cruel people



  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    it's mostly just the sorta subtle things, my mother in law lives in a different state, but when we see her, she's always sure to say things like, "you're looking healthy" but the way she emphasizes sounds like anything but, and "you've sure filled out" yes, i weigh more than i did at 16, but i am at a healthy weight. to others, it doesn't sound like a dig, but the way she says it, it definately is
  • sglato
    sglato Posts: 28 Member
    I remember as well that I use to get called fat in high school.. and other names I am not mentioning, which caused me to have low self esteem. My self esteem is higher now, but looking back I wish I would not have let it get to me like it did.
    Now my goal is to prove everyone wrong. That I can and will do it. DON'T GIVE UP. Keep pushing yourself, and you will L.O.V.E. the end resutls. :smile:
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I was in NYC 3 years ago and a woman asked me "When is your baby due? " I Miscarried 6 months ago but thank you for reminding me you heartless *****! I bet she will never ask that question again.

    Aren't you proud of yourself? I don't know whether you really did or not, or whether you came up with that as a smart alec comment, but either way, you should be ashamed.

    Most people ask whether someone is pregnant as a conversation starter, especially strangers. And certainly don't expect a stranger to realize you suffered a miscarriage. And even if they aren't a complete stranger, that doesn't mean they know for certain or not unless you had previously told them.

    Unless someone knows you aren't pregnant, please don't take it as an insult. The majority of people do not intend that to be mean or cruel.
  • tabby391
    tabby391 Posts: 9
    Keep up your hard work.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    Cruel people do not understand the damage they have done...
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    When I was 19 and pregant I was walking down the sidewalk and some little kids yelled "Eat carrots!" at me. I was all hormonal so it made me cry my eyes out.
    When I was younger I didn't get it too bad, A few teasings, one I remember where I lifted my shirt and smacked my belly for them and said something like "yeah you like that eh that is why you can't leave me alone!". I think I was written off as crazy and not bothered so much because of it.
  • boernera
    boernera Posts: 13 Member
    I am my worst enemy, always have been..

    Im the same ............
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Well kids are cruel and I've been overweight most of my like so this is some stuff I remember from back in elementary and junior high. In High school people generally just stare at me so nothing specific from there. Some insults that stick out more:

    The reason we all hate you is because you're so fat.
    Your fatness might be contagious so go away.
    Only pigs are fat, so you must be a pig.
    You're so nasty! Who the %^$# (Insert the f word) would want to be with you?
    You shouldn't do swimming for gym class because you'd gross people out.
    I don't want to be your friend because you're fat.
    You're such a fat pig.

    My dad has said some mean things too.
    And some people wondered why I hated school but loved learning. :(

    And I wonder how many of those kids in high school ended up fat? A lot of the kids who used to bully me for being overweight are now much heavier than I ever was. So yeah, Karma knows how to do her job, let me tell ya. :P
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    Can identify with a LOT of these comments - i used to be called "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down".

    When I think back at all the sh1t Ii've been put through it's made me a very resilient person.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Can identify with a LOT of these comments - i used to be called "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down".

    When I think back at all the sh1t Ii've been put through it's made me a very resilient person.

    My mom used to call me that. But I thought it was because I'd bounce right back up and yell "I'm okay!" every time I fell down as a kid. XD

    I had an ex boyfriend take food off my plate because he thought I was eating too much. And then he proceeded to eat it along with his portion! He was fat too so I was like WTF? So because you're a man, that gives you the right to take my food and eat it? So glad I'm not with him anymore. :/