Things you shouldn't say to someone "on a diet?"



  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    The worst one I got recently went something like this- I love Skinny Cow Ice cream, and at 100 calories, I fit it in any days I work real hard. It's a great, guilt free treat.
    Last week, as I was enjoying my treat, an old co-worker of my husbands stopped by. My husband is very proud of me for exercising and losing weight, so of course, he knew I was "dieting"

    Him: I thought you were dieting, whats up with the Ice Cream?
    Me: (nicely) It's a treat, and its Skinny Cow, it's..
    Him: (interrupting me) It's ice cream, thats like the worst thing for you when you're dieting.
    Me: (I decided to just keep my mouth shut at this point, I wanted to say some things I really shouldn't)

    Him: (he launches into a story about how he "used to be" a weight lifter, so he knows a LOT about weight control)

    Me: (I didn't say anything, just looked at his 100+ pounds of overweight self in disbelief)

    Him: (the beautiful ending to his diatribe) He looked at me, very seriously, and said "My ex-wife used to try to lose weight by eating Ice Cream too, thats why I divorced her fat a****"

    Me: "I may have some weight to lose, but your kind of ugly is permanent. Now, get the ____ out of my house"

    My husband has been informed that this man better never walk in my door again.. if he does, my newest exercise will be batting practice!

    You shoulda kicked his *ss out the door....(literally!).....hey then you would have burned off the 100 cals and you could sit back and have another Skinny Cow......its a win-win...:drinker:
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    My husband, who is in the garage looking for a tool this idiot wanted to borrow, was really shocked at what this guy said, but even more shocked that I didn't hit him over the head with something.

    He's actually pretty lucky that my husband didn't understand what had happened until after he pulled away.. He was even more mad that I was. Seriously, I just thought the guy was terminally stupid.
  • LeeshaNichole
    LeeshaNichole Posts: 179 Member
    I had lost 80lbs in about three months, mainly by portion control and cutting out the crap. I got pregnant and had to stop working out (very high risk pregnancy) and I started giving into cravings-so I gained some weight. I ended up miscarrying at 11 weeks (my 6th miscarriage). I decided that is it I will loose all this damn weight if it kills me. On father day we had a bbq for my father-in-law it was also his birthday. We actually ran into my mother-in-law while doing the shopping for the bbq. She said "ohh I am buying these cookies to bring over, I know you really like them "(which I am actually really not a cookie fan) I simply said "Ohh thank you but I am trying to eat healthy." SO when they came over later she brought two packages of cookies and a cake (for my fil birthday) While everyone else was chowing down on baked potatoes, brats, baked beans, and shrimp skewers. I simply had one brat and a salad. I was measuring out my salad and she was like "on the diet you are on you, do you have to measure everything?" I was like "ohh I'm not really one a dite-just eating healthier and counting calories." The whole time through dinner it was ohh Alicia's dite this and Alicia's diet this. Grrr! I am not on a friggin' diet it is called a lifestyle change-diets do not work!

    Also-I hate when people ask "how is the diet going?" or "is th diet working?" ugghhh! Ohh and also my mom always asks"why are you trying to loose weight?" Umm cause I'm FAT!!!!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Two recent ones:

    "Don't take this the wrong way, but I preferred you with bigger boobs."
    "Weight training? You'll look like a lesbian."

    There is so much wrong with that I don't even know where to start...
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    "why are you on a diet, you are so skinny, just enjoy yourself" (when i order healthy food on a menu like a salad or grilled chicken)


    Lol..these are the same people who text me: "whine, im so fat, i wanna get in shape..." oi

    Agreed. I get this ALL the time and I hate it.

    Me too :grumble:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    This is yet more proof you should never ever talk about dieting or say you are dieting to anyone EVER.
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    My partners idea of motivating me is telling me im going to get fat every single time I left an unhealthy snack regardless of what workout iv done during the day!
    P*ss off is what he gets back most of the time lol and hes a cheek to talk when he wants a take away he tortures me to get one with him (also the reason I got this extra weight) !!! He makes no sence at all
  • countryviolet333
    countryviolet333 Posts: 10 Member
    "Are you sure you want/really need that?"

