would not be free if the corn used to produce it were actually being sold at market rates.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I see how school has changed, and the lack of physical education. At my son's school they stopped having mandatory physical exercise, so bigger (fatass) kids don't feel left out. Things like this.

    Why should fatass kids be made to feel left out?


    Seriously? That's ridiculous. Physical education should be mandatory...I was appalled at how little had to be done when I was in school...but making it completely optional is awful.

    What I cant stand over that, is that fact that his school does not give "First place" awards for ANYTHING anymore. regardless of the grades, or how hard a kid works, they all get the SAME EFFIN GRADE.

    Thank god I teach my kid differently at home. Its crazy.

    That's just stupid.
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Why are we getting fatter as a nation??
    When we got two worker households, we seem to have sold our food culture out to big business. There goal is to make money, not make us healthy. So, we get tons of cheap empty calories that make people want to come back for more.

    Look at newbie's diaries on here and the stuff people eat that they think is food just amazes me. Every snack comes from a package. Most meals come from a package. M&Ms and Doritos are not food.

    Now here's my arguement against govt. intervention and that's the farm bill. That soda would not be free if the corn used to produce it were actually being sold at market rates.

    Agreed! Thats a way to cut down on Soda drinking. If they truly wanted to "help the obesity epidemic", cut that damn subsidies for Corn...its ridiculous. Let the free market determine the cost of corn without government intervention.

    Another way Government itself contributes to the Obesity epidemic. Everyone is so focused on the dog and pony show, they fail to see the real reason behind certain things.
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    Why are we getting fatter as a nation??
    When we got two worker households, we seem to have sold our food culture out to big business. There goal is to make money, not make us healthy. So, we get tons of cheap empty calories that make people want to come back for more.

    Look at newbie's diaries on here and the stuff people eat that they think is food just amazes me. Every snack comes from a package. Most meals come from a package. M&Ms and Doritos are not food.

    Now here's my arguement against govt. intervention and that's the farm bill. That soda would not be free if the corn used to produce it were actually being sold at market rates.

    Agreed! Thats a way to cut down on Soda drinking. If they truly wanted to "help the obesity epidemic", cut that damn subsidies for Corn...its ridiculous. Let the free market determine the cost of corn without government intervention.

    Another way Government itself contributes to the Obesity epidemic. Everyone is so focused on the dog and pony show, they fail to see the real reason behind certain things.

    I think the corn subsidy is ridiculous, but we can't start using local, state, and federal government interchangeably. It's not in the city's power to do anything about it
  • fiveohmike
    fiveohmike Posts: 1,297 Member
    Why are we getting fatter as a nation??
    When we got two worker households, we seem to have sold our food culture out to big business. There goal is to make money, not make us healthy. So, we get tons of cheap empty calories that make people want to come back for more.

    Look at newbie's diaries on here and the stuff people eat that they think is food just amazes me. Every snack comes from a package. Most meals come from a package. M&Ms and Doritos are not food.

    Now here's my arguement against govt. intervention and that's the farm bill. That soda would not be free if the corn used to produce it were actually being sold at market rates.

    Agreed! Thats a way to cut down on Soda drinking. If they truly wanted to "help the obesity epidemic", cut that damn subsidies for Corn...its ridiculous. Let the free market determine the cost of corn without government intervention.

    Another way Government itself contributes to the Obesity epidemic. Everyone is so focused on the dog and pony show, they fail to see the real reason behind certain things.

    I think the corn subsidy is ridiculous, but we can't start using local, state, and federal government interchangeably. It's not in the city's power to do anything about it

    Very very true, was just making a broad generalization and should not have.
  • DG_Allen
    DG_Allen Posts: 219 Member
    All of those out there who say what you eat is just a personal choice, do you not realize the big picture impacts of obesity or do you just think personal freedom is more important than the overall cost to society?
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    All of those out there who say what you eat is just a personal choice, do you not realize the big picture impacts of obesity or do you just think personal freedom is more important than the overall cost to society?

    I think there needs to be a balance. My opinion would be completely different if we were talking about them banning soda completely. But making restaurants charge for refills is no different imo than requiring them to post calorie counts. It's done with the intent to help our obesity rate.

    And while I agree with those who have said this won't make a're right...but it's a start.