What is your most embarrassing "fat" moment in your life?



  • jessicae1aine
    There are SO many. I've been asked if I'm pregnant. I've been asked when I'm due. I had a baby shower to go to a couple weeks ago and was buying some baby stuff as a gift, and the cashier asked if we had a new baby. I also had a husband (had being the keyword) who would BEEP as I was backing up in the store (and told me I was so fat no one else would ever love me - so I left him for a guy who at the time was just a friend but made me really believe I deserved better).

    The two most recent ones that really were terrible, though?

    One, I work a weekend every year running a video camera for the state board of horse racing in case they need to review a finish, and I have to climb up a ladder and in a tiny little booth - my *kitten* barely fit through the cutout in the floor to get into the booth.

    The second, we went to dinner at a new restaurant and my fat was cut in half by the table. I felt so uncomfortable and embarrassed, it was terrible!

    The thing I hate worst, though? The nurses in the doctor's office having to get the fat-girl cuff to check my blood pressure.
  • RunEloiseRun
    Gosh....I have had so many.
    I have a non-pregnant memory that sticks out. I was around 250lbs and before I became pregnant I carried the majority of my weight in my stomach. I was a big ole apple. Me and my hubby were at Magic Mountain. He insisted we go on the Superman Escapes ride (a ride I don't much care for) and I couldn't get my lap bar to snap. I started frantically telling him and I heard the ride operators (two of them ... one a skinny girl I might add) telling people that they need to strap in. My hubby heroically starts to say he doesn't want to ride anymore so they unbuckle him and we left. It was the first time in my entire life I could not strap into a ride.....

    When I was pregnant I, at first lost 25 pounds from throwing up so much lol, and then I skyrocketed to 275lbs. I was bloated, swollen, and constantly in bed. But the most memorable moment (besides my doctor inducing me 2 weeks early because he thought my son would be a 10lb baby....he was 7 pounds 2 oz on a petite frame......cough....) was when I asked to receive my epidural. The man was in a rush to get home (it was in the middle of the night) and he kept telling me how I was probably too fat to receive the drugs. I was freaking. I was alone (because they kicked my hubby out of the room) and I was afraid things would start hurting. He said, "If I can't get it through your fat back this last time I am not trying anymore. You clearly have too much flesh." An 18-hour labor and a c-section later....that moment was the only thing that actually hurt me....
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    I was recently in a wedding, and I climbed into the stretch escalade, and when I sat down on the seat the whole thing shook to one side, and one of the guys yelled loud WHHHOOAAAHHHH!!! I was so embarrased, I almost cried!
  • BridgetMiko
    BridgetMiko Posts: 47 Member
    When I asked a fat girl when she was due when she wasnt even pregnant. Lesson learned.

    Mine is similar - when someone asked ME if I was pregnant!

    Kind of the same story for me too. I was at Lollapalooza and drinking a beer. I walked up to a guy handing out schedules to get one. He smugly said, "Oh and one for him too?" looking at my tummy. Clearly he was disapproving of my alleged drinking while pregnant but I wasn't.... The worst part is that at first I didn't even understand what he was getting at but then it clicked and I had to go stand in a port-a-potty to compose myself.
  • scrapcat2
    scrapcat2 Posts: 6
    I know this is totally stupid I still remember this but when I was in the lunch line in the third grade the little girl behind me
    said Claudia thinks your fat. I guess that was about 50 years ago.
  • dawnrenee567
    dawnrenee567 Posts: 292 Member
    Aren't all 'fat' moment's embarassing?
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    While standing talking to neighbours at a neighbourhood fair our two sons walked by. The woman commented on how they'd grown so tall. My husband and i are both very tall and fairly big. She then asked "Where do they get their skinny genes from?" The other couple that were standing their just dropped their jaws. I wasn't sure whether to punch her in the throat or cry. No one said anything and she eventually walked away.

    That same summer I was volunteering at soccer and a teenie, tiny woman offered to carry the box I was carrying. I couldn't figure out why (as I'm a big, strong woman). It wasn't until later that I realised that she thought I was pregnant and shouldn't be lifting heavy things.

    Ever since then I've been on my journey of health and fitness. I'm sure she still thinks I'm fat but I no longer care.
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    I was at a meeting for all of the native American youth development leaders in Suriname. The had out tons of the cheap plastic lawn chairs that are the most common furniture in developing countries. It was extremely hot, I had only been studying Dutch for a few months (the whole session was in Dutch), and so I feel asleep and when I leaned backwards the legs on the chair broke. Made a huge noise, and I am rolling around on the ground trying to get out of the remenants of the chair.

    Okay, that was embarrassing.

