What is your most embarrassing "fat" moment in your life?



  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Over hearing to guys in a gym point to a group of over weight ladies (all similar to my body type and mass) and one saying -

    "That's the kind of woman you have to roll in flour to find the wet spot"
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    While in college, my them roommate and her visiting family decided to go out to eat and asked if I wanted to come along. The place that they decided on was Wendy's. I made my order and took my tray to the table where the others had been sitting... and upon sitting down, the wooden chair under me literally fell apart. Sure, it could have been broken from the beginning, but that's not what I got from it. Also, it was quite fortunate that I jumped up before hitting the floor.. so that spared me SOME embarrassment...y'know, past the awkward stares and quiet whispers from the customers... to the staff members that cackled loudly while whispering to one another conspicuously and pointing. Talk about wanting to die on the spot!

    Oh and once I got stuck in one of the chairs in my college classroom. I didn't want anyone to take notice, so I just fumbled with my bookbag until the classroom had cleared out, the pried myself out the damn thing. THAT one was actually a bit on the funny side.
  • powellr530
    Mine is very recent as I just started the "Insanity" program last Monday. Part of the routine is to take before and after shots. I asked my husband to take some quick shots for before. As I looked at the photos of myself in a sports bra and shorts I wanted to cry. I felt so unattractive and sloppy. That moment has motivated me to do this program, even though it sends me to the floor everytime almost crying from the pain and intensity!
  • indpls2002
    indpls2002 Posts: 93 Member
    when my daughter in the 2nd grade cried because a boy in her class told her her mommy was fat.

    That is the saddest thing I have ever heard! Kids are so cruel these days!

    It is sad and I"ve told my kids I better NEVER hearing them saying things like that. I know for a few years the kids at my daughters school were saying the same thing about me.....
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    It was a long time ago, but I asked this guy out in school and he said no. I asked him why, he said I was homely. I told him I didn't know what that meant so he gave me a dictionary to look it up, and then told me that I was also too fat and that the only cows he needed in his life were on his farm.

    Homely: (of a person) Unattractive in appearance.

    That was the first and last time I EVER asked a guy out.

    OH Sara!! Ive also had a man call me homely.. We are both beautiful women dont ever think anything different!
  • MzRawkqueen
    When a guy told me I needed to lose weight to date him.

    After we had already slept together.

  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    Interesting enough, mine was also a roller coaster that I didn't fit in at King's Dominion. I can't remember what it is called, but it is indoor and goes 0-70 in less than 3 seconds. I loved it when I was growing up, but when I was 22 I didn't fit in it. I didn't take a lot of time trying to fit, I knew it wasn't gonna happen the moment I sat down. I just cried.

    I've been on that one. I think your feet hang down and you are inside a volcano or something.
  • bpetlock
    bpetlock Posts: 109
    Over hearing to guys in a gym point to a group of over weight ladies (all similar to my body type and mass) and one saying -

    "That's the kind of woman you have to roll in flour to find the wet spot"

    Why are people so mean?!
  • MzRawkqueen
    Mine is very recent as I just started the "Insanity" program last Monday. Part of the routine is to take before and after shots. I asked my husband to take some quick shots for before. As I looked at the photos of myself in a sports bra and shorts I wanted to cry. I felt so unattractive and sloppy. That moment has motivated me to do this program, even though it sends me to the floor everytime almost crying from the pain and intensity!

    Don't cry, girl. You will only dissuage yourself from your goals. Remember you are beautiful and have your husband's love and support!
  • KendraLoveless
    For me, it wasn't about the clothes that "magically" shrunk in the closet from one summer to the next...

    My moment was a fat AND unfit moment: I jumped into a foam pit at my 8 year old's bday party, and sunk, and almost couldn't pull myself back out. When the attendant said "just get yourself on top of the foam and crawl out" I nearly cried... couldn't figure out how I was going to make that happen. No one else could jump in till I got out. And this was while my son's classmates were all watching me. MORTIFYING.
  • NostalgicMuse
    NostalgicMuse Posts: 340 Member
    My worst one was when I was dress shopping for my brothers wedding at lane bryant. I refused to accept that I was really too big for their clothes anymore. I kept trying to squeeze myself into the size 28s. I actually got stuck IN a dress. I pulled it up over my head and it just wouldnt go any farther. I pulled it back down and tried going down over my hips.... even less of a chance. So back over my head it went. It just wouldnt budge. my arms stuck up in the air.... I just cried. I finally had to ask for help from the sales lady to get out.

