Thoughts on Diet Coke



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    New to MFP.
    By just giving up Diet Pepsi (I drank it several times a day - everyday), I'm down 10 pounds in 7 weeks.
    So you didn't change your diet and just gave up Diet Pepsi only? Doesn't calculate unless you were drinking 2 cases a day and overloading in sodium. You can't create calorie deficit from 0 calories.

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  • carolinesmiles
    Aspartame freaks me out. I drink Zevia from time to time - 0 calories, sweetened with stevia, tastes just as good (better, really) than traditional soda.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Diet Pepsi tastes better...................................2-3 cans a day for me over the last 25 years.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    I know smokers who brag like that....:sick:
    just say it:bigsmile:
    In my Sam Kinison voice: "SAY IT SAY IT SAY IT!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    I think that its made with aspartame, not splenda? My nursing instructor told us that aspartame (nutrasweet) is neurotoxic by allowing too much glutamate into the cells, which may eventually cause multiple sclerosis, parkinsons disease, alzheimers, brain lesions. She said that splenda is not as bad for you.

    She also said that when you open the pop and all of the mist comes off of it, it is actually formaldehyde (embalming fluid), there is much more of it when the diet coke is at room temp.

    Real pop is healthier for you than diet. You are not going to automatically die if you drink it, it happens slowly.
    Did you realize that eating fruits and vegetables also forms formaldehyde in the body? Alarmism at it's best.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    Yes I do, but the fruits and vegetables do not have aspartic acid in them, nor cause neurotoxic effects. I understand that many substances have formaldehyde but from what I understand they do not have many of the chemicals that diet pop has, and was just pointing out a few of them.
    Lol, okay would you like me to tell you what has aspartic acid in it too? Meat, fish, poultry, legumes, etc. I could go on and on.
    Again if you're going to state neurotoxic effects, please provide me with at least one peer reviewed scientific study that concludes that drinking diet soda causes this.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    If I do drink it there are only certain ones I like. The coke zero's to me taste better. NOt sure how healthy they are for you..
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I Loved diet Pepsi I drank it all the time then my vision would go out for seconds randomly during the day and I was getting splitting migraines. After going to the doctor, the eye doctor for astigmatism , getting CAT scans and MRI of my brain and finding nothing wrong my doctor said try not drinking any diet drinks for two weeks and see if that works .... And guess what .... all my symptoms went away. My auntie has smiler problems. Now I have to look at labels for aspartame on everything it sucks! I I do accidentally consume it I get the migraines they come on quickly

    Diet drinks = bad for body (my opinion)

    I have been trying to stop drinking soda all together but I like the carbonation
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Is there research on it or just internet myths? I believe it's harmless. The FDA believes it's harmless.

    FDA?! SchmeshDA!

    FDA sponsored by who?

    To anyone interested, check out the Sweet Misery documentary, available on-line ... Watch that and tell me there isn't reasonable doubt ...
    Personally I'll take peer reviewed scientific evidence over any documentary unless that documentary actually presents it that way.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    And I sincerely wish good luck to you then, I hope you don't suffer.
    Lol, no you don't. I bet you're hoping I keel over so you can say "I told you so"!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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  • StrongerJess
    StrongerJess Posts: 185 Member
    Here are my thoughts on it. I was a die hard diet coke drinker and had at least 20 oz a day. I felt like it gave me much more energy, and I loved the taste. In college, I felt like I couldn't live without that pick me up. Then last month, I went on this medication that didn't allow me to drink caffeinated soda or coffee. I am in shock at how much better I feel without it. I don't experience those ups and downs like I used to, and I seem to eat less when I don't have artificial sweeteners. PLUS, as a bonus, it has saved me a lot of money. Now, if I do eat out, I just get ice water. I am not tooting my own horn because it was medically necessary for me to quit soda, but it does feel damn good. When I get that craving that only soda can fulfill, I get a mineral water at Trader Joe's. I also keep water in my fridge that has lemons, cucumbers, and mint for added flavor. I say to each their own, but my experience with quitting diet soda has definitely been worthwhile. :drinker:
  • KBUnleashed
    KBUnleashed Posts: 44 Member
    I drank diet coke for years - there was practically an IV of diet coke in my arm. For 7 years I struggled with terrible stomach problems (had every test and was diagnosed (and then undiagnosed) with everything from Celiac to IBS to Chrons etc. and ultimately, the answer was that the artificial sweeteners (not just in diet coke, but it weight watchers food products and others) were making my stomach and intestines bleed. I stopped consuming all artificial sweeteners at that point and within 3 weeks, my 7 years of hell were over. The stuff is poison in my opinion. But so is sugar.

