torturing your children...



  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Just wondering what "mean" thing you do to your children...for instance at 10 pm we have a rule that our 17 year old daughter turn off her phone and ipad and leave it in the hallway by our bedroom...and then it's time for bed. This ensures no texting or interrupted sleep. (awful isn't it!)

    we also have a rule that you can only swear at the dinner table too. But so far, she hasn't done it. :/

    mean parents!

    The No swearing rule @ our house applies at the dinner table as well.. however, I like the other two ideas!
  • bunnyklutz
    bunnyklutz Posts: 17 Member
    My four year old son reacts the same way! Its like he thinks his world is ending if I were to ever get to three. Great way to get him moving, though I have no idea what I'm going to do when the day comes that I get to three and he goes "what now" lol.

    My children (3 year old twins) HATE, HATE, HATE it when I count... giving them a short time frame to do something in. I give them a chance to follow direction, and if they dont within a reasonable amount of time, I start the countdown. The faster I count, the faster they move. I like to experiement with speed. They always scream "NO!! DON'T COUNT, MAMA!!" as they are scrambling. Lol. I love to see how fast they can move.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    making them brush their teeth (youd think i was murdering them)
    they have to charge their own 3dses (and find them, when they inevitably lose them)

    Mine are the same about brushing their teeth & their DSes! Can't tell you how many times I've said, "If you put them away..." Well, I'm sure you know the rest.

    Dinner time is another (really any meal time) My kids hate to eat, even if it's something they've asked for...They think they have better things to do....
  • rainsrabble
    These are hilarious. My kids are gonna hate when I try some of this. When one of my daughters is in trouble I send her to her room. She loves being the center of attention and nothing gets under her skin more than being isolated. However, my other daughter loves her alone time and when she's in trouble I ground her to my side. She wants to go and pout in her room but she doesn't get to. Instead she has to follow me around all day and night and even sleep in my room.
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 438 Member
    I sing lullabies to him, badly - 10yo boy
  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    oh and no mumbling. if our daughter is mumbling on purpose it costs her a dollar. She's a money hoarder, so this hurts! LOL If we have to say "what?" and she mumbles again, we say, "go get a dollar" i love it. bahahahah
  • lil_bit_crazy
    lil_bit_crazy Posts: 161 Member
    Exhausted. I'll entertain y'all tomorrow with my evil ways
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    Is there a Dear Abby in the house? NO, this is a diet blog.

    Chit Chat, FUN, and Games. This board, post what every you want here.
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236
    My teens keep their rooms clean. Why? Because when they were each at the 10-11 year-old stage when their rooms were a pit, I gave them a choice. Pick up your room, or I will do it for you. They, of course, didn't do it, so while they were in school, I went and put everything that was out into a trash bag. Trash, clothes (clean and dirty), homework, name it. If it wasn't put away, it went into the trash bag. They then had to "earn back" their stuff by having good days where they got all of their chores done and got along with their brothers and sister. They could choose two items out of the bag for every good day.
    It only took once, and now when I tell them to go check their rooms, they are immediately clean.

    Also, since I cook, they clean the kitchen. They are 14, 16, and 18...old enough to do a good job. If I pull out a dirty dish from the cabinet, they get a warning. The next time, they have to clean every single thing in the kitchen by hand (no dishwasher). My boys will rush through just the get the kitchen done, and will put dirty pots/pans, plates, and silverware back into the cabinets and it drives me crazy. You would think after doing this once, they would have learned to double check the dishes before they put them away, but they have done it 3 times. I refuse to let someone in our house become ill due to laziness. Harsh? Yes. Necessary? Absolutely. Another rule in our house is if you cook, you don't clean. You would think one of them would want to learn how to cook just to get out of cleaning, but no dice.
  • verapamil
    verapamil Posts: 94
    Recently we have started turning the electricity off in their room via fuse box at a certain time at night. At that point, all portable devices come out of their room as well. (The fuse we flip does not affect their lights or AC unit). They are NOT allowed to turn it back on the next day. Only parents can touch it. Do not ask to have turned on until you have completed your chores and have eaten breakfast.

    Do not ask me to take you anywhere until these conditions are met.

