I do not want to see another post about someone's grammar!



  • FitnessSista
    FitnessSista Posts: 28 Member
    If somebody makes a typo, fine.
    If somebody uses English as a second (or third) language, fine.

    If someone born and raised in the US or any English speaking country uses "U" instead of "you" regularly, or makes a post like "OMG i liek Soooooo ned too Loose 5 Poundz By 2morro...hellllppp!!!!!!1"...

    ...then that person needs a punch in the head.:flowerforyou:

    I use "U" all the time! I also,use y'all. Please come and punch me! Maybe U can punch off some of this FAT I need to,lose!! That way I can save the price of that trainer!!!
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    Seriously people....

    Think about this.

    Why do people join MFP?


    What do many of the members have in common?

    Struggle to lose weight.

    Struggle to make right choices with food and exercise.

    Many have a negative body image and low self esteem.

    Do they really need people here correcting their mistakes? If people use correct language rules others can read their posts and that in itself might influence them to use the correct grammar etc.

    No one has the right to make anyone else feel stupid or uneducated by their negative comments or making fun of others who do not have the same level of written ability as you feel appropriate.

    Lead by example, not by belittling others who are not up to YOUR high standards.
  • Grimlock69
    Grimlock69 Posts: 197
    Yes, because, ya know, EDUCATING people is frowned on here, you're only supposed to smile and pat them on the back, no matter what. When I make a mistake, I prefer and appreciate being corrected, it's called LEARNING.

    Especially on a message board, spelling and grammar are the only way you can communicate, and pretty much directly relates to people's opinions. If I can't understand what a person is saying, that's a problem. Whatever happened to being proud of your language? I find it truly sad when non-native English speakers have better spelling and grammar than native speakers.
  • Grimlock69
    Grimlock69 Posts: 197
    Well said.
  • samra2012
    samra2012 Posts: 715
    Please, no comments from the grammatical experts. Y'all have said enough!!!

    Well said!:) I totally agree, since I'm Russian and I can't speak English well... :/

    Agree!! I speak spanish! :laugh:
  • HappilyCyn
    HappilyCyn Posts: 68 Member
    I agree 100%. That is just ridiculous. Maybe it's the hunger pangs talking.
  • Boomer1946
    Boomer1946 Posts: 124
    Wow! I don't want to see that mess. People have alot to deal with aready! You should be ashamed of youselves for making people feel bad or hurting their feelings! Wow all of this on a MOTIVATIONAL AND SUPPORT WEBSITE!!! WOW!! IT'S JUST SAD!!!!!!
    Does a student in class get their feelings hurt being corrected by a teacher?

    Not the same thing. Now we're comparing apples to oranges.


  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member

    With a slightly less well developed sense of decorum, I'd be the woman in the cuffs; however, I've taught English for 17 years. I'm here for a purpose, and it isn't to be inundated with the grammatical errors that make up my working hours. On the whole, though, I try to avoid the all caps/text language/mechanically incorrect threads because it's sometimes so very difficult to take up the challenge of reading something the original author didn't attempt to make clear. This is different than the occasional typo, the routine and recognizable errors of language learners, and the occasional misuse of one word: it's the blatant disregard for conventions of language. There are many posts to this website that strike me as a vent rather than a serious effort to communicate with others because of the way in which the post is written or titled.

    I know I make errors in my grammar. I participate on message boards in the same way that I speak (using oral language conventions rather than written language conventions, and with fewer edits, and with run on sentences), but I make an effort to avoid threads which will just annoy the living heck out of me (because they demonstrate the futility of my job, perhaps?)

    I agree with the multiple posters who've expressed the idea that clear communication should be the goal. I also agree that an effort put forth to use the correct word (their/there; lose/loose) reflects an effort toward that goal. Using loose instead of lose is not a matter of writing STYLE, but rather an error. However, teaching people about the difference is my JOB and my limited time for mfp is part of my "life outside of work."
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    Seriously people....

    Think about this.

    Why do people join MFP?


    What do many of the members have in common?

    Struggle to lose weight.

    Struggle to make right choices with food and exercise.

    Many have a negative body image and low self esteem.

    Do they really need people here correcting their mistakes? If people use correct language rules others can read their posts and that in itself might influence them to use the correct grammar etc.

    No one has the right to make anyone else feel stupid or uneducated by their negative comments or making fun of others who do not have the same level of written ability as you feel appropriate.

    Lead by example, not by belittling others who are not up to YOUR high standards.

  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I have a PhD. Am I allowed to correct grammar?
  • Geminieve24
    Geminieve24 Posts: 364 Member
    If somebody makes a typo, fine.
    If somebody uses English as a second (or third) language, fine.

    If someone born and raised in the US or any English speaking country uses "U" instead of "you" regularly, or makes a post like "OMG i liek Soooooo ned too Loose 5 Poundz By 2morro...hellllppp!!!!!!1"...

