I do not want to see another post about someone's grammar!



  • VonRockette
    VonRockette Posts: 159 Member
    I even saw one post in a thread here where a woman said that she doesn't understand how come those who can't differentiate their, there, they're have graduated from college. Truly an insult.

    How is that an insult? How does a person get through high school, let alone college, without having things like that ingrained? I'm a fine arts major and I have to take at least four English classes, two history classes, and I don't even know how many other classes that require basic writing skills. When instructors correct spelling and grammar, how does a person not learn? It's not an insult, it's something I genuinely do not understand.

    I agreed, though replace art with Medical billing. Personally, if I can get the just of what they are saying, then cool. If not I will ask them to rephrase, or ignore them. It is better to be kind than to jugde...

    I will might try to help.
    Their= referring to people ... like... Their with the volleyball team
    There= referring to a place ... like... I moved the truck there, yesterday
    They're= used in replace of they are... like... They're too many people, who are picky about everyone else's writing styles.

    Check your last example...
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    I personally do not care if you can spell or have correct grammer, I just want to able to understand what you are saying. I am sorry but talkng in here like you are texting, Well would you believe the only connection to MFP for some is their phone. Have you ever tried to use proper grammer and english while texting? On a phone no less. Yes it can be done but is difficult and time consuming. There is a reason for it to be shortened.

    People misusing words, I automatically correct, and do not send flames. If that is all I have have to respond to their post about, then Im obviously missed something.

    While you may not get a job or honors with out correct grammer and spelling. This is not an application which requires anything but support of others, we all have the same goal, after all.
  • sniperzzzz
    sniperzzzz Posts: 282 Member
    Some people need to get a life, fvck the grammar police!
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    You are so right! MFP should be a place where people can open up and not be put down for anything...especially grammar! Being friends with someone like that would be such a joy....NOT!!
    Yes so true, I never knew I was so bad in spelling until I went back and looked at a couple of my spelling errors...geez LOL
  • slcostel
    slcostel Posts: 116 Member
    I personally do not care if you can spell or have correct grammer, I just want to able to understand what you are saying. I am sorry but talkng in here like you are texting, Well would you believe the only connection to MFP for some is their phone. Have you ever tried to use proper grammer and english while texting? On a phone no less. Yes it can be done but is difficult and time consuming. There is a reason for it to be shortened.

    People misusing words, I automatically correct, and do not send flames. If that is all I have have to respond to their post about, then Im obviously missed something.

    While you may not get a job or honors with out correct grammer and spelling. This is not an application which requires anything but support of others, we all have the same goal, after all.

    It's not that hard to have proper grammar on a phone. Most have a qwerty keyboard, and those that still use T9 more than likely don't have internet access complicated enough to log onto MFP.
  • Lesley2901
    Lesley2901 Posts: 372 Member
    I am a qualified and experienced adult literacy teacher (UK) and firstly would argue that since this is a chat forum, not a work document, place to publish articles etc, I really am not sure why people are so concerned with the grammar use of other members! Personally I type as I speak on the whole and I expect most others do so too. Maybe if this forum was around developing English skills, correction would be appropriate, but it is NOT! This is meant to be a friendly place for weight loss discussion and the many ways it impacts in general life. No English quals needed!!!!

    Secondly I would point out that many many English speaking adults (in the UK at least) have problems with literacy skills, (native English speakers that is) if they didn't I would not have had a job, not to mention second language users and adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, should they not be allowed the same friendly place to chat too! After all, do you really need a high level of education to want to lose weight?

    Thirdly, I make many mistakes myself, partly due to typing to fast and partly due to a life time of seeing others' mistakes (it clouds your natural judgement) but in the correct places, I do check and re check work and suit to the appropriateness of the communication event, but here, as I said above, I relax and type what comes out of my head and really do not want to have to go back and keep checking everything I write!!!!!

    Really those that are worried re others grammar need to get a grip and look to their own attitudes around enabling others!

    PS if someone wants help then that is a different matter altogether.

    Well said :flowerforyou:
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    I even saw one post in a thread here where a woman said that she doesn't understand how come those who can't differentiate their, there, they're have graduated from college. Truly an insult.

