Why wear glasses and not contacts?



  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I wear both, I love contacts though, I wear them for going out, and if its raining, glasses in the rain are a nightmare! But likewise i couldnt afford the 200 pounds to get my glasses with reaction lenses so if its to sunny I wear my contacts and sunglasses.

    I exercise in my contacts, the glasses annoy me for exercise, and as you get hot its annoying.

    I always have at least a day a week where I'm in my glasses though, and I swop into them every evening.

    I have astigmatism and dry eyes and have excellent contacts (toric) I tried so many different kinds, I dont get on with the Acuvue ones, I forget what mine are now, I will have to check, but they are the most comfy ones I've ever worn, and Blink eyedrops for contacts are great too.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    I've tried contacts, but because of my prescription I need disposable toric lenses and no one makes them strong enough.:sad:

    And yes I do check every time I get an eye test.
  • Dragonnade
    Dragonnade Posts: 218 Member
    Wearing glasses I look like I might be vaguely professional. Without them, I look about 16, wide eyed and innocent. To the point I was trying to persuade my mother on a point, took the glasses off and she just went "Put them back on. You were winning but now I can't take you seriously"
  • naughtyfushsia_wechnaged
    im a glasses wearer and im unable to use contacts due to a stigma, what this means is that instead of the eye being round like a ball its a rugby ball shape, hence why contacts cant be used.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    every so often I have a phase of trying lenses but, since I suffer from dry eyes, I am only allowed to wear them up to three days a week, and I am not that keen on messing about in the morning to get them in and then being uncomfortable after a few hrs so I always go back to my glasses in the end.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I have worn glasses for so long now they are a part of me. My children prefer me with my glasses on as that is the only way they have ever known me. I find them annoying when i run as I have to keep pushing them up as i sweat and also a pain when it is raining, they are also always dirty and I need to keep cleaning them. I cant wear contact lenses I just cant put them in, can,t stand to touch my eye, but I would love some nice sunglasses without having to buy prescription ones.
  • betterme1291
    I can't even stand getting an eyelash out of my eye. i cant imagine trying to put something in there on purpose lolz
  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    The surface of my eyes are badly scarred from eye infections and I can't wear contact lenses as they 'suffocate' my eyes. Plus glasses are a cool accessory and finish off the look :)
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    I love my specs, think my face looks a bit funny without them! I'm planning on getting lenses as I don't wear my glasses no nights out...I can imagine it ending disastrously one night! Just haven't got round to sorting contacts yet.

    Think I'd miss my glasses if I didn't wear them much.
  • shanice_22
    shanice_22 Posts: 202 Member
    i got contacts at age 13.
    they were the kind you take out every night to clean. i was good about that.

    once i got 2 weeks disposables, i stopped taking them out.. and just wore them for days/weeks straight.
    got too many eye infections, and now i just wear glasses.
    plus, glasses are free!

    I wish glasses were free here!!

    Not really sure why I don't wear contacts. Never tried them, I suppose it's partly because I'm scared to touch my eye, scared they'll get stuck, etc. I've worn glasses for so long now (I think I was about 9 when I got them and I'm 23 now) so I suppose it's a habit as well. They are annoying at times but I just deal with them.
  • estitom
    estitom Posts: 205 Member
    Because my glasses are so pretty :D I look good when I wear them. They fit really great with some of my clothes. I also have the idea that contacts are more expensive in the long run. I haven't looked it up though but it sounds legitimate.
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    im a glasses wearer and im unable to use contacts due to a stigma, what this means is that instead of the eye being round like a ball its a rugby ball shape, hence why contacts cant be used.

    Depends on the severity of the astigmatism, mine is quite bad in my right eye, not so in the left, my contacts are fine, they have lots more brands making torics for astigmatism now.
  • Zoeeee_xx
    Zoeeee_xx Posts: 112 Member
    My optician tried to push contact lenses on me as he said they are proven to improve vision better than wearing glasses. For me though, i feel naked without my glasses. Ive worn glasses for years now and wearing contacts felt too strange. Its easy in the morning to get up and shove my glasses on, rather than trying to put contacts in. My glasses were really expensive, but i would prefer to pay more and be comfortable. :)
  • ysabet
    ysabet Posts: 1
    I'm really amazingly myopic. I wear -9.5 glasses. I can see clearly all the way to the end of my nose, just about.

