Gym "guys"



  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I'm a dumbbell dropper on the bench press. I don't do benches with the barbell for this reason. I work to failure at relatively low reps and with DBs you can just drop them when you *fail.* Of course I try to avoid it when I can, but I do it when I have to.
    DFWTT Posts: 374
    I'm the annoying guy in the free weight area that is constantly straightening weight racks between sets. Same number of 45's, 25's, matched evenly on both sides of the stand. I also de-load the bar when I'm done with it....such an atrocity. Ms All-Business....marry before the beta-alanine and testosterone wears off.
    My fav is the mother daughter team that Zumba close to the window so that all the dude look in. They then proceed to hit on everyone tht showed an interest.
    Curlbro dude that loads 45's on the EZ bar....get the fk off, seriously.
    Cardio queen that only does legs and back after an intense elliptical workout....I need some of that.
    40 degree hat dude dressed like he's hitting the club ***** slapped in the locker room after talking *kitten* to the old hiking boot guy that normally hits on the sub-20 crowd. After I witnessed this, I had the most motivated workout of my life.
    The screaming, grunting, making the set easier by severely altering form crowd never gets old. I have been on a 1RM and almost dropped the bar in hysteria.
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    My other pet peeve, worse than not racking the weights, is the guy that puts the 10 lb. weight on with the stack of 45s. I've pulled off a plate and had a 10 or 5 lb plate fall onto my foot a couple of times. That makes me madder than anything.

    I'm confused. Do you mean on the bar, or on the rack? On the bar, you load up whatever weight you intend to lift. Do you think that once you can lift 225 pounds, you should jump straight to 275 by adding on heavier plates?
  • This is why I don't join a gym. It isn't because I might encounter these types, but because I will definately encounter all of you. The complaints about lack of basic courtesy are understandable, but categorizing people based on what workouts they choose to do, how they do them, and what they look like while doing them is just brutal.

    This entire thread was soul crushing. I'm going to go eat a pint of icecream now. Goodbye.
  • iCupCakeNZ
    iCupCakeNZ Posts: 228 Member
    lol. this thread made my night
  • WhiteCloud9
    WhiteCloud9 Posts: 113 Member
    The Wiggler:
    The guy or gal who wiggles all around while trying to lift a weight that is clearly so heavy they lose proper form. I'm more annoyed at these people because it's an injury waiting to happen.

    The Strutter:
    Saw him last night. I go to the recreation/swim center in my town and it's mostly families and non "meatheads." It's not intimidating so I actually enjoy working out. Once in a while a guy comes in who acts like he owns the place and wants attention. Last night, this guy jumped on a bench that I had literally just go up from, and never asked if I was done. We were the only two people in that part of the gym and there was another bench he could have used. When he was done he just strutted out slowly. Later he came back into that room, did the same exercise, except this time decided to loudly grunt through it. Yes, I noticed you because you were the only other person in the room and you ticked me off!

    I know I'm not the hot girl in the cute shorts and I don't try to be. I just hope that I'm using proper gym etiquette by wiping down the machines, putting things away in their proper place, and not hogging the machines. I would like to think people see me as Mrs. Business because I come in with hair held back by a headband, no makeup, t-shirt and shorts, and really care about strength training and proper form.
  • melry77
    melry77 Posts: 43 Member
    The most annoying person is ME! I have been lifting at home but I still go to the gym a few days per week, sit on the recumbant bike and watch tv, it's my baby free me-time and "going to the gym" justifies leaving the baby at my moms for an extra hour. Plus we have no tv at home. No apologies here!
  • jessgarr27
    jessgarr27 Posts: 78
    The guy who makes orgasm sounds !!!. Eew LOL then looks around to see of anyone notices ..!! Ya dude we noticed and think your ridiculous ;)
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    My other pet peeve, worse than not racking the weights, is the guy that puts the 10 lb. weight on with the stack of 45s. I've pulled off a plate and had a 10 or 5 lb plate fall onto my foot a couple of times. That makes me madder than anything.

    I'm confused. Do you mean on the bar, or on the rack?
    I'm talking about people stacking 10s or 5s on the rack in front of the 45s. I normally just move them but on occasion I've missed that they were there and at my gym the 45s aren't right on the ground.
    Curlbro dude that loads 45's on the EZ bar....get the fk off, seriously.
    What's wrong with curling 45's on the EZ bar? Don't use that bar too much but some times I do. Well it does look a little silly I suppose.
  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    Any guy in spandex that isn't in spin class.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hehe curlbro is what we like to call the beach muscles guy
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    I can't stand the "talker." The one person who,whenever you're there working out, whether you're busting your *kitten* at the free weights or running your *kitten* off on the treadmill, beelines to come talk. Not just talk and say hello, but have a lengthy conversation. You duck your head hoping they don't see you...But they always do. And the entire time you're there, they chat it up with EVERYONE. No working out. Just talking. And no, they don't work there, lol!

    Yep, I know this guy. he stands at my treadmill and talks to me during my 20-30 min session of running. But, I cant hear him because I have my earbuds in. UMMMM, GO AWAY... IM NOT
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Ms. "All Business" -

    This one I like. She comes to the gym in a beat up t-shirt or tank top and some generic workout pants. She doesn't have her makeup done. She doesn't bother with machines. She goes straight to the free weights after her warmup and spends the next hour or so going through a series of resistance workouts you typically don't see women doing, moving poundages that could give a lot of the guys a run for their money. Half the guys in the gym have massive crushes on her but nobody will approach her because the intensity with which she goes at her workouts gives off an air that says "OFF LIMITS! I'M HERE TO GET STUFF DONE!"

    Pahhahahaha This is me so hard. I'm glad we are a 'type'. I am not alone! Ms. All Businesses Unite!

    We need rings or something.

    This is me :)
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    The most annoying person is ME! I have been lifting at home but I still go to the gym a few days per week, sit on the recumbant bike and watch tv, it's my baby free me-time and "going to the gym" justifies leaving the baby at my moms for an extra hour. Plus we have no tv at home. No apologies here!

    When I was in college, I didn't have cable in my dorm. My roommate and I used to go to the gym to watch the free cable. We did workout some, but we spent an awful amount of time watching free tv!
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    I am the TV Guy too. I run on the treadmill and enjoy watching the news. I am politically minded and quite opinionated. So, I will go "He said what?!?!?" "OMG, what an idiot!", "Yeah, whatever!" "That's BS!" out loud while the newscaster is reporting some random story.

    I am also the Guy With the Million Magazines. I haven't been able to take a day off from exercise--I struggle with that. So instead, I will go on a bike or elliptical and do a less brisk job of it while reading my Entertainment Weekly. And when I am done with one issue, I slam it on my down on the floor where my gym bag is, as if I were slamming down some weights.
  • kraj8995
    kraj8995 Posts: 28
    I have recently joined the gym and i want to grown up my body so please tell me some special tips.
  • harleigh67
    harleigh67 Posts: 131
  • harleigh67
    harleigh67 Posts: 131
    Everybody at the gym annoys me

    That is why I workout at home.

    where is the super like button
  • SemperFi91
    SemperFi91 Posts: 169
    Imma chick that likes to wear a guys tshirt and shorts blast my music and just hit it hard! Im not there for conversation or to talk on my phone or anything else just to push myself to my max!
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    The "Barbie Army".

    A group of girls dressed in coordinated shades of pink, usually donning full make-up, hair extentions and fake nails. Routine usually involves incline walking on the treadmill, whilst hanging on and chatting, then using 2k dumbells for "toning".