Carnivores – why?



  • ryanpayne4
    ryanpayne4 Posts: 64 Member
    obviously you've never seen the Lion King. It's the circle of life.....duh!!!
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    There has never been a good argument presented to me why someone would want to eat a dead animal.
    Because it's just rude to kill an animal and not eat it...

    ...and the animals get mad if you try to eat them while they're alive...
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    As a vegetarian, it's interesting to read the responses although I know this was asked as a joke. They seem to be a variation on 1. It tastes good, 2. I need it for the protein and 3. Humans evolved as omnivores.

    None of those reasons holds a candle to the amount of suffering that is created by the meat industry, IMO.

  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    If it was not natural, animals would not do it either. Yet still, they do.....
  • Well let's see. Saturated fat is good for you. Cholesterol is good for you. Vitamins are good for you. Protein is good for you. Real food is good for you. Protein tastes amazing. Protein is satiating.
  • WTJoyce
    WTJoyce Posts: 86
    I haven't read the entire thread, but has anyone pointed out the caloric advantages of eating meat as being a central factor in our evolution as a species?

    Anyone who has ever looked at the matter objectively has stumbled over this little tidbit.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    If we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they made of food? hmmm?

    and again technically that makes you food too doesn't it? Hmmmm? You can jump on that spit as well, I am sure you would be just delish with some BBQ sauce and Malt Vinegar, topped with some coleslaw on a healthy whole wheat bun.

    I don't think anyone's arguing that point, humans are technically a food source, to other predators and in some cultures even to other humans (although AFAIK, only after death). And probably a lot more ancient cultures. But in modern ages and as a species-wide survival tactic (given enough other food sources) the majority of us CHOOSE to not eat each other. That may change with the zombie apocalypse. But then the question remains, are zombies human?

    CHOOSE or are bound by societies rules so no one really mentions it for fear of the just never really know what's in someone's mind. To answer your other question zombies are rotten humans so you don't want to eat rotten or infected food.

    Still a choice. I choose to follow society's rules so I don't go to jail. So technically I guess I'm still open to the option. I just haven't met someone yet that made me think "I really want to eat that." But maybe someday...
  • bewitchinglife
    bewitchinglife Posts: 167 Member
    For those of you that hunt, I commend you. I think that if someone wants to eat meat, they SHOULD kill it themselves. That is natural. Factory farming isn't. And the other person that said that cavemen didn't even eat vegetables and fruits, pretty sure you are wrong because plants did exist back then. Even native american indians had men hunting and women gathering plant based foods. I see nothing wrong with hunting, as long as the whole animal is being used and not wasted. If you kill a deer, you better eat ALL of the venison. You better do something constructive with the hide and the antlers.

    As a vegetarian, I WISH people hunted instead of buying factory farmed food.

    You realize there are different ways to get meat, don't you? There are many small farms that ethically raise delicious meat treats for humans to consume. Factory farming is the devil, you are right there... but maybe if you looked a little deeper into the matter you might see that there are healthy, sustainable, and respectful ways to meet your meat needs.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I haven't read the entire thread, but has anyone pointed out the caloric advantages of eating meat as being a central factor in our evolution as a species?

    Anyone who has ever looked at the matter objectively has stumbled over this little tidbit.
    It's always overlooked when you post it as a counter argument to vegetarianism. For someone to achieve near 3000 calories in plant matter would require such a massive quantity of food. They also ignore the fact that if everyone were to switch to vegetarianism MORE land would need to be cleared to plant the amount of crops necessary because they ignore the nutritional and calorific density of a cow vs. what you could plant under it's 4 hooves.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    Because most people are selfish , uninformed, and too attached to tradition.

    oooooo.....oooo....don't forget judgmental. Most people are judgmental too!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Bacon is made of meat...
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,164 Member
    I wonder if rabbits and lions have this same conversation......
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    If we're not supposed to eat animals, why are they made of food? hmmm?

    and again technically that makes you food too doesn't it? Hmmmm? You can jump on that spit as well, I am sure you would be just delish with some BBQ sauce and Malt Vinegar, topped with some coleslaw on a healthy whole wheat bun.

    I don't think anyone's arguing that point, humans are technically a food source, to other predators and in some cultures even to other humans (although AFAIK, only after death). And probably a lot more ancient cultures. But in modern ages and as a species-wide survival tactic (given enough other food sources) the majority of us CHOOSE to not eat each other. That may change with the zombie apocalypse. But then the question remains, are zombies human?

    CHOOSE or are bound by societies rules so no one really mentions it for fear of the just never really know what's in someone's mind. To answer your other question zombies are rotten humans so you don't want to eat rotten or infected food.

    Still a choice. I choose to follow society's rules so I don't go to jail. So technically I guess I'm still open to the option. I just haven't met someone yet that made me think "I really want to eat that." But maybe someday...

    haha it's good to be open, never know what delicious surprises might come along
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I can't imagine why anyone would want to eat beets, mushrooms, or olives. they're disgusting and nasty. However, I suspend my disbelief and just assume my tastes are different than other people's and it doesn't matter if I don't understand why they like things I don't. Clearly, I'm just kooky.
  • Hernandeak11
    Hernandeak11 Posts: 351 Member
    Why, should I be eating LIVE animals? You're disgusting. :smile:
  • Forthe4
    Forthe4 Posts: 30 Member
    There has never been a good argument presented to me why someone would want to eat a dead animal.

    I eat dead animals because if I died first, many of them would try to eat me. I'm just paying them back...preemptively.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    According to The Doctors, it's the best way to ensure you get all of your nutrients. I've had many a pregnant friend, and they were told they HAD to eat meat again for the health of the baby. I have vegan friends and family that have been told they have to start incorporating meat cuz they're getting sick and damaging their bodies, and they're doing it the proper way.

  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
  • jwt7606
    jwt7606 Posts: 4 Member
    I've been saving this for just such a thread. :happy:


  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Humans are the only species who navel gaze about the ethics of eating. Imagine a bear walking away from a salmon run--would that ever happen? Would a bear refusing to eat something that has been part of its ancestral diet for eons make sense? If something is nourishing and tasty, I'll eat it. Now, some things make me feel crappy like bread, beans, and dairy stuff, so I don't. Everything is fair game ... (lame attempt at pun)

    All that being said, as one poster mentioned, you can eat whatever the heck you want; it's your body and health. Extend the same courtesy to me. It's not illegal (yet) to eat animals.