    How is that an insult? How does a person get through high school, let alone college, without having things like that ingrained? I'm a fine arts major and I have to take at least four English classes, two history classes, and I don't even know how many other classes that require basic writing skills. When instructors correct spelling and grammar, how does a person not learn? It's not an insult, it's something I genuinely do not understand.

    I agreed, though replace art with Medical billing. Personally, if I can get the just of what they are saying, then cool. If not I will ask them to rephrase, or ignore them. It is better to be kind than to jugde...

    I will might try to help.
    Their= referring to people ... like... Their with the volleyball team
    There= referring to a place ... like... I moved the truck there, yesterday
    They're= used in replace of they are... like... They're too many people, who are picky about everyone else's writing styles.

    Check your last example...

    Fixed it, and a few others... sorry. English wasn't my major.:flowerforyou:
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    I think that everyone has different educational levels and this is not the place to harp on errors. I have a lot of weight to get rid of and that is why I am here. We as a group should support each other in our attemps to become healthier!! That is it.
  • kansasbelle
    kansasbelle Posts: 264 Member
    Yes, because, ya know, EDUCATING people is frowned on here, you're only supposed to smile and pat them on the back, no matter what. When I make a mistake, I prefer and appreciate being corrected, it's called LEARNING.

    Especially on a message board, spelling and grammar are the only way you can communicate, and pretty much directly relates to people's opinions. If I can't understand what a person is saying, that's a problem. Whatever happened to being proud of your language? I find it truly sad when non-native English speakers have better spelling and grammar than native speakers.

    As most ignorant fools you have forgotten that one can be truly educated with 7 years of college striaght A's, published several times and still have spelling issue due to Dyslexia. No people just jump the gun and ASSume you are stupid, ignorant, lazy, uneducated etc. So I am not supposed to type because my dyslexia is so sever that my words have little value to you. I can't provide support because my spelling is an issue for you? If spelling was the point of this site wouldn't they provide spell check for us. And even when I use spell check it doesn't cathc most of it. I am so self consious about it already and then Grammer and spelling Nazi make me feel awful. Great you can spell the words, but I can utilize words you never imagined correctly in sentances. Who is the better person the person who can spell the word and not know it's meanign or the person with the plethora of knowledge and comprehension of the words being used. Stop throwing stones.

    Perhaps, you would like to discuss in depth pharmacology, The DSM-Tr, Diabetes, MS, Paraplegia, and a few others with this idiot who can't spell. Shame I doubt you could keep up
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member

    Let's not forget that some on here come from other countries where English is not their primary language. Even if English was the primary language, there are variations in spelling in the English language. I once did a paper for school, can't remember the subject, but spelt orthopaedics in the British way since I had a British parent. Oops! You would think that I had moved the moon out of orbit with the reaction of the professor. Come on. If the grammar bugs people so much, please don't read what others write. It is as simple as that.

    What it boils down to, though, is this: If a person is not winning their argument, becomes frustrated with the other person, etc., they will attack the person rather than debate the issue. When you understand that personal attacks, which an attack on one's grammar is, are done because the other person is losing the debate, then you can just sit back, pat yourself on the back, and realize that you have won.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    I belong to a support group called Mothers Against Dyslexia. DAM for short.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I like to think my grammar is good, not excellent though.
    I went back to college to retrain in a skill, I was made to take English classes along side my skill because of the level that my peers were at. It was sad for me to sit through those lessons and listen to these people not know how to spell a simple word such as hairdresser. The irony is that this is what they were training to be, how did they fill in the application?

    I think people should point out people's mistakes. With all the new technology like texting and social networking people have become so lazy when it comes to spelling and grammar. A push in the right direction just might help someone, they might even takea class or something to scrub up a bit.

    I wouldn't be insulted if someone told me I'd done it wrong, I like knowing what mistakes I have made so I can learn from it. :-)
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    I am a qualified and experienced adult literacy teacher (UK) and firstly would argue that since this is a chat forum, not a work document, place to publish articles etc, I really am not sure why people are so concerned with the grammar use of other members! Personally I type as I speak on the whole and I expect most others do so too. Maybe if this forum was around developing English skills, correction would be appropriate, but it is NOT! This is meant to be a friendly place for weight loss discussion and the many ways it impacts in general life. No English quals needed!!!!

