Over 200 Club Losing it for the Holidays!!!(Open Group)



  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    So glad that it is bed time. Something has woke me up for the last three nights, last night being the darn cat:grumble: Really hoping for a full night of uninterrupted sleep.

    calorie range: No 1740 (I didn't pass up the second serving of pasta tonight :embarassed: )
    exercise: little
    water: yes
    proud of: Looking back over the week did well on calories. (Why did I eat more than 1 serving at dinner? and doing it the night before we weigh in? good grief:noway: )
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    I will be the first ti weigh in today.I have lost 5 pounds this week but I am not counting it as a loss because its the same 4 pounds I keep losing and gaining from week to week.This time I am not gaining them back.I am not letting frustration or stress get in my way of losing weight anymore.I have been exercsing my frustrations out and its working.But technically I can say that I lost 1 pound this week that I hadn't weeks before so 1 pound officially for me.(5 pounds for the week but only counting 1 of them)I will check in later with my cals ,exercise and etc.
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Hey there.. sorry I have not been around for the past few days! My life has been so crazy busy at work! (But that is a good thing, as it pays the bills) :laugh:

    My week has not been too bad. I actually went to the movies with my husband yesterday and walked right past the popcorn. That is a pretty difficult thing to do. My husband tried so hard to talk me into popcorn or nachos but, I stood strong and handed him a tlc bar from kashi. :wink:

    My will power is getting a bit stronger and I am so very happy about that as it seems as though people are always tempting me with things even though they know I should not have it. arg.. I guess it will just make me stronger for Thanksgiving and Christmas and boy I think I am really going to need it then!

    Check in this week.. I am down 2 lbs
    calories - good stayed with in my limit all week
    water - have drank a gallon everyday this week except Wednesday
    exercise - 50-60 minutes 5 days this week just don't always have time everyday

    I am hoping to go shopping and get a food scale and a HRM.. I feel like i am winging it with measuring cups and not getting actual calories burned info. Any suggestions? I saw on another post that the biggest looser digital scale at Bed Bath and Beyond was 20.00 and the person really liked it!

    Well, I really need to get tot he workout room and get started I have to be to work in 2 hours!

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Well as i excpted not a great weigh in. I was 297.3 this morning ..uggg 2 lbs up from last Friday, like 1 1/2 up from yesterday so I know it isn't "real" weight and probably water weight or something, no way i gained that much yesterday, i actually did pretty good on my cals yesterday, ate like 1700 that ain't going to gain me 1 1/2 lbs.

    HOpefully this weekend it will come back down....so on to next week.

    I want a HRM too, just can't afford it right now. I am hoping maybe for christmas or something i can get one.
  • Hello, I was wondering if I could join this group? I need some help with motivation and such.
    Can someone please fill me in what criteria I need to post on what days? Thanks bunches!!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Thanks everyone for the nice welcome messages, I'm glad to start working with this group.

    This will be my first official weigh in.

    Weight: 210.5 and my goal is to be down 4lbs by next weigh in

    I'll check in later with my other items.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Welcome Macurry! To quote Momma2four:
    Here is our routine, we have some questions we answer every day

    Did I stay within a healthy Calorie range?
    Did I exercise?
    Did I drink my minimum of 64 oz of water today?
    Tell us something you are proud of that you did today

    That is ongoing, the other ongoing challenge is add at least 5 minutes each week to the amount of cardio you did the week before.

    We weigh in on Fridays. The person who has the highest percentage of weight loss chooses our challenge for the week. It begins on Sat. and ends on Friday. Here is the calculator to figure your percentage

  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    My scale isn't being very nice to me.

    Monday I weighed 242.8, Tuesday I weighed 242.6. I ate better and worked out hard Wednesday and Thursday. Yet today, my scale says 243.8. I'm sure I'm retaining water, but I was sure I was retaining water last week too...

    So, I guess I've hit my first plateau here, folks. I've lost .2 pounds in 1.5 weeks. I've worked out so much. I've eaten so well. And I'm not going to stop doing those things because of a silly plateau. And no matter how much I know plateauing is a normal part of the process, that doesn't make it any less frustrating. :grumble: So, that's it. I'm changing my ticker back up from 242.6 to 243.8.

    The funny thing about my scale is that I weighed 243.8. Then I went to the bathroom and it was still 243.8. Then I exercised and it was still 243.8. Then I drank 16 ounces of water and it was STILL 243.8. I was beginning to think it had a mind of its own and was intentionally trying to frustrate me. :laugh:

    jlb123 SW 270 GW 150 LW 244.0 CW 243.8 = -0.2 and we'll just call that 0%
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Good Morning Gals!

    last week 213
    this week 210.6
    total .65% lost

    Just a little dissapointed this morning. I REALLY wanted to be down to 210 this week, every five pounds is a goal met. I know I'm close, I just want it to come off faster, as in instant:ohwell: :laugh: !
    Everyone have great day.

    jlb123: Remember that you are building muscle with your workout. Have you measured hip etc. to see any changes there? You are doing great, stay focused and you will be meet your next goal.

    Welcome new ladies! We are all in this together.

    awestfall: 4:40 AM check in?!?!? You probably have your house spotless by now.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Welcome, Stephanie and Macurry!


