A stranger's harsh words



  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    I can say *kitten*, but not dik?

    be careful, you cant say either...people get report happy around here.
  • Hope502012
    Hope502012 Posts: 98 Member
    Don't let the behaviour of this ill-mannered thug upset you. In my experience people who have to run others down have a big problem with themselves.:huh:
  • Tashia_HH
    Tashia_HH Posts: 99 Member
    What a complete and total *kitten*!! You should have punched him in the face!
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    Some people are such horrible *kitten* :(

    Please dont let that man get to you hun, he is just a vile man with nothing better too nor has he got any respect.

    Big hugs xxx
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    I'm so sorry words can hurt but you'll need to do ur best to erase them. He's an idiot!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I'm really sorry this happened to you. Cold and unnecessary of him. If I were the woman with him I would have been horrified by that behavior. Gross.

    Hold your head up high and move on, you are a better human being that this individual.
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    *hugs* First let me say congratulations on your weight loss.

    I have had comments like that too. Unfortunately there are idiots out there who think it is okay to behave in this kind of moronic way. I'm sorry that he hurt you but he is utterly irrelevant. I'm sure if you looked at him there is something that you could have commented on about him (hair, dress, teeth etc) but you are not such a shallow idiot and/or are too well mannered to bring attention to this kind of thing.

    I completely understand how this comment made you feel but bare in mind that you are doing something about your weight, you are doing really well and working to lose it. When you've reached your target weight, this guy will still be an idiot.

    I'm sure you have a million things that your friends and family love about you and you are more to them than what you weigh. Keep up the good work and try as much as possible to put the words to the back of your head. I know that isn't always easy but remember you are strong, you are beautiful and you are working towards your goal xx
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    I totally sympthaize with you. I've had those kinds of things said about me also many times still do even at 185 pounds. guys tell me you would be prettier if you weren't so fat. if you weren't so fat you would be a great catch etc. I know how you feel. like the others say stand strong. I would love to be a friend to you by the way.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I would have coughed on him and said, "I have TB, too."

    But that is why my friends can't take me anywhere.

    Just TB? Awesome. LMAO when I read this. I love it when the right words come out of my mouth and leave my friends speechless, and I don't even know what I've done. Great advice ;)

    I live for that stunned silence after I make a remark. But I feel compelled by guilt to say, please nobody actually do this! It's probably assault and battery or something!
  • Tee2072
    Tee2072 Posts: 15
    Next time, try to say 'I can lose weight. You'll always been an insensitive *kitten*.' and then turn to the girlfriend and say 'you can do so much better. Anyone would be better.'

    Don't let him get to you.
  • anku08
    anku08 Posts: 82 Member
    I am telling you he is an ill person...
    ill with such a creepy mentality and tongue..

    These kind of people never even try thinking about the fact, that other person might be facing some health issues or emotional issue...

    But i would say there are all kin of people.. some good some bad...
    Forget the bad ones n stay motivated with the compliments you get from good people... :):flowerforyou:
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    I'm sorry that this happened to you. I can relate, if it wasn't my weight, it was something else. What was worse were the things my own mind was telling me.
    I read a powerful quote that I always remember when I hear anyone making a cruel or snarky comment. It went something like this...Dr. J Irwin (I think)

    We don't talk to others very differently than we talk to ourselves....
    I could only imagine what (his) internal dialogue must be. How badly (he) must put himself down when (he) makes "minor" offenses or "mistakes". (His) verbal "laughing joking" comment reflected (his) internal critical dialogue.

    If you think of it this way it makes you feel sorry for the a**hole, and in turn empowering yourself.:drinker:
  • JaneInKansas
    JaneInKansas Posts: 82 Member
    Next time, try to say 'I can lose weight. You'll always been an insensitive *kitten*.' and then turn to the girlfriend and say 'you can do so much better. Anyone would be better.'

    Don't let him get to you.

    This would've been a great comeback!

    I think sometimes inconsiderate remarks like this make it easier for you to be prepared in the future. I also believe that what goes around, come around. So even if you're not there to see it, something will happen to the inconsiderate person who made this comment. Hopefully, he was hugging the toilet and had a major headache the next day. Being drunk is no excuse for acting that way!
  • BrendaJaneK
    It's amazing how this man who very obviously has a very, very small one (you know) wanted to broadcast his insecurity so badly! When a jerk behaves like that, it has absolutely nothing to do with you - it's all about him.

    He's not worth your tears Lovely Lady. Feel better.
  • smwifey
    smwifey Posts: 28 Member
    Some people can be so cruel. Just remember that you can change your body but he will always be an a-hole. It is so much more important to be beautiful on the inside and he certainly is NOT. Don't be discouraged by some jerk. You are perfect and are doing a great job working on yourself.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Sweetie, sweetie, sweetie. Don't let that drunken insensitive pig upset you but you SHOULD HAVE lit into the dog-*kitten* b*tch with him. WOMEN create these monsters you know.

    I have a male friend who is phobic about fat women. It's from some childhood event that he NEVER addressed or sought treatment for. Same with your exp.
    That man's public display says more about HIM than it does about you. What is says to me is HE has issues - he's fkd up in his head and not only is he not treating- HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW IT! HOW screwed up do you have to be to not even know you're screwed up!? DON'T let some mental aberrant get inside YOUR head. YOU'RE not unstable, HE IS.
    My advice would be to try to tough up a little tho I know some ppl are too sensitive to be able to. You have to work on your snappy comebacks.
    I'd have said 'yes. I'm fat and YOU'RE STUPID. I'm working on MY ISSUES- WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE!?'
    another one I like to use is: 'does this mean the wedding is off?'
    Just letting a bully know they DON'T matter or upset you- HITTING THEM BACK WHERE THEY LIVE - is empowering.
    find HIS weak spot (he's MUCH weaker than YOU are or he wouldn't have attacked you)
    of course, that's NOT what a psychologist would recommed but then psycologists don't live in the real world anyway so who cares what they say?
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sorry you had to deal with that. Some people think being drunk gives them license to act like idiots.

    Someday when you reach your goal, someone is going to say within earshot, "Wow...she is totally hot!" So just keep on doing what you are doing and forget that moron. There's one in every room.
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    It could be worse. You could be his girlfriend and be seen with his dumb *kitten* every day. That would be humiliating. :smile:
  • tleclair247
    I get the same looks and comments too. I'm really tall (6'7") and big, so they mutter them under their breath. LOL