Fat Women in Bikinis!!!



  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    Talk about things lining up in life...
    My last weigh-in this past Thursday, I hit the 50 lbs lost mark - w00t!
    Last weekend I couldn't find my old swimsuit for the life of me! (I hadn't worn it in a few years, so no telling what I actually did with it - LOL)
    Then, I noticed this thread the other day right after misskortney started it; and, it inspired me to go out and buy a bikini!

    So here ya go! :)


    'n yuppers ~ I'm sure as heck gonna go out in public sportin' my new suit! =P

    * ps: I sorta go in spurts on Facebook; but, if any of y'all wanna check out my 'blog page' (haven't come up with a fancy/cute name for it yet - lol), it's at:
    I'm the "Lisa" that posts on it from time to time... Feel free to "like" the page and/or "friend" me if ya want... :)

    I love the Poka dot suit, where did you find this ???????????????
  • LaGordita87
    LaGordita87 Posts: 161 Member
    I have never went out to try on a swimming suit until this thread started, i would have never even felt comfortable shopping for one(i ordered the one i have online) but since reading this thread i was actually excited about trying them on, so i went today to a couple stores and just started trying on different suits just for the fun of it lol.

    I took pictures of a few and sent them to my husband at work.

    I was telling a friend of mine and she was laughing telling me the people in the room next to me were probably wondering what the hell i was doing if they heard the click noise my phone makes when it takes a picture lol.
  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member




    I tried making a collage of these pictures but I'm not tech-savvy enough apparently! Anyways, I hope these images work :ohwell: First time I've posted any photos (or taken pics of myself in a bikini for that matter!). I was inspired by all of you guys and your confidence so I just changed into my suit at 10pm at night (while I'm supposed to be reading a journal article for work:tongue: ). This is me at my mid-way point. I was 10 lbs heavier last year and was 8 pounds lighter a few months ago but put on those 8 lbs recently so I'd like to take them off!
  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    ok lets try again!

  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    did anyone else just just blue boxes with ? marks when they tried uploading (my pics are from flikr)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    ok lets try again!


    Here ya go. Aaaah not working for me, either. I fail.
  • angjindra
    angjindra Posts: 77 Member
    Props to all you ladies showing what you got and being proud of who you are!!! Dam straight girls! Keep up the amazing work! :)
  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    Ok I'm wondering if it is bc I made my photos on flickr private...one more try...



    Again, about 1 1/2 years ago, I lost 18 lbs. Since then, I have put on about 8 of it again(on a good day). I'd like to lose the last 8 lbs and hopefully get my bloating and IBS under control (which I get from my momma and grandma!).

    Anyways, I've never taken a bikini pic of myself and definitely never shared one with anyone so thank you all for giving me the confidence; I think everyone on here is so brave and kind!
  • hcorbin29
    hcorbin29 Posts: 24 Member
    Can't believe I'm posting this! Stopped by TJ Maxx tonight after being inspired by all of you :)

  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    nope still blue boxed question marks :explode:
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    GORGEOUS!!! AND JEALOUS!!! can you post a clearer pic of your tats? I'm working on mine trying to cover up all the old now white stretch marks.

    :) sure x Ive had a couple since, but m body is still the same :)

    Couple in bikinis- make it more relevant!


    Be careful over stretch marks though- the ink spreads and looks horrid :( x

    You look super hot! I love the tats. Thanks for the info on getting ink over stretch marks..I was wondering.
  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    OK one more time and then I'm going to bed! :yawn:





    Hopefully this works! Thanks to everyone who tried helping me out!
  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    close enough for one night I guess! Next step: re-sizing and rotating!
  • kfitzpa
    kfitzpa Posts: 326
    welp, here goes:


    took that after tanning outside in 90 degree weather today so don't mind the sweatiness. and i know im not a "Fat woman" per say, but i used to be 175 and am finally confident in a bikini!
  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    @kfitzpa you have a fantastic body! Congrats on your success :smile:
  • kfitzpa
    kfitzpa Posts: 326
    @kfitzpa you have a fantastic body! Congrats on your success :smile:

    thank you!!
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    I thought it said fat women in bikinis? As the thread has continued, everyone is getting noticeably less fat :s
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member

    Before and after- I started at 220 and have lost 40 lbs!!!!
  • austindog2
    austindog2 Posts: 128
    @nicholm7 : I would LOVE to end up with a body shape like yours! Your curves are fabulous, and suits are so cute!
  • kfitzpa
    kfitzpa Posts: 326
    I thought it said fat women in bikinis? As the thread has continued, everyone is getting noticeably less fat :s

    at least i put a little disclaimer at the bottom of mine!! lol