    But, to be fair, I saw at least a dozen people break the legs off the chairs in my three years in Suriname, so it isn't that unexpected.
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236
    Oh, these are all so horrible. It hurts my heart to read them...but I completely understand.

    Last summer, I had to go to the ER - I had hurt my ankle. Get through the triage process, and the tiny little nurse goes to the wheelchairs to get one for me. She stops, looks at the normal sized wheel-chair, shakes her head, and picks the super-sized wheelchair and brings it over. I wanted to throw up...totally crushed me.
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    I have loads but 3 really stick out...

    1. I had to have a medical procedure and the Doctors had to refer me to a special hospital because my BMI was so high that I was considered a risk to go under anaesthetic.

    2. When I was at school, considering I was fat I wasn't particularly uncool, I always had friends etc. One say I was with a friend of mine and she was on her mobile... I heard the person ask 'who you with'... without blinking and whilst walking beside me she said 'oh, Fat Hayley'. Didn't even realised what she had said... this was my best friend for years.

    3. Some particular kid at school took a dislike to me one day and actually followed me home calling me fat related names whilst throwing huge chunks of house brick at my head. I remember just carrying on walking while blood dripped down my face...saw him a few months ago in our mall and I STILL feel the rage. The only thing that makes me smile is hearing on the grapevine that he a total loser who is on drugs now and in and out of jail.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    When I pick my kids up from thier dads everyother weekend, we would go get a cup of ice cream from Dairy Queen before heading home.
    One day, the gal (who couldn't have been over 16 and I had no idea who she was) said the debit card machine wasn't working. And I told her ok, I'd pay with cash, and she was flustered and said, "Oh, your here all the time anyways...it's ok, this one's on us"...I pulled away from the drive thru window, chucked out my sundae cup of vanilla ice cream, a whole whopping maybe 300 calories, and cried the whole way home.
    My children (who are 6 and 5) were in the back seat confused, because what used to be a fun thing, now makes mommy cry. They were scared and didn't know what to think or say. My youngest started to cry because I was crying, and didn't know why she was crying. So I cried harder for making my daughter cry, it was horrible by the time we quit crying and I explained to my girls that mommy was just sad there was a bug in her ice cream. They were fine. But I will never be.
    That in it's self is a complex that will never leave my brain.

    The girl behind the window will never know what happened that day, but I kind of thank her for it. I guess. It's fuel for the fire anyway.
  • TheirEllie82
    TheirEllie82 Posts: 162 Member
    The year after I had my son I gained 60 lbs and at my annual check up my doctor kept looking at my chart and then said "I thought maybe we recorded your weight wrong at your post delivery appointment but it seems that we didnt. How were you able to gain so much weight in 1 year?" And it still took me 4 years after that to get how big I really had become.
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    Several years ago I went on a date with a guy and things seemed to go okay and he seemed interested so we went on another date a little later and decided to watch a movie at his place.

    We talked and had a good time but then I didn't really hear from him.

    So I IMed him and asked him what was going on. I was just making casual conversation.

    He rudely, told me straight out.. "Honestly, I am not trying to be shallow but it bothered me that we couldn't comfortably fit on the couch together". He was implying I was so fat that we couldn't fit. He then went on to say how he works out several times a week and my arms were still bigger then his.

    I cried and cried and cried and then started my diet.

    I wouldn't even look twice at that a** now.
  • Cliffy94
    Cliffy94 Posts: 1,265 Member
    when i was younger probably about 13/14 and i was chubby at school and very low in confidence. I had a crush on a girl in my Spanish class, and i told her friend that i liked her. And she went across the room to tell the girl i liked, to which she shouted out 'euuurgghh as if i would go out with you' in front of the whole class! really hurt me and stuck with me for years. Funny thing was i saw the same girl i had the crush on at my local gym a few months ago, and she almost didnt recognise me, she was quite complimentary and flirty with me, i thanked her for her advances and then said no thanks!