    Secondly I would point out that many many English speaking adults (in the UK at least) have problems with literacy skills, (native English speakers that is) if they didn't I would not have had a job, not to mention second language users and adults with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, should they not be allowed the same friendly place to chat too! After all, do you really need a high level of education to want to lose weight?

    Thirdly, I make many mistakes myself, partly due to typing to fast and partly due to a life time of seeing others' mistakes (it clouds your natural judgement) but in the correct places, I do check and re check work and suit to the appropriateness of the communication event, but here, as I said above, I relax and type what comes out of my head and really do not want to have to go back and keep checking everything I write!!!!!

    Really those that are worried re others grammar need to get a grip and look to their own attitudes around enabling others!

    PS if someone wants help then that is a different matter altogether.

    100 thumbs-up for this one!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I even saw one post in a thread here where a woman said that she doesn't understand how come those who can't differentiate their, there, they're have graduated from college. Truly an insult.

    How is that an insult? How does a person get through high school, let alone college, without having things like that ingrained? I'm a fine arts major and I have to take at least four English classes, two history classes, and I don't even know how many other classes that require basic writing skills. When instructors correct spelling and grammar, how does a person not learn? It's not an insult, it's something I genuinely do not understand.

    I do not understand this either. My 8 year old grandaughter can spell and tell the difference of these words! Good grief!

    All education is not equal!!!!! there are many adults that have failed to thrive in school for far too many reasons to go into here and that is if they even got an education at all.

    Right. K-12 is not equal and there are a great many children who do get shorted on their education. However, if someone makes it through and actually graduates college, I would imagine that, especially if they came from a less than ideal background, they would have the drive to succeed. And given that drive, they would pick up some key lessons. Graduating college takes serious effort.
  • nymthiriel
    nymthiriel Posts: 42
    U no wen I c posts leik dis i qet al hott n bothurd n it jus pizzs me off cos u no it makes u sund lyke unejukatd yo. Peez!
  • clynch1968
    clynch1968 Posts: 45 Member
    Grammar police = bully. Try to be kind.
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,808 Member
    It is so sad that one has to come to MFP, a place that is to be about support to be harassed for their writing style! I have read some of the profiles of those doing the harassing and do not see any PhDs in the bunch!

    Now, I am not one for being negative, for we get enough of that crap as fat people in the 'real world.' My friends of MFP, this ain't the real world for me! This is my created reality for where I put my mind in a positive place to allow for positive inspirations and associations! I am sure there are others who have joined MFP for the same reason.

    No one needs to be harassed about there writing style on MFP! The ability to write was not a perquisite for joining MFP. Stop it! Stop the negativity! Enough already! Let people express themselves without concern or worry about what someone will say about their writing style.

    Please don't take ur time and correct anything that I have written. When I receive my paycheck every two weeks there are no deductions for grammatical errors! When they gave me my three degrees, they did not hold back honors because of grammatical errors in my writing style.

    Let people be. Let them speak. Let them say what they need to say. This site sometimes is more about why we eat more than what we eat. Some of the harassing comments are a reflection of why some people are obese.

    Please, no comments from the grammatical experts. Y'all have said enough!!!

    Finally, very well put!!!
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Lose, loose, loss.

    That is all all.
  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    I think the problem stems from the fact that the MFP community has a ton of rude and obnoxious people posting, and I cannot figure out why they're here, and why they insist on making themselves known. But then again, the internet is filled with scores of immature people who think their favorite sites belong to them, and that they are entitled to be awful to someone.

    These people are just insecure cowards, on top of being completely horrible and worthless. There is no way in hell they'd be this bold in person. Absolutely no way.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I am quiet distressed that we as a society are far too tolerant of the inability of people to articulate themselves in the most BASIC fashion. why is it wrong to expect adults to be able to spell correctly and use good grammar?

    Being able to spell and use grammar correctly does not require a college education nor a phD.

    For goodness sake, even the most basic computers have a grammar and spell checker built in. Perhaps the deeper truth is the worrying combination of both laziness and a lack basic literacy skills.

    It's one thing if English isn't a first language, but this is a pitiful 1st world problem.
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