Why did you gain weight?



  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    no real reason Ive had 5 kids I think when I went on the pill first in my early twenties it didnt help!I love my food I think I got into bad eating habits Ive never been more than 28 lbs heavier than I should be,but I have been heavier more often than Ive been lighter so hopefully this time I will stay around where I want to be Ive sill over a stone to loose!
  • nlhill79
    nlhill79 Posts: 60 Member
    children, no support network. End.
  • Dedee36
    Dedee36 Posts: 29 Member
    My weight gain started when I quit smoking. It took all I could do to keep a consistant size 14 and not go above that.

    Then in 08 we had a suprise and I had a very long, diffecult pregnancy which almost ended up losing both me and our son. I was completely emotional, menatlly and physically drained after everything from it and the 16 day NICU stay. Nothing mattered but focusing on my little guy and my needs went out the window. I spend so much time taking care of others that I never really focused on myself..

    Also my eating habits are crap.. it's always been a quick snack here and a couple tests while cooking. The worst is my habit of eating after I get off work. I get off work at 10:30pm and it takes me 40 min to get home. My husband always saves me a little supper and I usaully eat it. SO that's around 11:30 and then go to bed. So BADfor me.
  • bleacheblonde
    I have been overweight almost my entire life and until I got to college, it didn't really bother me that much that I was fat. Except in gym class...gym class was always torture. I dreaded going because I was terrible at sports, a very slow and clumsy runner, and always picked last for every team. It was more like a class on how to deal with embarrassment. I have also had OCD and depression since I was 12 or 13, and food became my coping mechanism because while I was eating, I was calmer and my disordered thinking didn't scare me as much. Some people turn to drugs or smoking or alcohol...my comfort was food.

    Then in college I lost about 70 pounds but the more I lost, the more obsessed I became with losing more. As a teenager I had just decided that I was incapable of being good at anything physical, but I discovered that I actually could run, and I did it a LOT. I used self-hate as motivation, did a lot of binge eating and then excessive workouts to "undo" it, and I think I might have screwed up my metabolism to some degree (and I screwed up my mind a lot).

    And now I'm back to the weight I started at when I graduated from HS, and I'm just tired of it and I want to look and feel like the beautiful person I know I can be. I'm tired of feeling like I am wasting my potential. And I'm tired of allowing food and binge eating to control me. I don't think it's my antidepressents or my hormones or anything, although those could make it harder to lose the weight...but mostly I just need to step up and take control. Sorry for the book, lol :)
  • nellybsmith
    Going to university! Drinking more alcohol and eating more uhealthy foods :(
  • new_blossom
    new_blossom Posts: 111 Member
    Most of my memories have to do with food. Always thought of food and turned to it as comfort or a way of not dealing with what was going on in my life- even remember this as a young child. There was mental abuse, always told I was fat, even when I was a normal weight, I was date raped as a teen, and just finding out this past year I was sexually abused as a young child.

    Once I had my child at 19, my weight spiraled out of control, just getting higher and higher through the years. The more I had to worry about in my life (mainly took care of others, never myself), I would just use food to help the anxieties, stresses, or the love I was needing from others. Almost like a drug or alcohol others use to try and not deal with their problems. It takes the pain away for a temporary moment, and the cycle starts all over again.

