Is it ok for a woman..........



  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    No, theres something very off about that.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    That sounds shady to me. And especially the fact that she doesn't care you AREN'T ok with it. Even girls don't talk to their girlfriends that much.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Assuming this is your wife you're talking about, in this situation I would probably be very suspicious and/or ticked off. It depends what kind of boundaries you're comfortable with.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Not okay at all...
  • angelicarubi
    angelicarubi Posts: 148 Member
    No not okay at all! And for her to say you can do whatever you want is like telling you i do whatever i want so go on.
  • Busyboymomx3
    Busyboymomx3 Posts: 110 Member
    I dont know what she means when she says whatever, She states I let you go to the VFW club because you like it, I let you leave every other weekend to play D and D with the guys and she says since she is being supportive of those things I should nt have a problem with who she talks to on the phone because she is a home body and that it should be ok whomever she talks to on the phone.

    and what is the "homebody" doing while you're out?
  • Pacoroban
    Pacoroban Posts: 1
    Wow..GOOD Luck....
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    i think its possible she's talking with him because soemthing is up. Not her cheating on you, but maybe something is in his life that he can talk to her about and not really other people.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    I have sat her down and she has said they are good friends and nothing more and they have been friends for 14 years. She has told me I can not talk to my old gal friends and she has said that if they say anything innappropriate she will not talk to him anymore so can I trust what she is saying. I have been through this before with exs and it never ends up right at all. Thanks for the twentysided comment LOL that is hilarious.

    Go with your gut feeling. Kinda sounds like she has her set of rules, and you have yours.....
  • jean1058
    jean1058 Posts: 86 Member
    It doesn't matter what we think really. It obviously bothers you, so no, it's not okay. Talk to her.


    ETA: she LETS you go to places & LETS you D&D? Is she the mommy? Hmmmm.
  • Enkibean
    Enkibean Posts: 56
    Is it ok for a woman to talk on the phone to a guy for three hours if she is married? and talk to him for an hour here and an hour there and txt him at 1030 at night? Is it being unsupportive to be uncomfortable with that and saying how you feel about it? I am curious. WHat everyones opinion is on it. Even if she says you can go do whatever and then brings up the fact that she is supportive of me cause she lets me hang with the guys every other weekend at his house playing Dungeons and Dragons, yes I said I am a role player. Please Id like the opinions of everyone. Thanks

    Of course it's okay. You can't stop people from doing what they want. Of course, I would also assume that she's sleeping with him until proven otherwise...
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Freaking gamers...*shudders* my personal experience...gamers pay very little attention to their real life women, and wayy too much to the characters in their game. Maybee she's needing some male attention.
    Clearly, we haven't met.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    Is it ok for a woman to talk on the phone to a guy for three hours if she is married? and talk to him for an hour here and an hour there and txt him at 1030 at night? Is it being unsupportive to be uncomfortable with that and saying how you feel about it? I am curious. WHat everyones opinion is on it. Even if she says you can go do whatever and then brings up the fact that she is supportive of me cause she lets me hang with the guys every other weekend at his house playing Dungeons and Dragons, yes I said I am a role player. Please Id like the opinions of everyone. Thanks

    i see nothing wrong with having friends.

    if you can't trust her, then that's another issue entirely.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    Freaking gamers...*shudders* my personal experience...gamers pay very little attention to their real life women, and wayy too much to the characters in their game. Maybee she's needing some male attention.

    as a gamer, i prefer other gamers.

    i guess this post is why ;)
  • My best friend is a man. He's also one of my ex-boyfriends. He and I talk for hours any day of the week. We text and share photos on our phones and we laugh, have a good time, vent to each other about everything. We have no romantic feelings toward each other, but we truly do love each other. If someone was ever suspicious (and trust, they have been) of my relationship with him, I'd tell them to get ****ed. It's no one's right to question my motives when I'm simply having a conversation.

    If you have an issue with your girl's behavior you need to stop posting your business online asking for opinions and sit down and have a talk with her. Be honest and open, don't jump to conclusions and don't accuse her of anything, because you're likely to offend her, piss her off and make her run to her friend even more than she already does.

    Do you have a good communication basis in your relationship? Because it doesn't honestly sound like it. More relationships would be saved if people would stop venting on message boards about their mate and actually have a conversation.
  • Ok here's my story. I am writing from personal exp. I am anonymous on here so here goes bud.... I was the one is her shoes writing this... a few years ago . I was gaming a LOT on a certain gaming console. Was not happy in my marriage/still am not happy :( I was playing Call of Duty MW 2 I think at this time. Started talking to this guy and we got really close emotionally. Talked HOURS/texted told my husband to go out whenever he wanted almost pushed him out the door a few nights. Never slept with the guy but wanted him to get me out of this hell I was living in. But it never happened. This other person made me really happy ...he listened to me rather than start a fight and not hear what I had to say and he gave me something to look forward to after a hard day at work and being the only bread winner all the time with all the stress on my freakin shoulders to deal with on top of a very stressful job/resp level. So keep your eyes OPENED!!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I don't think so. I would not be ok with that.
  • Barbara98
    Barbara98 Posts: 60 Member
    All i can say is you need to stop what happening on both parts. From experience she is talking to him cause she's not getting what she needs at home and i feel when your married i feel time with the guy needs to be less frequent. Y'all are married. Trust me if she's talking to him for 3 hours on the phone its not a good sign for the future. If she's telling you to go out with the guys thats even more troubling. All this is to familar. Y'all need to act like a married couple and spend time with each other and not so much with other people unless its done as a couple.
  • xxxTiaxxx
    xxxTiaxxx Posts: 310 Member
    There's totally something there... unless he's gay then I could understand it.

    Then again my bff is a guy and we talk a lot. Sometimes first thing in the morning, throughout the day and before bed. My bf is friends with him too so I guess that kind of helps. But still... my bf is involved with the convos and he's kept up to date with his happenings. I'm sure this person isn't doing that.
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    My feeling is that it is inappropriate for a person to have a really close relationship with someone of the opposite sex when they are married. It is one thing if it's a friend who they have known forever and have dinner with once and a while alone, but it is crazy for her to think what she is doing is okay. You going out with your male friends is far different than her talking to a man for hours on the phone.