Things you shouldn't say to someone "on a diet?"



  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    "One cupcake is not going to hurt you."

    My worst worst! Thats why I tell no one I'm dieting! There is always the "but one of this isn't going to hurt you..."
  • Jishmeister
    Jishmeister Posts: 108
    I agree with your post. The person I hate most is my father. He only eats dinners, but as he gets older, he is starting to snack a little more. However, every time I eat, he swears I just ate a few minutes ago, even though it had been 2-3 hours. It can be frustrating, but just stay strong. The best way I handle this is ignoring him.
    Exactly what my dad does too! Every time he sees me eat, he starts up about how over weight I am and how I need to lose weight. It's like shut the F**K up! I can't just starve myself! It's so frustrating. It's gotten to the point where I feel really self conscious about eating in his presence.
  • superrjo
    superrjo Posts: 112 Member
    My Mum is terrible for it - she spends half the time telling me im so thin and i shouldnt lose any more weight and I should eat more etc etc, and when I like to cook as she puts excessive amounts of oil/butter in things which do not need it, it annoys her as she says I dont need to worry about it! However, sometimes, for no reason when she sees me having a snack she'll make snidey comments like "oh, i hope your going to add THAT to your calories jo", "thats the kind of thing you SHOULDNT be eating". It does my head in !!!
  • giggles7706
    giggles7706 Posts: 1,491 Member
    My parents are always telling me I'm going to disappear if I keep losing weight. I'm like "Really?? REALLY?? No, NO." One particular co-worker is CONSTANTLY pushing junk food down my throat telling me it won't hurt me. And then there is the co-worker that wants to critisize because I had a cookie with my dinner. Looks at me and makes some snide remark like "I thought you were watching what you were eating??." I just stare her down because she has absolutely NO idea what I've eaten that day and it's none of her business anyway.
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I hate it when ppl say, "one burrito or one cookie isn't gonna kill you".....well of course not, but if I kept eating like that, I'd have continued to get fatter and fatter! People are so weird about "diets' lol
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I hate it when ppl say, "one burrito or one cookie isn't gonna kill you".....well of course not, but if I kept eating like that, I'd have continued to get fatter and fatter! People are so weird about "diets' lol

    It chaps them that you're doing it and they aren't, so they're trying to drag you back down with them.
  • Get_Me_Fit1
    Get_Me_Fit1 Posts: 194
    I hate it when people are like "You don't know what youre doing, that website isn't real." or, sometimes i forget to stretch after my workout, and my family goes "You need to stretch after. EVERY TIME." and im like, really? I know what im doing, im just forgetful.

    I also hate it how, when im on a diet, whenever they make comments that are rude (and they make some pretty rude comments), and i confront them, they say "Your just angry because your on a diet"

    LIKE SERIOUSLY NO GO AWAY. Hahaha okay done.
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    Why are you losing weight? Is it on purpose (I started out at 288 -- Duh!!)? Just one won't hurt. You're losing too much.

    I also hate it when people apparently think that my weight loss is an invitation for them to comment on my body. "Do you have any boobs left?" You don't look like you have loose skin.

    Quit scrutinizing me!!

    One more thing that I hate -- when people compliment me on my weight loss and then feel the need to tell me why they can't lose weight.

    By the way, I have learned to never say that I'm on a diet (I'm really not anyway). I tell people that I am particular about what I eat, and I enjoy exercising.
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    My pet peeve... is hearing anyone comment on my weight, good or bad. I simply don't like my weight being a topic of conversation among my friends and family (other than MFP that is). There are so many fascinating and interesting things to talk about in life, my current weight, or weight loss is not one of them.
    I feel this way too! I have tried so hard to redirect people, but they will keep going back to my weight loss. It can be very awkward and annoying!
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    Doesn't happen so much now but as soon as people start to notice that I have started to lose weight. They start giving me their diet tips.
    First of all - why don't you use it and show me that it works
    Second - If I'm losing weight, isn't it obvious that what ever I'm doing is actually working?
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    The only person who knows I'm dieting is my husband - and he has said some pretty annoying things (he is obese fyi)

    Things like "You don't need to eat less, you just need to get up and jog in the mornings"

    He also gives advice to other's like "Buy a scale that measures bf%" (How will that help pray -tell?)

