Why wear glasses and not contacts?



  • GCAsMom
    GCAsMom Posts: 120 Member
    I would wear contacts if I could, but last time I tried, my astigmatism was so bad, I couldn't find any that really fit properly. The one pair that did come close, I then discovered I have dry eyes. :( Soooo, no contacts for me. Some day, I would love to have laser surgery, but very cost prohibitive.

    My new glasses are frameless, so I don't mind them too badly. :)
  • crickysue
    crickysue Posts: 67
    Never was interested in contacts. My luck I would lose them.:embarassed:
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Well, usually I wear my glasses because I'm too lazy to put my contacts in. lol

    I usually prefer contacts because the glasses get distracting easily (which is nice for when I don't feel like wearing makeup) so contacts help my eyes stand out more which I like. I do like having peripheral vision and not pushing up glasses/cleaning lenses. However, I do find that I can't put contacts in really soon after getting out of bed if my eyes are still tired because the contacts just make it worse and that is usually the case for work so I've been wearing glasses a lot lately.

    Of course I've needed glasses for 11 years now so contacts help when I get annoyed with having to wear glasses all the time. lol
  • heyitsadam
    heyitsadam Posts: 70 Member
    I am replying to this because I am actually going for my eye exam tomorrow to get NEW glasses.

    Honestly, I like glasses. They're stylish. I have 2 pairs and am getting my third tomorrow. But most importantly, I've got an "eye thing." I have so much trouble putting eye drops in my eyes, there's no WAY I could put a contact lens in.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I have a condition called keratakonis - it's like astigmatism but much more intense. I can't comfortably wear soft contacts, nor can they correct my vision as well as glasses. Right now, glasses are actually the best option for getting close to 20/20 … later on I may need to switch to rigid contacts. By my optometrist's office mentioned something new that may work better (as far as contacts). As soon as my insurance will pay for another exam I'm going to look into it … but they're along the lines of $100 + per lens.

    And, the kick in the teeth, the same condition makes me ineligible for lasik.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I was in pretty much the same situation, getting contacts for the first time at around age 13. I went back and forth for years, with my preference changing for no apparent reason. I'd wear the glasses for a few months, then switch back to the contacts, etc.

    About 4-5 years ago I got laser corrective surgery, and don't have to put up with either of them anymore. :laugh:

    I want to get laser corrective surgery eventually, way too broke as a college student though. Once I graduate and make some money, I'll definitely get it done

    same ways on the surgery

    and i hear you about the perepherial thing. i love my contacts but i find they dry out easily, anyone else have this issue or solutions?
  • ryall70
    ryall70 Posts: 519 Member
    I liked contacts but allergies caused me to switch back. I want Lasik surgery though.
  • perdie7
    perdie7 Posts: 278 Member
    I would love to have contacts rather than glasses...but I have an astigmatism, Am near sighted, and now I'm getting older so I need tri-focals....so no contacts for that....
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    I can not for the life of me stick my fingers in my eyes to put them in. I've tried all different kinds too. I like my glasses though. They give me that nerdy thing that I dig
  • Starqueg
    Starqueg Posts: 39
    Contacts and I didn't get along. I'm very light sensitive, and contacts made that far worse. I wanted to wear sunglasses when there was no sun. They also made my eyes very dry, so I was putting in drops about once an hour, which got annoying at work. I was driving a bus at the time (best college job ever) so having my eyes bothering me was not worth it or necessarily safe.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I tried them. Glasses are easier for me. Less maintenance and I don't have to jam anything in my eye to see. Plus, contacts get finnicky when you have a cold, or allergies. I just decided to stick with glasses. I can afford contacts just don't want them.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Well, usually I wear my glasses because I'm too lazy to put my contacts in. lol

    I usually prefer contacts because the glasses get distracting easily (which is nice for when I don't feel like wearing makeup) so contacts help my eyes stand out more which I like. I do like having peripheral vision and not pushing up glasses/cleaning lenses. However, I do find that I can't put contacts in really soon after getting out of bed if my eyes are still tired because the contacts just make it worse and that is usually the case for work so I've been wearing glasses a lot lately.

    I'm with you! If I have to get up and go right away putting my contacts in is quite the chore!

    But it is sooooo weird actually having peripheral vision, and being able to see things in the shower and while swimming. I love it though! I just took mine out and I can't believe I went so long without them.
    and i hear you about the perepherial thing. i love my contacts but i find they dry out easily, anyone else have this issue or solutions?

    On certain days my eyes get very dry, especially if it has been a long day. I use sterile saline to rinse my contacts in case they need rewetting, so I usually just spray some on my finger and try and get it in my eye. Probably not medically correct but it works.
  • LunaPhaedra
    LunaPhaedra Posts: 71 Member
    I tried to wear contacts last summer, we didn't get along. After a few times wearing them it started stinging like crazy. The optometrist thinks i may be allergic to something used in those contacts. he offered for me to try another one, but there was no way i was gonna risk making my eyes feel worse. TO be frank, i may not like wearing glasses, but it sure as hell beats the torture i put up with with those contacts.
  • CountryDevil
    CountryDevil Posts: 819 Member
    I wear both. It just depends on my mood and what I am doing. If I am going to be outside and really active I will wear contacts otherwise I wear my glasses.
    CLCinNOLA Posts: 82 Member
    I love contacts, although I have never been able to wear anything but soft contacts for a long time successfully. I have some astigmatism but I do just fine with regular soft contacts (although I guess I am basically borderline on that).

    The last time I got contacts, five years ago, the optometrist said I had "overwearing syndrome" and that I could see better with glasses. Well of course, it seemed to HIM that I could see better with glasses because I was there in the office without steam on them and without dandruff and dirt and other things smearing the lenses. But really, I can't see well with glasses at all. I need more peripheral vision and I hate the way my glasses get smeared. I know when I can see and I see beautifully with soft contacts - - it's like a whole new world for me. I like to wear them from the minute I get up to right before I go to bed but he thought that was too much.

    On the other hand, he's a good optometrist. Oh well.

    So the reason why I wear glasses and not contacts is that my optometrist won't let me wear contacts. :angry:
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    If you qualify, go for Lasik. Screw contacts and glasses.
    CLCinNOLA Posts: 82 Member
    I was just coming back to edit my above post to explain why I am not getting Lasik, before someone brought that up. Too slow! LOL Anyway, I realize that Lasik works for most people, but nobody is doing surgery on my eyes. :) Not only that, like some others previously in this thread I am not especially eligible for it anyway.
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    Not only do I like my glasses, but putting contacts in is a bother. I had some disposable ones I used for Rugby and the way they corrected vision as opposed to how glasses does it made me very dizzy and my eyes tended to burn for a while. They also got dry INCREDIBLY easy and eye drops didn't seem to help. I'd prefer to just throw on my glasses and be set in 5 seconds.
    I dont really care about Lasik either. Not only am I doing fine with my glasses, but that stuff's expensive!
  • ShareeMorty
    ShareeMorty Posts: 324 Member
    I love my glasses, I had contacts for a year and hated them. I felt I looked weird and all the pics of me at the time I look cross eyed. I have 6 pairs of glasses and they are my fave accessory. I buy mine online for under $20 a pair :)
  • kraj8995
    kraj8995 Posts: 28
    Wouldn't You Rather Wear Contacts Than Glasses? Do you wear glasses? If so, you may not realize what contact lenses.