What is your most embarrassing "fat" moment in your life?



  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    So many things...but I will give the examples that finally made me realized it was time to do something.

    We bought a brand new bed. I actually broke it.
    I went to my niece's wedding and broke the chair I was sitting in.
    These memories even though I can still feel the pain, were a life saving experience. Because I had hit rock bottom.:embarassed:
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    when i was younger probably about 13/14 and i was chubby at school and very low in confidence. I had a crush on a girl in my Spanish class, and i told her friend that i liked her. And she went across the room to tell the girl i liked, to which she shouted out 'euuurgghh as if i would go out with you' in front of the whole class! really hurt me and stuck with me for years. Funny thing was i saw the same girl i had the crush on at my local gym a few months ago, and she almost didnt recognise me, she was quite complimentary and flirty with me, i thanked her for her advances and then said no thanks!

    Also many times at school being bullied from about 13-16 years old, the constant jibes and name calling by certain kids.
    Really sticks with you and still does today for me, even ten years later

    So sorry for all the pain you suffered.But you showed them, because you are one fine looking young man. Kudo's to you!:wink:
  • MikMont
    MikMont Posts: 49 Member
    I'm going to go with pretty much every time I have had to sit on a plane as an adult. One time, I said out loud like a dumb a**, "dang these seats just jet smaller and smaller." LMAO!!
  • Sunscreenandsweat
    Sunscreenandsweat Posts: 190 Member
    Not being able to ride a rollercoaster and my exboyfriend being able to fit into my pants.
  • piesbd
    piesbd Posts: 196 Member
    I've been fat all my life, and there are many moments that stick out, but I think the worst one for me was when I was volunteering as a red cross first aider after a tornado came through in 2002. We had been at the shelter working since late afternoon, and it was early morning. One of the restaurants had donated food to the shelter, and the red cross workers were told not to eat, and to let the storm victims go first. Everyone except me. They thought I was pregnant and told me to go eat.
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    It was Easter last year and I was at church.

    A woman came up to me after service, grabbed my hands and said "I'll be praying that you have a baby boy."
  • SaraBelle0312
    SaraBelle0312 Posts: 328 Member
    It was a long time ago, but I asked this guy out in school and he said no. I asked him why, he said I was homely. I told him I didn't know what that meant so he gave me a dictionary to look it up, and then told me that I was also too fat and that the only cows he needed in his life were on his farm.

    Homely: (of a person) Unattractive in appearance.

    That was the first and last time I EVER asked a guy out.
  • CynGoddess
    CynGoddess Posts: 188 Member
    when my daughter in the 2nd grade cried because a boy in her class told her her mommy was fat.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Some guy was in a rage over something in a store and came at me after I accidentally opened my car door against his vehicle.
    It was raining, I was not paying attention, and it was stupid of me.
    A total accident.
    Anyway, he wanted to fight, so we started fighting, and I was so fat that I slipped and fell right on my big butt, and he started laughing at me.
    It was quite humiliating. :embarassed:
  • PicNic00
    PicNic00 Posts: 269 Member
    when my overweight Aunt gave me all her fat clothes
  • pattykay54
    pattykay54 Posts: 16
  • when my daughter in the 2nd grade cried because a boy in her class told her her mommy was fat.

    That is the saddest thing I have ever heard! Kids are so cruel these days!
  • Not ONE particular incident- but SEVERAL SIMILAR ONES all happening within that same time frame-
    ALL involving fitting rooms and trying on tops/bras
    and getting STUCK in them- as in they went on OK, but couldn't get them OFF

    I'm not much of a bawl baby, but I came real close.
    The sheer humiliation of it EVENTUALLY became a catalyst for change,
    but not that day.......it drove me to a binge.

    I'm sure others can relate.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 985 Member
    mostly just ppl posting pics of me on facebook that i hate and tagging me in them. aside from that, every day of my life i suffered embarrassment. i hated getting dressed everyday, i hated ppl seeing that id gotten so big. i hated not being able to wear jeans and living in yoga pants everyday. frig. thanks for bringing that **** up!! lol jk.
  • Smelerz
    Smelerz Posts: 115 Member
    When I asked a fat girl when she was due when she wasnt even pregnant. Lesson learned.

    Mine is similar - when someone asked ME if I was pregnant!

  • amysuespears
    amysuespears Posts: 127
    When my ex-husband and I were in Wal-Mart shopping for clothes for my 3-month-old daughter.... I was going to go down an aisle but saw it was blocked... so, I started backing up to get back out of the aisle. He started saying "beep beep beep" (that noise that big trucks make when they back up) and then yelled "watch out, shoppers, wide load coming through". There were tons of people everywhere and they all started laughing. I was mortified.

    Needless to say, the *kitten* and I are no longer married. My current husband would never act like that.
  • thoshowski
    thoshowski Posts: 135 Member
    when i was younger probably about 13/14 and i was chubby at school and very low in confidence. I had a crush on a girl in my Spanish class, and i told her friend that i liked her. And she went across the room to tell the girl i liked, to which she shouted out 'euuurgghh as if i would go out with you' in front of the whole class! really hurt me and stuck with me for years. Funny thing was i saw the same girl i had the crush on at my local gym a few months ago, and she almost didnt recognise me, she was quite complimentary and flirty with me, i thanked her for her advances and then said no thanks!

    Also many times at school being bullied from about 13-16 years old, the constant jibes and name calling by certain kids.
    Really sticks with you and still does today for me, even ten years later

    When I was about 15-16 years old, I was late for a bus for a field trip, so I ran for the bus. When I got on the bus all I could hear were the older kids in back of the bus talking about how the bus was shaking when I ran by. It is over 10 years later, I still remember their remarks, and how I felt when I sat down with my friends. It hurts now, but it is a constant reminder to not let my future children have to deal with what i went through.
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    When I asked a fat girl when she was due when she wasnt even pregnant. Lesson learned.

    I had this happen to me twice in a week. I believe I was at my heaviest... but one was a little French lady who went as far as rubbing my belly and the other was a drunk guy on the bus and he felt so bad for even opening his mouth.
  • MissyMastery
    MissyMastery Posts: 13 Member
    I went to Splish Splash with my boyfriend. I was about 220 and he was about 230. It was so embarassing when we couldn't go on the double tube rides. I ran off the ride crying. I was horrified. We made an agreement to not go back until we are under 400lbs combined.

    If I think about that day too much I'll cry again :( He was so sweet about it though. He made fun of himself and told me I was beautiful at any weight.
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    In a meeting at work. 300 people. The chair broke. Granted, these are crappy chairs that break with skinny people sometimes, but everyone remembers when the fat guy broke the chair.