    My kids do the laundry and kitchen and their rooms. The youngest cleans their toilet since he was the sprayer. (Parents have plenty of chores left over--don't worry).

    Do not hang clothes up sloppy or you will redo it. Do not put dishes away improperly or you will redo it.

    I do most of the cooking but I do pay my middle child, who shows an interest, for every meal he offers and cooks.

    My youngest can go outside when he finishes his chores but he must report where he will be and check in every hour. (Too many times of having to search for him for too long that lead to this rule).

    During the school year, electronics can be earned after dinner and bathes if homework and chores have been completed and verified. Before dinner, outside play is earned after chores and dinner is verified.

    I basically limit how often they have after school activities. Routine is very important and my kids need more support in getting their school work accomplished. Now that my oldest is finally able to handle both school and other activities, he gets a little more leeway here as long as he keeps up his grades and homework. During the summer, they can sign up for more.

    My oldest is 16 but due to recent and past actions, he can only go places that have parental or staff (teen center) supervision. I will check. Having said that, I do allow him to have an active social life, particularly on weekends and in the summer.

    Amazing!! I aspire to be like you when I have kids :smile:
  • gmann1973
    gmann1973 Posts: 247
    Is there a Dear Abby in the house? NO, this is a diet blog. Duh

    Its also not the COMPLAINT DEPT. no one MADE you come into this post
  • gussie1026
    gussie1026 Posts: 20 Member
    Yes she will!!
  • beeker75
    beeker75 Posts: 109
    Just wondering what "mean" thing you do to your children...for instance at 10 pm we have a rule that our 17 year old daughter turn off her phone and ipad and leave it in the hallway by our bedroom...and then it's time for bed. This ensures no texting or interrupted sleep. (awful isn't it!)

    we also have a rule that you can only swear at the dinner table too. But so far, she hasn't done it. :/

    mean parents!

    Mean, horrible, aweful....We did the same thing ;) We need more parents like us in the world....
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    OMG OP, I'm doing that when my daughter is a teenager....nice one!

    Well today, my 5 year old was jumping on our bed and it slowly pushed the top mattress about 10 inches off position. I asked her why she did it and she lied to me saying it wasn't her. So I had to be the "mean" one and put her in the corner for 2 minutes to think about her punishment. Needless to say she was able to recite back what she did wrong and she stopped what she was doing.

    My 5 year old is a typical kid her age, just trying to get away with whatever she can when she's in trouble....the teenage years are sure to be fun lmao.
  • nerdmaker
    nerdmaker Posts: 8
    I'm so glad to see someone else uses the "old" music torture. When my preteen daughter cops attitude with me in the car, I pop in AC/DC or some other heavy metal. Most kids HATE that kind of music! I get a lot less attitude while driving which I think improves my driving skills. All she's got to do is see my hand going for the cd and she gets quiet. After a few minutes, she's talking nicely and telling me about her day. It's almost become a joke now between us.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Oh I love this one. Gotta try it on my son.
    If I see my son peed outside the toilet ( as most males do ) I make him clean it. Then mop. Also he has to lower the seat. One day my future daughter in law will thank me!

    I don't know what kind of males you are accustomed to in your life, but NO, we don't all pee outside the toilet. That's just nasty.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Oh I love this one. Gotta try it on my son.
    If I see my son peed outside the toilet ( as most males do ) I make him clean it. Then mop. Also he has to lower the seat. One day my future daughter in law will thank me!

    I don't know what kind of males you are accustomed to in your life, but NO, we don't all pee outside the toilet. That's just nasty.

    Well he doesn't straight up urinate in the corner behind the toilet, it's the splash or sprinkles or whatever.
  • RainxPain
    RainxPain Posts: 152
    I never really had much of a punishment other than beatings and verbal "abuse". :3
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    when my 3 year old does something wrong, i do what he does, sits on the couch, cross my arms, and go, im mad and pout. he stops doing whatever he was doing bad. then he goes, no mommy mad, i sorry mama, hugs, and then kisses me. i try so hard not to laugh.
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    i also do exactly what my parents did when i was younger. their punishment was to make me watch their tv programs with them, oh, dare i say it, the news. i make the 3 year old do that too.