    I have worn contacts, mostly for sports where I can't wear glasses (like gymnastics). Or when I'm getting a new pair of lenses but not frames.

    I have super-sensitive eyes. So when I am wearing contacts, it's eyedrops every couple of hours or so. Getting them in wasn't so bad, but getting them out ... even after a month of daily use, it usually took me half an hour or more to get my contacts out at night. Also, I have to get the one-use type, since I have stupidly sensitive eyes, and the longer use (fortnightly or monthly) disposables are significantly thicker and harder for my eyes to tolerate. You're not supposed to be able to feel contact lenses - but I almost always can.

    Oh, and I have a sleeping disorder similar to narcolepsy - I sleep often, and not always as planned. Between the huge correction, sensitive eyes, and randomly going to sleep - well, I've left contacts in precisely once. Once.

    I really, really, want the laser surgery - but that has to wait until my prescription hasn't changed for over 3 years. That makes sense, I guess, but the waiting is hard.
  • Shyon90
    Shyon90 Posts: 10 Member
    I had same things with contact lence because of course after 8-10 hours they dry up.But since i used Bausch & Lomb SofLens this problem decrease so much,even with wind in my eye,of course they dry but they still confortable,negative aspect is when u take em off,because they r dry it stings a bit,so its always better to not have wind in ur eyes or put for more then 8 hours.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    I wear glasses most of the time because I don't want to be bothered putting contacts in. However if it's a holiday where I'm seeing everyone, I'm going swimming or if I wanna look cute, I use contacts. Although they do dry my eyes out if I wear them for too long in the summertime. >.<
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I just got contacts last year and I love having both options, especially in summer. At home or when I'm working at the computer on pictures or projects I prefer glasses. I like being able to take them off quickly to give my eyes a break. I love contacts to wear when I dress up or when glasses would be annoying, like for working out. I also like being able to wear any cheap sunglasses I want with contacts and still see. I have a pretty bad astigmatism, so I don't see quite as well with contacts, but I still like them for the option.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I started wearing glasses at age 7, and contacts around the age of 20. I siwtched back to glasses for a while after an infection and after that I just couldn't get into contacts again, they would bother me if I wore them for more than 2-3 hours. But recently made the switch back with disposables this time. One of my problems the first time and what probably led to the infections is I could wear my contacts with days before they started bothering me and often did because I forgot they were in.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I got glasses in 1st grade, and contacts when I was 11. I haven't been able to even see the "E" on the eyechart until I was about 9 years old. Up until yesterday, I *never* lost a lens. :laugh: They're disposables and I was about due to toss them, or I would have kept looking. But 28.5 years is a pretty good streak. :happy:

    IF my glasses weren't heavy, thick (even with high power lenses and thick plastic frames, the lens sticks out the front AND back) and made my eyes look like (to quote my dad) "two pissholes in the snow," I'd wear them more. Plus they slide down my nose, plus I have limited field of vision, especially since I have to get smaller frames since the lenses would be too thick, so I can only see if I look absolutely straight ahead, plus the need for a second pair of RX sunglasses if I go outside...

    My eyes just plain feel better in contacts. There's certain chemicals and fumes that make my eyes water like mad if I'm in my glasses, but not in contacts. Go figure.

    And for one more reason to wear contacts... I remember when I was a kid in the woods in the Poconos with my Dad, there were several instances of his glasses falling off into the lake, or hiking and getting hit in the face with a branch, and his glasses went flying never to be found. (Luckily, his vision wasn't THAT bad and just wore drug-store readers.) I would be 100% useless without my glasses. If they even fall off my nightstand in bed, I can't see well enough to find them. I don't want to feel that vulnerable. My contacts stay put, and even if I get whipped in the face with a branch, it would likely only hit ONE eye, and I can still function with one contact.

    I have 2 week disposables, but I take them out every night. I've had problems with uclers and infections in the past, so taking them and cleaning them nightly is well worth it.
  • Dead_Darling
    Dead_Darling Posts: 478 Member
    Before my laser eye surgery last year, I've always been wearing glasses from the age of 4! And because my eyesight was really bad before the op, there weren't any contact lenses in my prescription range...up until I had the op :|

    I liked wearing glasses anyway; seems much less of a hassle than contacts, although I'm forever grateful for my eyesight!!