    Makes me soo pissed when people ask me this, especially if ive done more exercise just so I can have it.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    Two recent ones:

    "Don't take this the wrong way, but I preferred you with bigger boobs."
    "Weight training? You'll look like a lesbian."

    i have a couple of friends who are gay and if weight training made me look like them i'd be more than happy.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 968 Member
    My biggest bug is when you go out for a meal with people who know you diet and exercise & if you have a treat they are like "You cant have that if you're on a diet"!!!

    So ok, i diet and exercise and like to keep in shape but that doesnt mean I cant treat myself to an ice cream every once in a while!! FFS!!! lol!!! :noway:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    My biggest bug is when you go out for a meal with people who know you diet and exercise & if you have a treat they are like "You cant have that if you're on a diet"!!!

    So ok, i diet and exercise and like to keep in shape but that doesnt mean I cant treat myself to an ice cream every once in a while!! FFS!!! lol!!! :noway:

    Again, this is why you should never tell anyone you are on a diet!
  • MisterTEZ
    MisterTEZ Posts: 272 Member
    a work colleague took one look at my healthy salad at lunchtime and said "What are you? A slug?"
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    The worst one I got recently went something like this- I love Skinny Cow Ice cream, and at 100 calories, I fit it in any days I work real hard. It's a great, guilt free treat.
    Last week, as I was enjoying my treat, an old co-worker of my husbands stopped by. My husband is very proud of me for exercising and losing weight, so of course, he knew I was "dieting"

    Him: I thought you were dieting, whats up with the Ice Cream?
    Me: (nicely) It's a treat, and its Skinny Cow, it's..
    Him: (interrupting me) It's ice cream, thats like the worst thing for you when you're dieting.
    Me: (I decided to just keep my mouth shut at this point, I wanted to say some things I really shouldn't)

    Him: (he launches into a story about how he "used to be" a weight lifter, so he knows a LOT about weight control)

    Me: (I didn't say anything, just looked at his 100+ pounds of overweight self in disbelief)

    Him: (the beautiful ending to his diatribe) He looked at me, very seriously, and said "My ex-wife used to try to lose weight by eating Ice Cream too, thats why I divorced her fat a****"

    Me: "I may have some weight to lose, but your kind of ugly is permanent. Now, get the ____ out of my house"

    My husband has been informed that this man better never walk in my door again.. if he does, my newest exercise will be batting practice!

    I would have totally said, 'wow, so your ex-wife INSTANTLY lost (however many lbs he weighs) of ugly fat?' ;)
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    "Are you sure you want/really need that?"

    My personal favourite. Passive aggressive much?! Also my mother's default comment when I was younger and lived at home. Grrr.
  • JB5349
    JB5349 Posts: 135 Member
    My Mother is always telling me to make sure that I keep it off this time. Seriously you are not a skinny woman how dare you tell me to keep the weight off.

    Or my favourite, you eat so much salad, I am worried about you! Before it was chips and chocolate now I am eating an effing rabbit and she still makes comments. Look at your own plate before you start judging mine.

    Besides I control how much exercise I do or don't to I can eat anything that I want! This is the first time I have been successful so just let me be please.
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    "How much more do you think you should lose?" and "You've been doing this forever, it's time to enjoy yourself." are my two least favorite things to hear!
  • louiloui123
    louiloui123 Posts: 22 Member
    but keep offering me cookies, doughnuts and say you don't need to be on a diet... when I refuse them
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I have someone at my office just like this. Even though she knows I eat healthy and I only eat a piece of dark chocolate if I want something sweet, she always brings in cakes and stuff like that and acts offended when I dont eat. It used to make me upset but now I look at it like..she is the one thats overweight whild I am getting skinny
  • paulipet
    paulipet Posts: 70
    This is why I don't tell anyone I'm on a diet. I don't talk about it to either my friends or my family. I think the more you talk about being on a diet, the more it invites people to say things in return and "hold you accountable."

    Me too. I always feel that they are just waiting for me to fail (which is understandable I guess as I always have in the past). Not this time though!
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    Most people have been really encouraging and supportive of me, but it really bugs me when people ask you how you do it, but then switch off when you don't give them a magic pill. Sorry, guys, I simply monitored what was going into my mouth and did a lot more exercise!

    Also, a few people feel the need to put themselves down when they compliment me on my weight loss. 'Oh my god, you look amazing. Have you lost weight? You're so skinny! I'm such a fat ***** right now! Bawww!'

    I know it's a compliment to me and an insult to them, but really? You can't say something nice to someone without putting yourself down? Sometimes I wonder if it's just fishing for compliments.