Things you shouldn't say to someone "on a diet?"



  • MsTonyaRenee
    MsTonyaRenee Posts: 116 Member
    More than two years in and all I hear now is, "So how much have to lost now?!" HATE that! I don't feel like sharing, dipweed. If I did, I'd let you know. (My feeling toward this comment may also have to do with the fact that I'm on a 6-month plateau and while losing inches, have not been losing actual pounds, so I say, "Nothing" and they look at me with that "Ha! I knew it!" face and I want to punch them in the throat because it's not ALL about the scale, #%*#$!)

    I hate that, I have hit plateaus like that were I lose inches instead of lbs. Sometimes you just don't want to be "judged" even if people mean well when they ask.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    I have been running early in the mornings before my husband goes to work. This plus the limited calories makes me super tired sometimes, so if I'm a little extra tired one morning I sleep in and do some swimming or calisthenics later in the day. My husband will always roll over and say "why are you not running? You need to keep up with that stuff or your gonna gain your weight back" I don't need a damn babysitter! I just spent 4 years in the Army being told how, when, and where to exercise. I'm doing this my way now and honestly getting better results out of it!
  • pdj1220
    pdj1220 Posts: 175
    If I hear you are big boned or large framed one more time I may scream! My bones aren't that big, it was the 6" of fat around them made them seem bigger.
  • NewFitKeri
    NewFitKeri Posts: 190 Member
    I did a wall post about this last night too lol!

    A gym employee last night said to me "I would have thought you'd be smaller by now"

    Really, wtf?!?!
  • andreamkelly
    andreamkelly Posts: 169
    I have to admit to almost saying the wrong thing to a slim friend the other day, but thanks to reading the forums lately, I was able to stop myself. My friend is not overweight by any means and told me (still obese, but working on it) she was having trouble losing weight. I told her she looked good, but she said she has never been as heavy as she is right now in her life and didn't like it. Instead of telling her she was crazy, I told her good luck and agreed she had to feel comfortable with her body. Thanks forum posters for helping me to be more considerate!
  • xuashe
    xuashe Posts: 46
    My adoring fiance, when he says "Here, have a bite!"
    Uh, dear, you know I am on a diet!
  • jackibailey
    jackibailey Posts: 206 Member
    My husband always asks me if I'm out of the three hundreds yet. Like that's some magical number set by him in his head. I refuse to tell him how much I weigh cause then he just compares it to what he weighs. Humiliating. And yes I am out of the three hundreds, but he'll never know.
  • laurakuehn
    laurakuehn Posts: 4 Member
    Mine isn't so much what they say to me--it's "the look" I get if I choose to eat a particular food item THEY think I shouldn't be eating.......
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I went for lunch with a friend in another town. We ended up at Boston Pizza. I had water and ordered the salmon fillet with steamed veggies (it was good). When we ordered she said "oh I'm not on the wagon so I will order whatever I want". She ordered some pasta dish. At the end of lunch she looked at my daughter and said "I'm not on the wagon so I think I will order cheesecake and eat it in front of your mom". Now I don't care what she eats it just seemed like she was trying to set me up to fail. I proved her wrong because I ate my lunch, drank my water, and enjoyed it all.
  • placebomonkey
    placebomonkey Posts: 104 Member
    I find it annoying that just because Ive become quite dedicated to a healthy diet and exercise, some of my friends like to call me obsessed and i must have a problem because I want to live a healthy lifestyle :(
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I've heard most of the comments on here and they used to bother me. I guess I've mellowed with age, or maybe just grown tired of explaining myself. Now when someone says "You don't need to be on a diet", I answer with "I know, and it's because I eat healthy". When they ask "Should you be eating that?", I ask "Why? What do you think it will do to me?". If they ask "Are you on a diet", my standard response is "Always".

    I have absolutely no problem with the word diet.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I can't relate.
    Nobody knows I am on a diet.
    I eat more than most at every function, party or picnic and am usually on "free day". While the fat people are all crying the blues about their "diets", I am wallowing in a food orgy of fun and fabulous dishes.
    What diet?
    The one thing people do say more often than anything is "how do you eat so much and stay in such good shape?"
    If I thought they really wanted to know, I'd tell them, but I do not.
    I just shrug and play dumb, knowing none of these people would be willing to travel down my road to peak fitness.
    It's a lonely but lovely place.
  • Its the same thing for me. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have captains practice for an hour and a half, go to work in a super market, then do 2 hours of an injury prevention and fitness training class which i have to leave directly after to go to soccer practice for my other team for 2 hours. On those days screw it, I want mac and cheese for lunch, I'm making mac and cheese. Or if I go out with friends after practice I'll have a scoop of ice cream or buy a small slushie. If I don't have those treats then I'm getting seconds of salmon and veggies. They all tell me I'm not going to lose weight eating so much but I don't think they realize that with the amount of exercise I do I have to nourish my body. Mostly I eat healthy except for the couple of treats on those days.
  • emmajcole
    emmajcole Posts: 1
    I'm also finding that as I am at my ideal weight, I get the

    'you dont need to loose anymore weight' I KNOW, I'M AT MY IDEAL WEIGHT


    'You dont need to keep going to the gym, you work out too much' ERR, WHEN WA THE LAST TIME YOU SAW THE INSIDE OF A GYM?

    The reality is this...

    I am at my ideal weight for my height, (5ft 3 ins and 8 stone 4 pounds) I'm sleeping better, my hormones are in check and I feel less stressed. My personal trainer, my friends and my boyf happen to think I look ok.

    I'm fitter than I have ever been, revealed muscle tone I didn't think existed and I have run a number of 10k's and a half marathon, learned to swim and looking to start cycling in the nicer weather.

    I go to the gym about 3 or 4 times a week and this includes things like Yoga and swimming.

    I wouldnt mind but the people who comment are massively unfit, mostly overwight and have no understanding of athletics and nutrition.

    I just wish these commenters would recognise my achievements and stop trying to drag me down to their level :-(

    And I wish they would stop shoving cake in my face! you wouldn't stick a bottle of whiskey in an alcoholics face would ya!?!?!? eh??!?!?
  • simatif
    simatif Posts: 32
    "Oooohhhh, i REALLY hope you are being smart about this. I mean, you arent starving yourself right ?"

    At two months, and 12 lbs, in the gym daily, i think i am being fairly smart about it no? I never even imagined when i started on the route to being healthy, that anyone could be negative, boy was I wrong.
  • HunterKiller_wechange
    HunterKiller_wechange Posts: 369 Member
    cor this pizza with extra everything is well nice. How's your carrot? :)
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member

    And I wish they would stop shoving cake in my face! you wouldn't stick a bottle of whiskey in an alcoholics face would ya!?!?!? eh??!?!?

    Brilliant! I'm stealing this quote for the next birthday party!
  • placebomonkey
    placebomonkey Posts: 104 Member
    cor this pizza with extra everything is well nice. How's your carrot? :)

  • TomKat428
    TomKat428 Posts: 30
    I have no history whatsoever of an eating disorder or a bad relationship with food. However, every time my grandmother thinks I look thinner than the last time she saw me, she flips. out. "Are you eating?! Are you depressed? Did you just throw up your lunch in the bathroom?" it is positively infuriating, not to mention hurtful. I have no idea where it's coming from.
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    Mine is...... you've lost enough, I hate that, I've not lost enough, I'm still overweight, and nowhere near a normal BMI.

    My answer is, I look thinner COS I AM!!!.