Who is 5'1-5'2



  • ttillman19
    ttillman19 Posts: 54 Member
    At PrinkPrincess, congrats on the 3 healthy pounds. At 5'2" I know that 125 pounds on me looks heavy, where as someone 5'10" looks really skinny. Keep up the great work.
  • I am 5' 1 and weight 111 pounds but I want to get down to 100. Anyone with me?
  • uraniavanyo
    uraniavanyo Posts: 6 Member
    I am 5 1 I am currently at 125, I was 137 when I was preggo w #3.. I want to get down to 115. I really try to stick to unprocessed foods and whole grains, its HARD I dont have a lot of time to exercise with a job and 3 kids
  • GLOROD68
    GLOROD68 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5"2, Last year this time I weigh 209. My weigh 148 as of this morning. My goal is 140. Eight more pounds to go!!. (Who is to say I may keep losing and reach 130lbs) I am eating 1200 calories a day, its enough for me.
  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I am 5'2 and at the present time i weigh 140. At my highest i was 220. My lowset was 119 in 2009 with Weight Watchers. I made Lifetime but i am tired of all the back and forth with the new programs and points so i have decided to come back to MFP.

    It seems since my 46th birthday last month the weight just will not come off as easy as it use too. I think i might be in the beginning stages of menapause anyway i have cut my carbs down to about 140 . The only starchy carbs i eat are my oats for breakfast the rest are veggies and fruit.

    I keep my calories under 1500 a day. I run 3-4 mile 6 days a week and lift weights 4-5 days. I feel my best at about 125.

    Thanks for this thread..it is nice to see ladies i can relate too ;)
  • ugh i feel like the biggest and shortest. i'm 5 feet and i'm about 181. and i want to be about 105. my highest was 210.

    I am 5' -5.1" at most ..And my starting weight was 203..(SMH) Insane..I know I dont eat enough that's why I am here. I eat like 600-1000 calories a day ..(no eating disorders) thats just my appetite..paired with low carb no sugar style of eating...I have been breaking 1000-1100 lately hoping to get 1200 as a rule daily before exercise ...and then to train my brain to eat some of those back ... My goal is 150 for now ..and I am thinking 135ish over all ...I am a dd and that doesn't change no matter what my weight is ...even when I was breast feeding etc it stayed the same ...so I dont see me getting into the 120's ...
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    Glad to have seen this thread! I have been trying to lose weight for about 2 years, I gain or maintain. I am always told to eat more, you will lose weight lol. Dont go below a certain cal amount, you will starve. Well, after reading that some of you are eating 1400 I am going to try that. It is so frustrating to lose weight, and I have quite a bit to lose for a shorty lol. I am 5'1/2" and weight 213. That is not my heaviest weight, trying very hard to not gain anymore weight while trying to figure out how to lose it. I always end up quitting after a month or so of seeing no changes, so hopefully this time, it will work. Thanks!
  • I am! I'm hoping to get to 95, though. it's definitely healthiest for me. i'm at 107 now.
  • NoExcuses2012
    NoExcuses2012 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm 26, 5'1 and 2 kids
    Fat my whole life.
    Went from 200.5 to 185 and then got down to 146.
    I currently weigh 149 lbs and trying to get to 132 lbs, which is considered healthy :-)
    I run and eat clean.

    200 lbs These pants were size 16
    146 lbs
    149 lbs March 2012
  • I'm 5 2 exactly. I'm currently 111.4 and don't really feel the need to get any lower than what I am. I'm currently focused on trying to create lean muscle and definition instead of actively losing weight. I'm set to eat 1400 cals a day but usually burn at least 400 plus during my workouts so I try to eat those back (or most of them). Otherwise I'm starved and evil!
  • MrsTato
    MrsTato Posts: 9 Member
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Still shooting for a size 6, I'm in a size 10 now and 5' 2" I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and I surely don't at this size
  • swt0pie
    swt0pie Posts: 327 Member
    I'm a tiny 5"2.. I try to eat around 1200 and i want to lose about 10 more pounds to weigh 100 pounds. I know it sounds very low but that's my choice :) I eliminated all types of fizzy drinks, mayo and try to eat chocolate and ice creams only on the weekend and in small portions ...add me if u like :)
  • jhung33
    jhung33 Posts: 1
    i'm kind of in the same boat, 5'2" and 125-130 lbs but trying to cut down to 110 lbs. i've set my net calories on mfp to 1200 but i usually get in around 800-1000. i'm not sure what i'm doing "wrong" exactly because i exercise fairly frequently and with high intensity (i run varsity track, so i practice 4 times a week with condition post-practice and bikram yoga once a week). any suggestions?
  • Neisah
    Neisah Posts: 9 Member
    I am 5'1. My goal weight is 118. Once I began participating in the Whole30 program, I noticed the weight start to fall off. Eliminating sugar and dairy has really helped. I found this works well with exercise. My calorie intake is 1200 calories but I exercise at least 90 minutes a day.
  • Lu_LeatherEagle
    Lu_LeatherEagle Posts: 9 Member
    I'm trying to work out what a goal weight should be for me. I am a bit of a pear shape and currently 159lbs and 5'2". I haven't been less than 150 lbs for 20 years. It will be completely new for me. New skin. My next goal is 140. I'm struggling now. I'm at the gym twice a week and try to do as much walking as possible in between. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and thank you for all the different views for me to consider. Regards, Lu
  • I'm 5'1'', and I eat 1200 calories a day. I just started this yesterday, so wish me luck! I'm not positive what my goal is yet. I want something that is easier to maintain, so it will be the higher end of my suggested range. Plus DH likes my curves. :) What does eating clean mean?
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I'm 5'2, 120 pounds & MFP sets me at 1600 on non-workout days & about 2000 cals on workout days. I do calorie cycling so I have days that I'm low & days that I'm high. Right now my main focus is on bulk/cut cycle. Wanna lose more body fat but keeping the muscle

    EDIT: I have a medium frame & is on the muscular side which is why I already look thin at this weight. I can't go below 118 pounds
  • Amcolecchi
    Amcolecchi Posts: 260 Member
    I am 5'1" and I currently weigh 123 and stuck!! My goal weight is 118..I was set at 1200 and I just upped it to 1300 to help lose these last stubborn pounds. I am Italian so we love our CARBS but I try to stay away from most haha...I LOVE all foods! I eat everything because I found out the more you cut certain foods out of your diet, the more you will crave them and binge eat them. So I have a little piece of chocolate daily :) And ice cream and popsicles throughout the week! I just do sugar-free and small portions!!
  • dmannarino
    dmannarino Posts: 5 Member
    I am 5'1" and 64 years old. I have a sedentary job so my calories (for 1/2 lb per week) are 1260. I usually swim every day but found that it works better for me if I do not count in my exercise. I have been losing about 3 pounds a month and I am very happy with that! I had cut down on my calories more but I was hungry and felt like I was on a diet so I moved them back up. Part of me wants to get the weight off quick but I know it is healthier and safer to lose it slowly. It took 20 years to slowly gain the weight so....... I love MFP, it is the only thing that has ever worked for me and I love reading the inspirational stories. I am only 6 pounds away from my goal but I plan on staying on MFP to maintain my weight. Good luck to all of you.