To see or not to see ... Magic Mike



  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    my friends and I were contemplating the midnight showing. LOL

    There is no harm at looking at some pretty men for an hour. If nothing else, it's getting to go out and giggle with the girls for 2 hours.
  • kr1ssy23
    kr1ssy23 Posts: 270 Member
    For sure going to see :)
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    Matthew McCaughey is the least attractive guy in the cast (IMO). What does that tell you?? I'm going to be wearing at least 5 belts and 5 pairs of pants, bc those boys are going to make my pants fly off whenever they get on the screen.
  • DixiedoesMFP
    DixiedoesMFP Posts: 935 Member
    I saw the previews at the theater last weekend. It actually looks pretty funny and the back story is a love story. So you might find it a good time with friends.
  • girlyathlete21
    girlyathlete21 Posts: 150 Member
    This is a serious question??? Have you seen the line up of male strippers I mean actors in this thing???!!! Two words: Channing Tatum!!!!!!:smooched: :smooched:
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    To me, this is one of those movies where I could throw my ipod on and sit in the theater while playing my favorite songs and just watch. I don't care if there is a plot. I don't care what they say. This could be a silent film. I am going solely to watch beautiful men. Love em!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    :laugh: I'm not interested in going to see it at the theatre, but I'm sure the appeal is not for its cinematic excellence.

    I told my husband its going to be a great place for single guys to hang out...just waiting for pumped up ladies to come out of it all wound up afterward...hahaha.
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    Not! I agree 100% I don't need to fantasize about some actor that is probably a shallow idiot in real life. I'd rather spend time with my family. And it's a stupid morally bankrupt story to boot!

    Good. Stay home. More room for me in the theater.

    Bahahahaha. Ur awesome^^^^^
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I'm not into stripping either.... however my screen boyfriend is going to be on as the main character and I think it might be pretty funny so atleast I would get a laugh out of it.
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    I probably won't see it. But I agree on the eye candy especially Matthew.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    I am going to go see it, get me panties wet, then go home and rape the BF. Yup. Cant wait.

    Yes, only it'll be my husband. I may drag him with me and then do it in the car. I'm not thinking it will be one of those "wait till I get home" situations, lol :bigsmile:

    Mayyyyyyyyyyybe I should just wait till DVD and rent it... :huh:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Not! I agree 100% I don't need to fantasize about some actor that is probably a shallow idiot in real life. I'd rather spend time with my family. And it's a stupid morally bankrupt story to boot!

    you know, that's funny... b/c Matt Bomer won the New Generation Arts and Activism Award at the Steve Chase Humanitarian Awards ceremony because of his work to combat HIV/AIDS. (source:

    Channing Tatum works with a LOT of animal charities; mostly b/c that's his wife's passion, admittedly, but he's still putting in HOURS as well as his name and face. (source is his own website: )

    Matthew McConaughey works with DOZENS of charities (listed here: )... it's not ALL his pro-hemp activism.

    Joe Manganiello works for cystic fybrosis (source: ) as well as working a LOT for Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh (he's a PGH native)

    yeah... morally bankrupt... sure. just b/c someone is fit and pretty doesn't mean they aren't also a good person. shallow idiots indeed.

    thanks for sharing all the links--I was aware of Matthew McConaughey's and Matt Bomer's "side" (non-acting) work, but did not know about the others.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    my friends and I were contemplating the midnight showing. LOL

    There is no harm at looking at some pretty men for an hour. If nothing else, it's getting to go out and giggle with the girls for 2 hours.

    Hanging with the girls is appealing, but the rest is not. Seriously. Does nothing for me. And I don't find Channing Tatum THAT attractive. Not ugly, certainly, but not my type. None of them are.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I'd go see it!! It's looks like a fun summer night out with the girls get giggly have some drinks afterwards kind of movie!!!
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member

  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    my friends and I were contemplating the midnight showing. LOL

    There is no harm at looking at some pretty men for an hour. If nothing else, it's getting to go out and giggle with the girls for 2 hours.

    Hanging with the girls is appealing, but the rest is not. Seriously. Does nothing for me. And I don't find Channing Tatum THAT attractive. Not ugly, certainly, but not my type. None of them are.
    Maybe you should pass on the movie and just meet your friends afterward to hang out and giggle...sounds like you'd be wasting your money!
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    More Joe Manganiello shirtless-ness than True Blood? God, yes.
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    My daughters (18 & 23) are having a date night with mama (dinner and a movie) to see this! Weird, but it starts here on Thursday... already bought out tickets! =)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    my friends and I were contemplating the midnight showing. LOL

    There is no harm at looking at some pretty men for an hour. If nothing else, it's getting to go out and giggle with the girls for 2 hours.

    Hanging with the girls is appealing, but the rest is not. Seriously. Does nothing for me. And I don't find Channing Tatum THAT attractive. Not ugly, certainly, but not my type. None of them are.
    Maybe you should pass on the movie and just meet your friends afterward to hang out and giggle...sounds like you'd be wasting your money!

    That's what I'm afraid of. But then I wonder if maybe I'd enjoy something about it. That's why I looked up the reviews, but even though they were positive, they were sparse on info. Maybe I'll wait for the review in the local paper Friday and decide based on that. I usually agree with that reviewer.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    my friends and I were contemplating the midnight showing. LOL

    There is no harm at looking at some pretty men for an hour. If nothing else, it's getting to go out and giggle with the girls for 2 hours.

    Hanging with the girls is appealing, but the rest is not. Seriously. Does nothing for me. And I don't find Channing Tatum THAT attractive. Not ugly, certainly, but not my type. None of them are.

    they don't have to be. everyone has a different "type" and just b/c this cast is the type that's "in" right now, doesn't mean you have to find them attractive. me? i'm going more for matt bomer than the rest - i have a few degrees from him, but from what i know he's a genuinely awesome guy; plus i know i like him on white collar. if he weren't it in, i would probably wait to rent it. but... it is my type, so i know i would probably have bought it the day it was on DVD anyway. LOL