    Here is my "private" embarrassment: Same story for me... went on a lunch break with some work friends to the mall and found this really cute dress in "my size"... dressing room slip it on , see that it doesn't fit "just so" ... wiggle wiggle, sweat, gasp... omg... omg... I'm STUCK! deep breath. I can do this... it got on me. I can surely get it off of me. Gentle, Gentle... UGH!!!!!!!!!! it's like I swelled from it. Finally ended up just pushing it up and up and even though it hurt I didn't quit until it was over my head and I was panting and just about in tears. Devastating.

    This is a more "public" embarrassment: My friend (size 4 MAYBE) had a son who was 5 yrs old and they came to my house to visit and as I'm putting dishes on the table getting ready for dinner he comes over and says something to me I can hardly understand... I ask him "what honey?" he says it again.... I say, "one more time." he says clearer- Your butt is big. I DIE ON THE INSIDE and smile at him and say "you're right, it is big" Not 2 weeks later another friend's daughter says the same thing. I love the innocence of children and can't blame them for speaking the truth.... it just feels like a mega slap in the face and then the first child was asked to write an apology letter to me by his mom.... Yes, yes, let's dwell on this a little longer. MORTIFYING
  • MzRawkqueen
    "At Work"

    I walked into the office of my companies CFO! (Chief Financial Officer)

    "Oh...oh my gosh. No one told me. When are you due?"

    Calmly, I said, "Oh, I'm not! Just haven't gotten rid of the rest of my baby weight!"

    You handles that so eloquently! Good for you. I'm sure she feels way worse.
  • RayMay4
    RayMay4 Posts: 7
    pretty much just living
  • tasiamere
    tasiamere Posts: 233
    When I got stuck in a blazer in Express. I was crying and sweating trying to get out. Not to mention my 8 year old was in the stall with me trying her hardest not to laugh. When I came out the sales girl asked "Did everything Fit OK" to which my 8 year old replied "Absolutley not my mom has to lose some weight so she can stop crying"...That was the same day I sat in the mall parking lot and found the MFP app for my phone!
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    Over hearing to guys in a gym point to a group of over weight ladies (all similar to my body type and mass) and one saying -

    "That's the kind of woman you have to roll in flour to find the wet spot"

    That is the rudest comment I've ever heard.
  • Jewel0124
    Jewel0124 Posts: 119 Member
    A few years ago, my boyfriend asked me to go to a co-workers bbq with him. I was sitting at a table a few rows away from a small group of people and apparently one of the girls in the group at significantly more than the other people in her group. Someone in the group said something to her about the amount of food she had eaten when she yelled, "Well at least I don't look like that!" referring to me. I was not only hurt and embarrassed, I was totally mortified.
  • tasiamere
    tasiamere Posts: 233
    Over hearing to guys in a gym point to a group of over weight ladies (all similar to my body type and mass) and one saying -

    "That's the kind of woman you have to roll in flour to find the wet spot"

    That is the rudest comment I've ever heard.

    OMG! That's really the worst thing I've ever heard!
  • DarqueChocalitLover
    This was actually the reason I put an end to my overweight and started working out. I am still overweight but not as much and I am doing something about it. This is the story in my profile.

    This journey started in 2011. I went to Kings Island with some friends and there was a ride there that we stood in line for for over an hour. It is one that you sit down on and buckle up and than it raises up and spins you around and it feels like you are going to pummel in the concrete. The ride seats about 30 people. My friends and I got on it and as the people working there was walking around checking everyone and their chest belts and seat belts there were two employees trying to get me buckled in. Needless to say, they could not get me buckled. I had to get off the ride. In front of everyone there, in front of everyone on the ride and in front of everyone standing outside watching. I was so embarrassed. The one comment that I will never forget was the one made by a woman who said as I walked past her, "he met the height requirement but exceeded the weight limit." Yeah that one stuck...
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    every single time my boyfriend tries and fails to pick me up is a little embarrassing. i always sadly say "sorry, we both need to go to the gym for awhile longer before that can happen."
    pretty much just living

    and this one.
  • jhunt90
    jhunt90 Posts: 78
    I went with my sister and her family on a picnic in the mountains by a river, I got in the river with her boys and we were playing around and when I got out my brother in law was like "You played in the water too?" And I was like "Yeah! :D" And he said... "Oh I was wondering why the river line rose so much". Luckily, the kids were too young to understand he was saying I was so fat I raised the water level, but it was still horrifying, and that was when I weighed 180, something I wish I weighed now...Really stupid thing was he was overweight, too.