What delicious goodies have YOU avoided today?!



  • Dani_wants_to_be_fit
    Dani_wants_to_be_fit Posts: 550 Member
    Cookies... seriously, I LOVE cookies! I was doing an online shop (I find Tofu and certain fruits impossible to get in my small town, so have to order in from pretty far away) and ah.... the cookies came up... ok, so I searched them just too look at them. They almost went in my basket, but I resisted and now it's too late to amend my order so I am safe >=3

    Also a cheese toastie at a cafe. I opted for the home made carrot soup instead.
  • Peanut butter. I'm craving it. :(
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Went to the grocery store after the gym this morning. My grocery store has fresh baked donuts every morning. The smell when passing the bakery is amaaaazing. I thought about bringing some home, you know, "for my hubby" even though I knew full well he'd probably have left for work already by the time I got home. I opted to pass on them, since I'd have eaten the entire box if they were sitting there taunting me all day.
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    got a (not so mild) reprimand from my boss today for passing on birthday cake... apparently it was rude to not have any
  • chelseaalicia
    chelseaalicia Posts: 164 Member
    *Ice Cream Cake
    *Cupcakes (3 different kinds)
    *Take-Out Burgers

    (I got some glares for politely turning down the cake, but oh well, MANY calories saved that I don't need!)
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Subway :'[
  • Bacon sandwiches at work, bacon smell in the office :o

    Malteasers and doritos at my D&D game tonight

    I just wasn't interested after eating lovely healthy food all day - I didn't want the syntethic/greasy crap. I think I am getting there!
  • For a snack in this heat, my office manager went out and got ice cream bars for everyone. I munched on some natural almonds instead!

    Good job! Why can't people offer healthy treats!? Like some yummy cold fresh fruit or veggie platters! I work in a dispatch office for a cab company and drivers bring stuff up a lot. The top 5 items are; donuts, muffins, pizza, popeye's chicken and fast food. It's a shame lol.. I guess it's the cheapest most convenient option...
  • got a (not so mild) reprimand from my boss today for passing on birthday cake... apparently it was rude to not have any

    God, people tell me this at work all the time. They say it in that jokey but assholey kind of way and it makes me so mad. I'm glad I'm the office ***** so I can just laugh sarcastically
  • foreverloved2005
    foreverloved2005 Posts: 8 Member
    The chocolate chip cookies that I made for my family that happen to be my favorites... Someone needs to get them out of my house NOW.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Donuts! No wait... had those...
    Lots of cantaloupe! No wait... had that too...
    PEPSI! No... DAMN. Had that too.


    Sleep? Does that count? Because I definitely avoided sleep today!
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    I was at the mall and almost got Mrs Fields.. but I moved along and didn't do it.
  • Yellabutterfly05
    Yellabutterfly05 Posts: 43 Member
    I ate cheesecake with whip cream.

    ^^^Any left? I could use some after a week like this....:sad:
  • chellie47
    chellie47 Posts: 97 Member
    Cake at work - they bring one in once a month for the birthdays. Home made with chocolate chips and butter cream frosting... lol I can still see it :)
  • We have candy downstairs in our office... Good candy too, like twix and reeses. I'm happy to say I've avoided it since I started here, but today was especially hard... I even picked one up to look at the calorie count before throwing it back down and running away :tongue: It was worth it though, I feel better just sticking to my chocolate flavored rice cakes
  • 912systems
    912systems Posts: 19 Member
    Avoiding a Free Pizza at Papa Johns.
  • aldale
    aldale Posts: 118 Member
    My friends invited me to go to Burger King with them to eat one an Original Chicken Sandwich because they have them specially priced this weekend only. I stayed home and worked out instead. Then I went to my mom's house, and she had baked one of her fabulous pound cakes. I cannot believe I resisted!
  • crobl
    crobl Posts: 380
    got a (not so mild) reprimand from my boss today for passing on birthday cake... apparently it was rude to not have any

    God, people tell me this at work all the time. They say it in that jokey but assholey kind of way and it makes me so mad. I'm glad I'm the office ***** so I can just laugh sarcastically

    Awww I'm the 5 letter bad word in my office too! But on a scale of 1 to I don't give a *kitten*.... it's off the charts
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    I resisted a second portion of pasta today. And my grandma pushing hospital bought cookies at me all evening. And the noodles my brother put in the fridge.

    I waited until we got home and then I got some homemade blueberry bara brith instead. :)
  • My friends invited me to go to Burger King with them to eat one an Original Chicken Sandwich because they have them specially priced this weekend only. I stayed home and worked out instead. Then I went to my mom's house, and she had baked one of her fabulous pound cakes. I cannot believe I resisted!

    Good job! It really feels good saying no, doesn't it?! I mean, after the initial sadness and yearning lol. I try to remind myself that afterward I can either feel regret if I give in or I can feel proud of myself for taking another baby step towards success! :bigsmile: