What is your most embarrassing moment at the gym?



  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,438 Member
    mine just happened last night. I had just completed a set on the back extension machine and forgot about the footpegs, when I went to step away from the machine I tripped on the pegs and went flying, doing a faceplant into the floor. :blushing:
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Not at the gym but on my way there. I managed to fall off my trainer and go over on my ankle so badly I heard 2 cracks!:noway:

    Turns out the cracks were my ligaments tearing a flake off a meta wosit bone.:grumble:

    Still hobbling round with a cast on.
  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    I was running on the treadmill and getting really annoyed because my ipod ear bud cords kept whacking me in the face. I was wearing a tank top, so I got the bright idea to stuff the cords down the front of my shirt. It wasn't an easy task to accomplish while running. While I was trying to work on this, I turned and noticed a man several machines away who was craning his neck at an impossible angle to stare at what I was doing to my chest area. It kinda looked like I was feeling myself up. :-/

    My husband sure got a kick outta that one. LOL
  • KMA1973
    KMA1973 Posts: 10
    I was running on the treadmill and getting really annoyed because my ipod ear bud cords kept whacking me in the face. I was wearing a tank top, so I got the bright idea to stuff the cords down the front of my shirt. It wasn't an easy task to accomplish while running. While I was trying to work on this, I turned and noticed a man several machines away who was craning his neck at an impossible angle to stare at what I was doing to my chest area. It kinda looked like I was feeling myself up. :-/

    My husband sure got a kick outta that one. LOL

    HAHAHA:laugh: That's funny. There is always someone who will notice and make you feel silly.
  • tgh1914
    tgh1914 Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yeah I got one. I went to the squat rack which was already loaded but noone there, so I went to deload it for warmups. I did not notice that, on one side, the plates had been left on the virtual edge of the bar making it more weighted to one side than normal. As soon as I deloaded one side the other flipped up into the air, dropping the existing plates onto the ground with a crash, and sending the bar up vertical, and then it crashed into the mirror. I have absolutely NO idea how the mirror did not break, but it sure was loud! The entire gym was staring at me holding the smoking gun plate I'd just removed. Oh, and I was "showing" a little lady how to do squats - she got an education of why to be careful de-loading the bar at least. :ohwell:

    Then, about 10 seconds later the bro that left the uneven plates on the rack came over to say he wasn't done yet :huh:
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    Slipped and fell on a naked colleague while exiting the steam room.
    Wasn't that a Seinfeld episode?
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    I had my shorts fall while running on the treadmill
    I almost fell off an exercise ball, ironically after laughing at someone who did
    ripped a shoe during a basketball game
    and have tried to sip a capped water bottle more times than i can count
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I smacked myself in the face with a 30lb sandbell. -_-
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    I had my music blasting in my ears,,,thought noone was in the locker room. It was a SUN morning at the YMCA...nobody is ever there. So I start singing loudly and air drumming while Im getting my stuff together. Yep, there were a bunch of women from the mommy and me class. They were laughin and doing like "hell yeah" nods, so I guess it wasn't too bad...lol
    And I've lost my phone off the back of the treadmill about 100 times.
  • smilingselena
    smilingselena Posts: 141 Member
    im gonna have to say falling off the stupid tredmill !!!
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    I wiped down the wrong machine. not the one i used. lol
  • I do silly things all the time. My latest one? I was reaching for an exercise ball (they're up high on a rack on a wall) and there was this super hot guy in the room. I knew he could see me so I reached for the ball all nonchalantly and cool. I lost sense of my balance and tripped a bit, causing at least 5 exercise balls to fall off of the rack and bounce around me, rolling all over the floor. I awkwardly ran around trying to stop them and when I got them all back on the rack I just booked it out of the room. I'm pretty sure the hot guy was watching me the whole time but I can't be too sure as I was kind of focusing on my embarrassment!
  • I also repeatedly slap myself in the face and legs with the skipping rope and get ginormous red welts all over me body. Why do I continue to use the skipping rope....it's not really worth it :P
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    I wiped down the wrong machine. not the one i used. lol

    i do this all the time...its worse when i feel like someone behind me noticed lol
  • ACEgirl1
    ACEgirl1 Posts: 133 Member
    This is a great thread!

    I was trying to do regular pushups in the (crowded) main weight room and my arms gave out on #3. The song playing was, "I'm sexy and I know it"! I'm self-conscious anyway, but this was too much! :)
  • iRebel
    iRebel Posts: 378 Member
    On the squat machine and right in the middle of my set, I let out a loud, reverberating fart.
    When I turned to see if anybody noticed, everybody was glaring right at me - some laughing, some scowling and others just owl eyed.

    I hate doing that, especially in front of ladies.
    oh, deleted his account.. musta been traumatic.
  • dianniejt
    dianniejt Posts: 175 Member
    Mine didn't happen at the gym but at my parents house while they had a ton of out of town guests who had come for my grandmothers funeral. I was on the treadmill and my husband was walking around eating beef jerky. I told him to give me a piece. He stood in front of the treadmill and told me if I could grab it while running I could have it. So being smart like I am I turn the treadmill way up and start running. I haven't run in 20 years but I figured I could make it. I was wrong I fell flat on my stomach and flew off the back and into the sliding glass door. Everyone inside and out saw what happened or the aftermath so I had to relive the story to every family member. Thankfully I laughed about it the whole time and still laugh.