Strangest Thing You Ever Seen At The Gym



  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    A lady running on the treadmill in a bathing suit.

    saw a girl running on a treadmill barefoot. so gross.

    I used to run barefoot on our home treadmill, until the day I somehow lost my footing and slid and the treadmill ripped my foot open. I still have a scar running several inches down my pinkie toe and the side of my foot. Seriously, that is just unsafe :/

    doing it at home where only your feet and shoes go is one thing, but i can't imagine running barefoot on a gym treadmill +ripping your foot open on a gym treadmill. EWW. hospital quick.

    glad you are okay...have you checked out vibrams?
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    b.) not get smacked in the face from dancing PJs

    This made me bust up laughing. Awesome
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    While walking on the treadmill at the gym tonight, I saw a man working out with his parrot on his shoulders. A staff person called the gym owner and the guy was asked to leave.

    What is the strangest thing you ever seen at the gym?

    was his name Co Co Beware! (someone will get it.)
  • munkey418
    munkey418 Posts: 139
    I'm not sure this is necessarily weird, just pretty funny. Was at the gym with a friend around 1:30AM (we work 2nd shift) for some late night strength training and at the end of our workout, we move to the ellipticals. Suddenly, a lady wearing pajamas walks in. Nbd, right? There are about 6-7 ellipticals all in a row, my friend and I are on two of them. Pajamas decides to come up to the elliptical right next to me, with only the three of us there. Not that I have a problem with this, but when there are 2-3 around us, why would you choose the one right next to me?! She gets on and starts bopping her head to the music, which is pretty normal for me so I don't think much of it... however, the shenanigans soon escalate to full fledged dancing (dalking, I think they named it) - arms flailing from her sides to her shoulders and all. I decide my time is up, in an effort to a.) not die from laughter and b.) not get smacked in the face from dancing PJs, and I proceed to the treadmill to finish my workout. When my friend and I are finally done, we go around and clean off the machines we used and we hear this yelping noise that sounded like a dog just burst into flames. Fortunately, it was just Pajamas singing at the top of her lungs.. you know, that 5 seconds of a song you haven't heard in a decade that you remember by heart and belt out, no matter who is around.

    I wish we had gotten a good video of this entire thing. I know I said I would feel horrible for putting it on the net but I still wish I could re-watch xD maybe PJs will be back when we go this week lol
  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
    There's a lady at my gym that always works out in a dress. But she's super fit and runs marathons! I find it a little bit strange but she's doing better than me so I'm not gonna judge!
    Is it a running dress? B/c I have a couple.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    WOW!! There are a lot of strange people out there!!!
  • Masachapa
    Masachapa Posts: 79
    Every weekday morning around 4 a.m. there is a guy that straps on some kind of leather things that look like gauntlets, dances around and shadow boxes, then does set after set of tricep pushdowns. Nothing else, just the tricep pushdowns. He does his dancing/15 triceps pushdowns routine for an hour, then showers up and leaves. Weird!!
  • hothodgie
    hothodgie Posts: 258 Member
    "we hear this yelping noise that sounded like a dog just burst into flames. Fortunately, it was just Pajamas singing at the top of her lungs.. you know, that 5 seconds of a song you haven't heard in a decade that you remember by heart and belt out, no matter who is around."

    You don't work out at snap fitness in Erie do you? LOL. That was my strange thing. We have a lady at our gym that only ever walks on the treadmill. She is probably in her 60s and is admittedly in really good shape for her age. She dresses very nice, but not in work out gear, more like jeans and a really nice top. And she sings at the top of her lungs to disco music. First time I ever heard her I had my own music playing through my headphones full blast and her this terrible high pitched whining. I thought it was my headphones. Nope, took them off, and there she was singing to beat the band. It is soooo hard not to laugh!!! But why say anything, right? You know when you are singing out loud and just mouthing the words. More power to her I guess.
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    Also, I forgot to mention the guy at my old gym who would grunt (yes, like constipation) not when he lifted more than he could handle - that was a sight - but when he flexed in the mirror. He did jog to the locker room afterwards one time and always wondered if he dirtied his shorts...
  • degausspdx
    degausspdx Posts: 25 Member
    this guy was hanging on the pull up station but he wasnt doing pull ups. He was like.... doing the worm... but hanging. I'm not sure what it was for.... but he does it pretty often when I see him at the gym... It is pretty strange.

    ANyone have any idea what that could have been?
    Popping his back or neck?
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Guy in his 80s came in the cardio room using a walker and got on a treadmill with it. Though to be fair he was going maybe 0.5 on the treadmill so he wasn't in danger. Was just really weird.

    Also saw a guy cry. He was with his trainer and was determined he would be able to lift heavier than he had been, moreso to show off to his trainer than anything, and when he couldn't even lift it off his chest and the trainer had to get it off him, he started crying about it. Grown man in his 30s.
    RKMMKR Posts: 5 Member
    While running/walking on the treadmill, I saw two guys wearing swim trunks on the treadmills adjacent to me giving it a go....swim trunks, undershirts (sleeveless), socks and sneakers. I just kept thinking about Simon Pegg in "Run Fat Boy Run" and I could not stop laughing :laugh:
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    On the weekends at my gym, there's this girl that comes in, who rolls with her White Ducati bike. Funny thing is, when she's on the stationary bike or treadmill, she actually wears her white helmet while working out.

    We have some hardcore spinners that wear their helmet when in the spin class too. A fellow Zumba girl told me that it's just in case they faint and fall off the bike, they won't get a head injury. Whatever works for them I guess.

    A parrot on the shoulder is pretty weird!

    Jeez, if you're working out that hard, you probably shouldn't be working out that hard. I hope that's not the primary reason they wear helmets while on the road.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    On the weekends at my gym, there's this girl that comes in, who rolls with her White Ducati bike. Funny thing is, when she's on the stationary bike or treadmill, she actually wears her white helmet while working out.

  • ekloretto
    ekloretto Posts: 15 Member
    A girl was watching a movie on her cell phone as she did floor work. Every new exercise took longer and was done halfway because she needed to set her phone somewhere that she could see it. I get music, or TV on the treadmill, but to spend more time putting your cell phone in watchable position than you actually did working out seemed ridic to me at the time.
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    On the weekends at my gym, there's this girl that comes in, who rolls with her White Ducati bike. Funny thing is, when she's on the stationary bike or treadmill, she actually wears her white helmet while working out.

    Oh, this is too good! I wear a helmet when I ride--but not if I ride the pony in front of the grocery store!
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Not really strange but I have some students who dress up for my classes in full makeup and their hair done. One girl showed up with jeans and flip flops and my classes are pretty jumpy. She ended up kicking off her shoes and halfheartedly bouncing around. Odd.
  • AllisonMart
    AllisonMart Posts: 156 Member
    Kinda late on a Thursday night I walked into the lady's' locker room to change and go home. I could hear one of the hand dryers going - you know the kind mounted on the wall that blow air at gale force. I came around a corner and there was a woman, back to me, wearing a tank top and nothing else, with her, um, lower regions angled under the dryer. She never turned around or stopped, but her back and bare rear end seemed embarrassed. I left as quickly as possible and have never gone back late on a Thursday.
  • SteffieSunshine
    SteffieSunshine Posts: 61 Member
    I saw a girl there in shorts and wearing Uggs. Not super crazy...but weird enough!
  • mollysonnotice
    While walking on the treadmill at the gym tonight, I saw a man working out with his parrot on his shoulders. A staff person called the gym owner and the guy was asked to leave.

    What is the strangest thing you ever seen at the gym?

    HAHA what?! Thats crazy!! Ive never seen anything nearly as crazy!