    ...then that person needs a punch in the head.:flowerforyou:

    LOL but how often do you come across a post like that on here? Pretty rare for me. And when I do, I ignore the post altogether.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    Yes, because, ya know, EDUCATING people is frowned on here, you're only supposed to smile and pat them on the back, no matter what. When I make a mistake, I prefer and appreciate being corrected, it's called LEARNING.

    Especially on a message board, spelling and grammar are the only way you can communicate, and pretty much directly relates to people's opinions. If I can't understand what a person is saying, that's a problem. Whatever happened to being proud of your language? I find it truly sad when non-native English speakers have better spelling and grammar than native speakers.

    I'm a grown *kitten* adult I do not need anyone correcting me on my grammar. And IMO it belittles the person they are correcting. Kinda like saying hey I'm smarter than you cause I know how you are supposed to do it. I do mentally correct people when I notice mistakes but would never ever dream of telling them they are wrong because I'm NOT perfect myself. Someone did that to me one time and I went thru her rant and corrected everything she posted and she was so mad that I corrected her, and I reminded her to check herself before she checks me. When you are pecfect then come at me not until then.
  • Boomer1946
    Boomer1946 Posts: 124

    With a slightly less well developed sense of decorum, I'd be the woman in the cuffs; however, I've taught English for 17 years. I'm here for a purpose, and it isn't to be inundated with the grammatical errors that make up my working hours. On the whole, though, I try to avoid the all caps/text language/mechanically incorrect threads. I know I make errors in my grammar. I participate on message boards in the same way that I speak (using oral language conventions rather than written language conventions, and with fewer edits, and with run on sentences), but I make an effort to avoid threads which will just annoy the living heck out of me (because they demonstrate the futility of my job, perhaps?)

    I agree with the multiple posters who've expressed the idea that clear communication should be the goal. I also agree that an effort put forth to use the correct word (their/there; lose/loose) reflects an effort toward that goal. Using loose instead of lose is not a matter of WRITING STYLE, but rather an error. However, teaching people about the difference is my JOB and my limited time for mfp is part of my "life outside of work."

    If this was a forum about learning correct grammar, would you feel it necessary to comment about someone's weight based on their profile picture?


  • Boomer1946
    Boomer1946 Posts: 124
    I have a PhD. Am I allowed to correct grammar?

    I have arthritis am I allowed to correct grammar?
  • rehey
    rehey Posts: 6
    But, if one is able to, then good english is like good manners. Doesn't cost anything.

    This. Reading bad spelling and grammar is just depressing (except, obviously, from non-native speakers or speakers with disabilities). I would never correct someone's grammar, though, because (1) that's like responding to rudeness with more rudeness - what's the point? and (2) I already spend way too many arduous hours each week correcting my students' frigging papers - I try to only offer help when someone wants my help.
    Language is one of the most sophisticated and complex processes that the human brain can produce - it just hurts to watch it lie thrashing and broken on the floor of internet fora.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    Seriously people....

    Think about this.

    Why do people join MFP?


    What do many of the members have in common?

    Struggle to lose weight.

    Struggle to make right choices with food and exercise.

    Many have a negative body image and low self esteem.

    Do they really need people here correcting their mistakes? If people use correct language rules others can read their posts and that in itself might influence them to use the correct grammar etc.

    No one has the right to make anyone else feel stupid or uneducated by their negative comments or making fun of others who do not have the same level of written ability as you feel appropriate.

    Lead by example, not by belittling others who are not up to YOUR high standards.
    The thing is, I never see people saying, "Wow, what a complete idiot you are for spelling that word wrong! You should crawl in a hole and die!" I do see people who will say something like, "Just FYI, it's spelled 'lose' and not 'loose.'" That is not belittling. That is not making people feel stupid or uneducated. If someone feels that way in response to such comments, that's their own doing. I can't understand why people would rather do something incorrectly over and over rather than just learn about the correct way and do it like that from then on.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    But...but...I'm a writer!

    It's taking all of my willpower not to quote and fix your original post.

    I'm right there with you. I want to *correct everyone.

    But I agree wholeheartedly..... I do not correct on here, however, facebook is an entirely different arena. I'm a grammar nazi over on the book of face.
    I just find it sad when adults use words improperly or cannot form a sentence correctly. OR even worse, if they do it on purpose.

    It's cool to be stupid, dawg.
  • ninelives58
    ninelives58 Posts: 160 Member
    I have a PhD. Am I allowed to correct grammar?

    I have arthritis am I allowed to correct grammar?

  • jerzypeach
    jerzypeach Posts: 176 Member
    Yes, because, ya know, EDUCATING people is frowned on here, you're only supposed to smile and pat them on the back, no matter what. When I make a mistake, I prefer and appreciate being corrected, it's called LEARNING.

    Especially on a message board, spelling and grammar are the only way you can communicate, and pretty much directly relates to people's opinions. If I can't understand what a person is saying, that's a problem. Whatever happened to being proud of your language? I find it truly sad when non-native English speakers have better spelling and grammar than native speakers.

    ^^ This!
  • Mrsvbritt
    Mrsvbritt Posts: 3 Member
    This is not a classroom. Just sad!!
This discussion has been closed.