    Also many times at school being bullied from about 13-16 years old, the constant jibes and name calling by certain kids.
    Really sticks with you and still does today for me, even ten years later

    So sorry for all the pain you suffered.But you showed them, because you are one fine looking young man. Kudo's to you!:wink:

    Wow! Thankyou for that, i appreciate it :smile:
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    OMG - All of these posts hit so close to home for me. Everyone on here is so awesome for sharing and being so open. I too have had about 100 million, some of which, I am not going to share because it's too personal or humiliating. I've gotten stuck in dresses - actually ripped one to shreds trying to get out of one once - it was humiliating. I got stuck in a desk in college once. Sat there a good 20 minutes after class till everyone was gone so I could escape. In high school, I had to do a presentation in class (which I hated) and went to get up and my stomach got stuck and the desk lifted with me. OMG I thought I would die....Everyone saw and laughed. I went to a concert a couple years ago with my husband and I barely fit in the seat next to him. I could feel the fat of my hips seeping into his seat... I couldn't even put my arms down at my sides and I know he noticed and just didn't say anything to be polite. Ugh. When I was in Elementary school - the guy I liked called me a sumo wrestler and a refrigerator ( I guess he meant I was the size of one) in front of the whole class. Joy. Pictures of me always conjure up humiliation too. Realizing I weigh more than my husband (who must think I weigh much less than him). Another time, back at an old job, my boss, who was a short, skinny older guy who joked around all the time, picked up a blue blazer (part of all of the office staff's uniform) and started stomping around the office in it, making booming sounds and acting like godzilla, all the while saying how giant it was. I realized it was mine and said, hey, that's mine. He looked shocked and burst out laughing until he was literally in tears, saying he thought it belonged to this other guy in the office who's really heavy. I was mortified. I also had a fun time at a high school dance. I went shopping with some friends and bought the biggest dress I could find in the stores we went to. I got it home and realized I could get into it, but the zipper wouldn't go all the way up my back fat. I cried, and then said, oh well, I have to make it work, so I tucked in the back flaps of the unzipped dress, and wore a cardigan over the top so no one would see. At the dance, I went to take my jacket off and realized the back of the cardigan was caught on my jacket. My friend tried to help me, but ended up lifting the back of my cardigan up and like 30 people in line saw my back busting out of the dress and started laughing and going ew... I heard them all whispering about me. I wanted to die. Ok, that's enough fun for now...
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Wow... after reading so many of these, it was like getting slapped in the face.

    I have had the being the only girl not picked up at the bar thing too...and you sit there trying to look like you don't care.

    I have had the big girl BP cuff too

    I have had to get the seat belt extender for a plane ride

    I have run across the street wearing shorts and heard what sounded like clapping but it was actually thighs slapping together

    Fortunately I hate roller coasters and I carry my weight more inmy butt than my belly so I don't look pregnant
  • blazeybug87
    blazeybug87 Posts: 226 Member
    Several years ago I went on a date with a guy and things seemed to go okay and he seemed interested so we went on another date a little later and decided to watch a movie at his place.

    We talked and had a good time but then I didn't really hear from him.

    So I IMed him and asked him what was going on. I was just making casual conversation.

    He rudely, told me straight out.. "Honestly, I am not trying to be shallow but it bothered me that we couldn't comfortably fit on the couch together". He was implying I was so fat that we couldn't fit. He then went on to say how he works out several times a week and my arms were still bigger then his.

    I cried and cried and cried and then started my diet.

    I wouldn't even look twice at that a** now.

    Eugh. Men.

    I would have used those 'big arms' to knock him out!
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 472 Member
    The thing I hate worst, though? The nurses in the doctor's office having to get the fat-girl cuff to check my blood pressure.

    ^^^ This. Uggh, I forgot about my fat moments until I've been reading all of these posts. When I give plasma they ask for the big cuff.

    Also the Red Cross had a blood drive at my job. The seats that they bring with them hold a maximum of 350 lbs. I think I weighed 355 pounds or something. When I told her that I wasn't able to go any further. I wasn't able to give blood because I was too big. SMH.
  • jessicae1aine

    I have had the being the only girl not picked up at the bar thing too...and you sit there trying to look like you don't care.

    I don't do bars, but I've had the opposite - complete creeps who flirt with you because no one else is, assuming it's easy to flatter you and get in your pants. Ugh.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    This was more of a personal disappointment rather than embarrassing. To be embarrassed you have to hold someone else's opinion pretty high, and for the most part I am not affected by other people's opinions. If an idiot were to call me fat, I would just consider the source of the comment. Its true, I am FAT. But it bothers me more about my personal journey instead of being bothered by what others think.

    In my late 40's my doc suggested I get a stress test. They would do two tests. One on a treadmill (I dreaded the thought) and the other is a radioactive dye they inject and then take an x-ray. When I arrived for the test I had to get on a scale. That's when they told me since I was over 250 lbs they would have to conduct the dye test in two parts, one that day and one the next day. Something about it being dangerous to use enough radioactive stuff to get a good result in someone over 250. I've hovered at that 245-255 weight ever since, but it really was wake-up call that my heft was causing me other problems.

    Now I'm once again trying to do something about it, and so far this is the best start I've had and I feel optimistic about my chances of sticking with it and actually achieving my goal of being under 200 again.