    I gained. Nine pounds. What I've learned from you girls is NOT to give up. And I refuse to give up. The other thing I learned about this gain is that when I go back and look at my exercise and calorie intake, I see inconsistency. HUGE fluctuations. I am sure this is affecting my metabolism, so this week my personal goal is to PLAN AHEAD and STAY CONSISTENT. :ohwell:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    check in:
    calories: ok - but just barely went over
    exercise: good - 60 minutes of step at the Y
    water: good - 64 oz
    proud: made much better food choices for dinner, had a swim meet so just had a bagel at 5:00 until I got home at 9:30pm, then had some spaghetti but kept it to a small serving. What put me over was my old friend string cheese - had two of them while waiting for the spaghetti to cook - but 2 is better than what I have been doing.

    weigh-in: frustrating ... up .6, but since I ate dinner so late last night I'm hoping I'm holding onto some water weight and will see a loss tomorrow when I weigh at the Y ... we'll see
    But my official weigh in is:
    last week 238
    this week 238.6
    up .6:frown:

    zorahope: I think it is unlikely you could really gain 9 pounds in a week ... so it is either your body trying to adjust to your exercise and calorie changes by hanging onto water, or I would even suspect your scale. DON"T GIVE UP! I would bet you will see a big sucess on the scale in the next weeks if you stick with it ... that has happened to me before - an unexpected gain and then my body finally adjusts. Also, take your measurements - if you are just starting to add excercise you may see a gain on the scale before you start losing, but you will probably start losing inches first.
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    It's check in time already? LOL

    Here are my stats:

    Last Week: 224
    This Week: 224.2
    Total Lost: 0 :noway:
    Weight Loss Percentage 0 :grumble:

    Well I must say this is the first time I have actually gained since I started my journey on 09/01/2009. It is only a couple of ounces and it is the first day of my TOM so I'm not too discouraged.

  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    btw - this is off topic but my daughter's preliminary section swim meet was last night ... she did well - tied her best time that she has been getting the last couple of weeks, but it wasn't enough to get her into the final section meet on Saturday (she was 18th place, and 16 move on to the finals). But she is the 2nd alternate (in case someone can't swim). She was happy that she did her best and was announced as an alternate - so good for her! :drinker:
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    Not to confuse anyone but I am re-posting so that when I look back I will have an accurate accounting.

    last week 212
    this week 210.6
    total loss 1.4
    percentage: .65

    lstpaul: It is wonderful seeing your children excel at their passion and making and meeting personal best times, it a thrill for a mother to witness their accomplishment. Thanks for sharing you deserve to be a proud mother! It is abvious that your daughter is brillant, beautiful, and gifted just to name a few.:happy: :laugh: :wink:
  • Well, I have a helper that is also helping me, we meet once a week and she has me weighing in on Mondays. I could do both so that way i keep on track and don't slack over the weekend...give me more motivation to exercise on my free time over the weekend to lose an extra lb.
    so here it goes:

    don't have a weight for last week but as of Mon. I was 244 and Tues. I was 240.2
    This morning I weighed 240.0
    ~a .2 weight loss since Tues. not too bad considering my stress level

    Last night was my roommates bday so we went to Bennigan's..went way over my calorie intake bcuz of them lovely but stupid chips and salsa
    I did exercise yesterday 30 min on the elliptical and 10 min stretching/ ab work
    I only drank about 40 oz of my water...I have noticed when I do drink my 64oz I have to pee every hour
    I am proud of chose the soup and salad combo at Bennigan's rather than the delicious but bad cheeseburger.

    Anyone know tips of how to destress/relax?
    I am having health problems becuz I stress/ worry way too much :ohwell:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Macurry20: exercise is my best stress reliever
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Misery really does love company.

    I hate to say it but I'm a little glad I'm not the only one the scales are being mean to this week. Do you think maybe Earth's gravity increased or something? :laugh:

    Congrats to all the losers, though!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Last weeks weight-233(I didn't change my ticker to reflect this number LOL cause I knew I could change it)
    this weeks weight-224.6
    I thought I had lost the same 4 pounds again that I had gained back before.which I did but I lost some extra weight too.I didn't realize until I looked at my numbers.YAY!! This means I am officially back to losing big for now.I know it won't be big numbers always but I am going to continue to push the numbers down.Thanks guys and gals for always being there for me.Let's GO Lose some more!!!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    by the way welcome newcomers!!! Always room for more !!! Just remember stay focused and LOSE LOSE LOSE!!!We are here rooting for you.WOOOOOOOTTTTT WOOOT!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Congratulations awestfall! It's so good to see you (um, read you?) so happy & excited! YAY!! :drinker:

    You can do this! WE can do this!

    On another note, I've spent a lot of my morning reading the permenant posts in the general diet & exercise forum. I really am going to buckle down to eat at least half of my exercise calories. I'm so worried about sending my body into "starvation mode" and messing up my metabolism. Some days, my net calories have been as low as 200 or 300 which is insane. My BMR is supposedly about 1800 calories/day. Add in my normal daily activities and exercise and I'm probably close to burning 3,000 calories most days. So why am I expecting my body going to survive on 1200-1300 calories total? I probably have a deficit of at least 1500 calories every day. 2000 some days. So, if a pound is 3500 calories, the weight should be melting off me. But it's not. So I think I've messed up. I think my body is saving calories and conserving energy. I got dizzy after my run last night. I'm not feeding my body enough. I think I've been doing this the stupid way because I've been so conditioned to think weight loss involves eating as close to 1200 calories/day as possible. I want to do this the right way. I want to do this in a way that isn't going to cause me to hit a wall and give up. So, if that means no more 4 pound loss weeks, that's fine. If that means I have to cram peanut butter down my throat to get in at least half of my exercise calories, then that's fine too. I'm going to do this the right way -- the healthy way.
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