    I am facing the issues head on now because I no longer want to be a victim, but a survivor! I will not let my past define who I am, or let the abusers steel the rest of my life I need to live. I normally would not go around and tell people my story, but I believe there are a lot of victims out there who suffer from child abuse, both mentally and sexual. One of the major signs of child abuse is obesity or some sort of eating disorder, I hope my story can help someone else that may be dealing with the same thing.
  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    I got fat the same way 99% of all fat or obese Amercians did! I got fat from being lazy and eating way too much!!
  • iamers
    iamers Posts: 74
    Mines simple; I ate too much of the wrong foods and didn't exercise!
  • veggiesaurus15
    veggiesaurus15 Posts: 152 Member
    I was addicted to soda, didn't know how to prepare food and ate fast food out of convenience.
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I was never overweight until I became pregnant so I can blame about 15-20lbs. on that (and maybe for messing a bit with my metabolism) but I packed on an extra 50lbs. after that by becoming lazy and eating crap.
  • Ketomaniac9
    Ketomaniac9 Posts: 108 Member
    I became super lazy and ate way too much and drank way too much soda everyday for years.. if I had to say the reason why it happened was because not long after high school I had no friends or anything to do with anybody and that made me lose motivation real quick.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Strangers with candy.
  • frando
    frando Posts: 583 Member
    Nothing traumatic; I over ate as a child and when I hit being a teenager I starved myself about 90% of the time and gorged the other. When I starved myself, thinking it was a good idea, I was barely hitting 900 calories and when I gorged it was probably about 2500/3000 calories. Ah well.
  • korryn92
    korryn92 Posts: 12
    I got put on a medication for my depression and anxiety and ended up gaining 80 pounds in a matter of 3 or 4 months. After gaining that much weight I had low self esteem and was less active so I ended up putting on another 20 pounds. I finally decided I had enough of being huge for my height and started cutting out junk food and taking the stairs instead of elevators wherever I went. I ended up losing about 50 pounds from that and hit a plateau. I have realized now I have to actually eat healthy and not just less junk food and I am starting to exercise too.
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    thyroid illness
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    I gained weight from starving myself for so many years...20+ years and when I FINALLY started eating like a normal person. I guess I gained weight b/c my body would NOT let go of anything b/c I was always going to extremes...Either I ate nothing or I ate too much...Plus I passed the age of 35 and my metabolism slowed down even more than ever!!! Now I am paying for it for sure...UGH!!

    Thank goodness for MFP for making me realize what I was doing to my body...It's just going to take quite a while to fix it. But I am determined to get it done!!! :)
  • debomommyforhealth
    My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer a week before my son was born. So, between having the extra baby weight on and dealing with the stress of my husband's treatments and surgery, I found myself 30 lbs heavier a year after my son was born. Essentially, I lost NO pregnancy weight. Decided to start taking care of myself, since my kiddos need a healthy mom!
  • Gloria67648
    Gloria67648 Posts: 108 Member
    All my life I thought I had a weight problem and have had food issues but it wasn't until a big move from LA to Chicago when my partner got a too good to refuse job offer that I gained 100 pounds. I had two young kids and felt so far away from family and friends. It was then that I realized okay, so THIS is a real weight problem that before was nothing. I changed my eating habits and started exercising and lost some weight and then we moved back to LA, broke up and I gained more weight. I've gone down and up for the past 15 years. I'd get close to my goal and then think I'm good I can stop paying attention now. Each subsequent relationship breakups seemed to validate that I wasn't worth the effort.

    Then last year I moved again from LA to Kansas to help with my dying mother and diabetic dad. Of course I gained weight putting me at a new all-time high. I don't know what clicked. Maybe it was turning 50 this year. Maybe it was feeling so bad. Maybe it was seeing what diabetes has done to my dad. But something clicked and I was ready to make changes and finally I felt like I was worth taking good care of.
  • Elle562018
    Elle562018 Posts: 89 Member
    I just love to eat! Ice cream is my weakness and cakes and chocolates :-) and I don't exercise.
  • dianniejt
    dianniejt Posts: 175 Member
    I already struggled with my weight. I was about 40# overweight. Then I started on some medication. I gained 150# in 18 months. Everytime I would talk to my doctor about it she would tell me that I needed the medication and once I stopped taking it the weight would just come off on its own. I stopped taking it after a few years but the weight went no where. I weighed 350# at my heaviest. I was miserable. I was able to lose 50# but then I plateaued and got discouraged. Seems like I went back and forth from 285-315 for about 8 years. Now I am taking control.