Becoming one of "those" girls



  • cckellympls
    cckellympls Posts: 39 Member
    Good for you!!!!! What an awesome story and what a great way to get and stay healthy!!! Thanks for sharing.
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    I think you looked pretty amazing before too.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 749 Member
    You know.. the girls that you look at and wonder if you'll ever be that in shape.

    The girls that you wonder if they stay that way naturally or they really have to work for it.

    The girls that you look at and think there is no way you'll ever get down to that size.

    The girls that can wear almost anything and still look good in it.

    When losing weight, you wonder what it would be like not to have to worry about sucking in anymore, but think its impossible to achieve. You wonder what it would be like to just get something off the rack and not worry about if it fits good, because you know most likely it will. You wonder what it would be like for your thighs not to rub together when you are wearing a dress, bathing suit, or skirt..

    These are the things I wondered when I didn't properly care of my body the way I should have.

    My whole life I always enjoyed snacking and eating foods that taste good, never really restricting myself.

    When I got to my teenage years I started being very self conscious but didn't really know of a way to lose weight so I would always just eat what I wanted. Thankfully, I never got too big since my mother always made comments, but I did get up to a size 13. I was probably pushing 165 at 5'4. This might not sound like that big, but it was big enough for people to call you fat and to have to worry about hiding back fat in certain shirts.

    After highschool, my weight constantly went up and down. I did a ton of diets, used diet pills, always tried to think of the best easiest way to lose weight. Thankfully, over the years, all my failed attempts at dieting and gaining my weight back, I finally learned that it's not a sprint to lose weight, you have to do it at a steady pace.

    I probably started losing weight again around August of last year.

    When I first started getting back into the gym, there was this girl there everyday, and I always wondered what it would be like to be that skinny. I thought she looked great! Over the months, I took my weight loss slow and gradual. I promised myself I wouldn't weigh myself for several months. I remember around October I weighed myself and I was at 135. I was so excited! But I decided not to stop there, and just keep eating clean and go to the gym often. I hit a phase where nothing was coming off, but I was patient about it and didn't get weigh finally started coming off even more and it seemed to come off fast! I was down to about 128.

    Eventually, one of the trainers at the gym noticed me and started making comments about joining his high intensity class. Finally, I agreed, that girl that I saw at the gym everyday that I thought looked great was also in that class. I joined MPF around this time as well.

    I am now around 117 and wear a size 1/2. The girl that I thought was so skinny and I'd never look like her, now comments about how skinny I am and how she wants to be MY size. It's crazy to think about, really. Maybe one day I'll tell her she was my motivation. ;) I wanted to be "one of those girls".

    MFP keeps my eating under control. There are days I get tired of watching what I eat and want to give up, everyday is still a struggle for me, it's hard to kick 23 years of bad eating habits, even though I've been doing better for almost a year now.

    Moral of the story: Slow and steady wins the race :) It's a lifetime commitment, not just a diet.

    And now for pics:

    **edit to say I don't really have photos of me at the full 165, because I didn't take many photos, and if I did they are not online.

    Me on the right at about 160




    Now days:




    Now I like to smile in all my photos :)

    Thanks for reading!

    WOW you look AMAZING!!! You always looked great but you made a healthier choice!! All I have to say is damn you are HOT!!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :tongue:
  • Eireann15
    Eireann15 Posts: 124
    Love, love, love this post. :) Thank you so much for it. I want to be one of "those" girls too someday... You have inspired me :)
  • Deltafliers
    Deltafliers Posts: 201 Member
    Very inspirational, with an incredibly fitting title in which I can relate! I stared half-hearted in October, but as I have seen results slow and steady I have wiorked harder, and all this lost weight is without diet pills. I hope I get to where you are, instead of wondering if my body type will allow it. My heaviest was a size 14 (180 & 5'2").

    Thanks for your story!
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    This is one of the best success stories I have read, personally. Congratulations, you look wonderful! I am so happy you figured out slow and steady is what works for the long term.
  • wendyd1973
    wendyd1973 Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for ths inspiration! You are a very beautiful woman before and after!
  • mickeyfan69
    mickeyfan69 Posts: 1 Member
    At first when I was reading your post I thought for sure you had gone too far and turned yourself into a twing. Not so, you look amazing and perfectly heathy. I think I'll come back to your post when I'm having a low day just to bring me back up when I need it.
    Thank you !
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    Thanks for all the replies girls(and guys), and the friend requests :)
  • SameeLee
    SameeLee Posts: 2 Member
    You are amazing! Now you are inspiring so many other people (including me!) Great job!
  • ramgi
    ramgi Posts: 196 Member
    What an inspirational story! I think you look nice bigger as well as skinny. You weren't very big at all in the beginning but I know you have to happy with yourself. Congrats to you!
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    Love your story!! Thank you so much for sharing your success with us...You sound like so many of us on here and reading this makes me feel like it's really possible that I could someday be one of 'those' girls....Thanks for the inspiration b/c I am losing SO SLOW but reading this makes me feel much much better!! Thank you!! :flowerforyou:
  • JoLo27
    JoLo27 Posts: 54 Member

    You look fantastic. Well done!!

    This is for you.
  • timeforsomethingsweet
    timeforsomethingsweet Posts: 131 Member
    So inspirational! Thanks for sharing your story!:smile:
  • deb2799
    deb2799 Posts: 45
    You look amazing, great job!
  • motown_groove
    motown_groove Posts: 30 Member
    I think you're different from 'those girls' ... you've got grit, perseverance and fab attitude to boot ... as have many of the MFP members that have been so determined to change their size/shape/lives whether is be larger to smaller or smaller to larger.

    Thanks for the inspiration :O)
  • littlek735
    littlek735 Posts: 28
    You have said in so many words how I feel inside. I always look at "those girls" and often wonder if it is possible. After 3 kids I do not know if I can ever be one of those girls, but have inspired me to keep pushing ahead. I am envious of you for the determination you have showed. Thank you for being my reminder that "all things are possible."
  • lindaschultz45
    lindaschultz45 Posts: 60 Member
    I love your story. I did the same thing only I had gotten up to about 180 at 5'10", size 16. I got down to 130 lbs. size 6/8 which was pretty small for my height. Then I got divorced in my 30's......and put the weight back on and plenty more.

    You have worked hard to get where you are and you look great. Don't ever loose sight of being "that girl". It is so much harder to do in your fortys than in your 20's.

    Keep up the great work and no matter what life throws at you, remember that you are important enough to make it to the gym and keep that healthy beautiful smile you have in your last pictures. :smile:
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    You definately should tell her, I think it would make her feel so much better knowing that without doing a thing other than making herself healthy, she inspired someone else to make a healthy life choice as well. You could probably have a lifelong friend from it.
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member
    WOW!!! Great work! You look amazing!
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