    You are practically my twin on this subject! I used to drink nothing but diet soda...never water,,,and had nothing but issues from my stomach. Now that I don't drink it, my overall digestive health is much better. I also found that drinking diet soda would stall my weight loss. My body is much happier consuming the water that I do and I have saved a ton of money. :)
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Love me some Diet Coke.. It hasn't rotted my teeth because I BRUSH THEM!
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    I drink Diet Rite cola when I have to drink a diet has splenda and no calories or sodium.

    This.. although, I do drink a fair amount of diet mountain dew as well, trying to cut back since I found the arizona lemonade, ice tea, and green tea with pomegranate stix I add to my bottles of water
  • jones137
    jones137 Posts: 89 Member
    I use diet coke to strip the finish off of my golf clubs (wedges). The stuff literally eats off the's better than CLR.

    In terms of drinking it, see what I just said.
    So will baking soda, but apparently it's okay to ingest. The hydrochloric acid in your stomach obliterates the fizz in any soft drink.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    In all honesty, I can say I've never eaten baking soda daily.

    Diet coke has Phosphoric Acid in it which is what strips the finish off of metal. It actually neutralizes the hydrochloric acid in your stomach which we need to digest food.....from which nutrients are obtained......meaning a further loss of minerals in your body because of inadequate digestion. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from your body in an effort to satisfy the body's desire to balance phosphorus and calcium.

    Having a diet coke a day is not going to kill you.....probably not going to have any effect, but is it good for you?
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    I only drink one if I HAVE to have a Coke. Otherwise, I steer clear because I have read about how horrible it is for your bones. Since my MawMaw has osteoporosis, I can't put my blinders on there. I will do what I can to avoid getting that.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    I admit, it is my poison of choice.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    Everything in moderation. I personally think Diet Coke tastes like crap, but it won't kill you to have some. Continue to drink water, though.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    It's just crap.

    Ignoring the health stuff - fizzy drinks are so bad for teeth. Why not just have fresh juice instead or concentrate?
    It's sugar that's bad for the teeth not the fizz. And juice has more sugar than many other sodas.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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    I drink no added sugar, and there is research that concludes even carbonated water is bad for teeth, never mind when you add diet coke syrup.

    Point being - unless you want to stick with plain water the whole time, then you will want some flavoured drink. Carbonated beverages are worse.
    Really? I'd like to see the research on the carbonated water. Provide me with a link.
    And whether or not you drink no "added" sugar, juice still has sugar. Ask any dentist what's worse for teeth: sugar or fizzy water with no sugar.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
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  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    Pepsi Max, Diet Dew, Diet A&W & the best of all, the 10 manly calories in Dr. Pepper 10! Regular pop tastes like crap with all that sugar!

    Whatever happened to what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger? Everything is bad for you in one way or another, & remember, it's not the years in your life, but the life in your years!
  • AlmstHvn
    AlmstHvn Posts: 378 Member
    Hubby avoid aspartame and goes for Diet Coke with Splenda.
    I really prefer the flavor of Coke Zero, but only have 1 a day - otherwise, I'm drinking goboodles of water. I LURVE Coke Zero and have no plans to eliminate it from my day... but never say never, as they say :)

    Compared to the days when it was 3-4 cokes a day and NO water, I'd say I'm on the right road. Moderation.
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    I'm curious how many of the people that swear against Diet Coke are smokers ??
    I can think of many things that are worse or just as bad
  • ctrygalk
    ctrygalk Posts: 13 Member
    Soda is soda and there is not one thing good about it. Its not healthy. Its not necessary to help a body function. If you go by "food is fuel" then you understand its got nothing. It eats up your insides, it depletes nutrition. Its crap!! If a person has given up processed foods in order to be more healthy than why would a person keep drinking this stuff? One can a day is too much! Im sorry but I dont understand why anyone still questions the value of soda for any reason. There are better alternatives.