Anyone here who lives their life free of alcohol?



  • artslady96
    artslady96 Posts: 132 Member
    In the past, I enjoyed one or two drinks in social situations only. Now, however, I don't consume alcohol that's not an ingredient in a recipe. To me, it isn't worth the empty calories.
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    I will have a drink now and then but it's usually only one. I don't need to drink to enjoy being out with friends and if we do go out, I'm usually the DD so I have an excuse not to drink if they start to pressure me. I don't like how I feel when I drink so I simply don't do it.
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    I never drink alone and never drink to get drunk anymore. I will have a drink or two with friends and family but I could drop it and never drink again. Water is plenty tasty on its own, I don't NEED to drink anything else. I sleep super soundly when I do have a drink or two though.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    I drink occasionally, but never more than one or two at a time. Never been drunk in my life and don't plan on trying it out any time soon.
  • meggiemosh
    I don't drink. Just don't feel like it :)
  • cburky911
    cburky911 Posts: 89 Member
    Did someone say free alcohol?
  • HarmonyD
    HarmonyD Posts: 6
    I enjoyed the drink too much, which led to a very unhappy life. I have been sober now for a year and a half. I couldn't be happier. I sleep restfully, not passed out; I love my friends and family, and they love the new me; I wake up with a clear head every day. I am able to find the inner peace within instead of trying to find it in a bottle. I have found serenity and serenity has found me.
  • alikat5544
    alikat5544 Posts: 86 Member
    I rarely drink, but when I do it's because I like the taste, not to get drunk off of it. For example, if there is Sangria, I will have some. I love the taste of it. Growing up my parents were alcoholics, stopped when I was nine and then when my dad died my mom started drinking again. In 2011 I lost my mother to stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver, which was a direct result of her alcohol abuse. This is what fuels me to be healthy and cherish the healthy body I was given. Kuddos to all of you that do not abuse alcohol :)
  • AllyBooMommyof2
    I don't drink I used to drink I think I've drank probably a total of 6 times in my life I don't like it it makes me feel bad... So I don't drink ever now and it annoys my husband because he likes to drink and always wants someone to drink with but I can't stand how people act like such idiots while they are drinking so I'm always his designated driver... We have kids someone has to be responsible so it's me. Plus I have alcoholics in my family and the first place my grandma took me when I stayed at her house was to her AA meeting after me having to go with my parents for them to pick her up off her floor naked and turn off her gas stove more than once..... So.. I really don't like it or approve... No offense to the drinkers out there.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I loved alcohol so much that I needed to stop. I haven't had a drop since June 16, 2000 :)
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I don't drink - I'm allergic to it - it makes me very sick, raises my body temperature and can make if very hard to breathe. Not really worth it. I also get pressured into drinking at social events (actually had a person ask me if I was, "What, are you like a recovering alcoholic or something"). I just tell people I'm allergic to it (which I am) but I have also told a few friends of mine who wanted to give up drinking entirely and got pressured all the time to tell people that they are allergic to it. They've used it and it works people leave them alone after that and they enjoy their night. The funny thing is it is usually more expensive to go to a bar and buy bottled water or even Sprite with a lime wedge than it is to get the beer on tap:laugh: And I am not alone, I got my allergy from my grandfather - he couldn't even drink a sip without having a horrible reaction.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I may have 1/2 a glass of wine once every year or two. I'm not judgmental of those who drink (and strangely, I don't think of myself as a non-drinker, just someone who prefers non-alcoholic beverages), but I'd rather eat my calories. Plus I'm not crazy about the way it makes me feel. Liver damage from alcohol was a factor in the death of someone close to me, so that turned me off too.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I drink everyday because i'm cool and thats what cool people do. If you want to be cool like me, you'll drink everyday and rock and roll all night.

    .........and part of every day. I can only party from, like, 1:00 'til 3:00

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    I do!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    God delivered me from alcohol in 1992. He delivered me from cigarettes in 2000 and from dipping tobacco in 2005. No matter what you all believe, I KNOW He did, because I could not have done it by myself. He also got me off of drugs and He is my strength in this "lifestyle change" I'm on now. He has completely changed my life and saved my life! God Bless you All! I am not ashamed of the Lord or the Gospel!

    I have no doubts about it and I'm really happy for you. God bless you. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 472 Member
    Did someone say free alcohol?

    LOL. I don't drink either. I had a couple of drinks years ago when I went to New Orleans and it didn't really do nothing for me.I don't drink at all.
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 472 Member
    God delivered me from alcohol in 1992. He delivered me from cigarettes in 2000 and from dipping tobacco in 2005. No matter what you all believe, I KNOW He did, because I could not have done it by myself. He also got me off of drugs and He is my strength in this "lifestyle change" I'm on now. He has completely changed my life and saved my life! God Bless you All! I am not ashamed of the Lord or the Gospel!

    That's awesome to hear. Glad you're not ashamed. Keep on sharing your testimony. :happy:
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    My b/f has never had a drink.....his father was an alcoholic, even though he never knew him.

    I drink a very occasional glass of wine when I am out.....that's it.
  • xmommyof2boysx
    xmommyof2boysx Posts: 114 Member
    Occasionally I that I am thinking about it, I think the last time I had a drink was back in February on my brother's birthday...I used to drink more often when I was younger....*sigh* fun times.. :)
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Over two years sobriety, thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster. No AA either. Just sheer willpower and the fear of empty calories and lost nights.