    No one has noticed my weightloss - it's only 11lbs - so I haven't had to 'explain' myself. I also eat calorie laden junk food at every social event so it's impossible for my friends to have any clue. (I save my calories + I NEVER eat junk at home or at any other time)

    When (and if) they ever ask I will give credit to my C25K and the 30 day shred. :heart:
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    When (and if) they ever ask I will give credit to my C25K and the 30 day shred. :heart:
    Those are two of the things that I always give credit to, too!
  • coderedd
    coderedd Posts: 7
    Giving unsolicited advice about watching carbs calories calories from fat etc
  • coderedd
    coderedd Posts: 7
    My mother does weird things.. Any time I'm hesitant to eat much, or eat healthy food, or try to exercise I get the "hahaha! Are you on a diet? Are you trying to lose weight"?"
    Any time I have a less healthy snack or lay around the house I get a "you really should eat healthier. How many calories are in that? Get up and go exercise or something."
    I'm confused. Do you, or do you not want me to be healthy, mom. Make up your mind. D:

    But then yeah. The tempting boyfriend. It's really hard because we go out to eat a bunch because we both just really LOVE food.

    OMG you just wrote my life story lol. except its my step-dad majority of the time..
    but every time he notices im eating extra healthy he has something to say because as he would say, i had 'anorexic tendencies' when i was younger. And when im eating something not necessarily the best for you. He would look at me eat and be like 'so you gonna eat all that, and your gonna be big as a house." confused much?

    Also, my boyfriend is like a human food disposal. I have to keep water and a healthy snack on me whenever im around so i won't over eat while im with him.

    But basically, i can never eat healthy without people around me wondering if i have an eating disorder
    And i can't have a treat without people thinking i'm a failure. It makes me a little more self-conscious and aggravated.
  • amortize20
    amortize20 Posts: 62 Member
    You've lost a bit too much weight.

    This from some over weight colleague/s who have been dieting for the 6 years i've worked here.

    oh, and my wife telling people i'm anorexic, just for a laugh.
  • kooky_kiz
    kooky_kiz Posts: 22 Member
    my neighbour and i were discussing that we both had 20 kilos to lose and she was telling me she was walking twice a day and only eating salads, I offered her a bunch of bananas as we grow them and she told me I shouldn't eat bananas because they are fattening! like WTF then she procecced to tell me watermelon is also fattening. 6 months later she still has 17 kmilos to lose while i have 8?
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    I'm trying to eat healthy and drink a lot of water just to be healthy, not necessarily lose weight. But i hate it when someone says "oh you're sooo skiny, why are you eating a salad?"
    hello, don't be so ignorant.
  • EmpathyBot
    EmpathyBot Posts: 78 Member
    "You don't need to count calories, or watch what you eat. Just do roller-derby, and have lots of sex like I do!"


    I can't rollerblade, and if I eat whatever I want, without counting, I could easily just gain all the weight back, irregardless of how much I work out.
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    The worst one I got recently went something like this- I love Skinny Cow Ice cream, and at 100 calories, I fit it in any days I work real hard. It's a great, guilt free treat.
    Last week, as I was enjoying my treat, an old co-worker of my husbands stopped by. My husband is very proud of me for exercising and losing weight, so of course, he knew I was "dieting"

    Him: I thought you were dieting, whats up with the Ice Cream?
    Me: (nicely) It's a treat, and its Skinny Cow, it's..
    Him: (interrupting me) It's ice cream, thats like the worst thing for you when you're dieting.
    Me: (I decided to just keep my mouth shut at this point, I wanted to say some things I really shouldn't)

    Him: (he launches into a story about how he "used to be" a weight lifter, so he knows a LOT about weight control)

    Me: (I didn't say anything, just looked at his 100+ pounds of overweight self in disbelief)

    Him: (the beautiful ending to his diatribe) He looked at me, very seriously, and said "My ex-wife used to try to lose weight by eating Ice Cream too, thats why I divorced her fat a****"

    Me: "I may have some weight to lose, but your kind of ugly is permanent. Now, get the ____ out of my house"

    My husband has been informed that this man better never walk in my door again.. if he does, my newest exercise will be batting practice!
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    Last week was my 21st birthday and I was celebrating it with my fiance and his family. His mother is the nicest person I know and she knows I've been eating less and been on a "diet", so she asked me what kinda of cake i wanted for my birthday. I told her a mini one lol. So she did! It was only 6 inches in diameter and it was a pretty healthy cake, as far at they could go. There wasn't any frosting, just some light whipped cream and fresh cut up strawberries. I planned on sharing it at my birthday part with my fiance, who would eat half of it anyway. After I got my cake though my future sister-in-law said "Wow, a whole cake to yourself!?" Then make some pig noises afterward. That made me feel pretty bad after so I had a very small piece, maybe a slice that was 12% of the cake, if that. My fiance still had half of it.

    Needless to say, if it's someone's birthday or special occasion and they seem like they deserve a treat, don't make fun of them even if you're joking.It can really hurt someones feelings.

    You have an AWESOME future MIL...and as for the SIL and all those others....
    Haters gon hate...........they are just jealous of how utterly HAWT you (and all of us others here) are becoming!!!!:drinker: