(some of the) American guys...



  • weevil66
    weevil66 Posts: 600 Member
    I am a Brit, I would defiantly take you out and act like a gent

    1.open doors
    2 pull out that chair
    3.make interesting conversation
    4 be devastatingly suave

    This is the nature of us.

    On the date

    a. i would never mention money and pay for everything
    b. never ask you to pay for anything

    What i would do is send you and invoice within the next 48 hours outlining your 50% expenditure so I can can then claim it as a business meeting and get my tax back.


  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    DUMP HIM!!!
    What a miser - OUCH!
    Here's the rule of a true gentleman. If I invite you, I pay. FOR EVERYTHING!
    And we have a fabulous evening. And if I am not a man of great means, I plan things I can afford.
    Seriously, dump this guy NOW!
    Good Luck :flowerforyou:

  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    You met a cheap guy. Not all guys are like that. Not all Americans are like that.

    This ^^^ and as a guy if your really interested in someone the cost of the date wouldn't stop him from wanting to see you there are many things that don't cost much to do. He sounds like a prick but at the same time he might not like you as much as you think.
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    You should try dating a Brit. I won't even pull your chair out for you without charging for it.
    Brilliant, Captain! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    My boyfriend insists on paying for everything. It's funny, 'cause I make more than him and I usually make the plans. :laugh:
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    If he complains this much about money now, how would he be later down the line when you have bills, house payments and kids to pay for? He either has some major financial issues or is just cheap. In any event, doesn't look like he's ready for a relationship.
  • meka325
    meka325 Posts: 47
    okay...here's my rant on the subject... who cares if the guy pays or not? I make good money so I have no problem paying for myself or my guy. I didn't realize women in America spent years pushing for equality just so we can piss and moan about not being treated like a princess!

    I had a first date the other day - he told me point blank that he just bought a car the week before (which is true, it still has the temp. plates) and couldn't really afford anything fancy. So, he took me to an old-school drive in and then out to a part to watch fireworks.
    Did he pay? Yes.
    Did I also pull out my wallet? YES!
    Did he tell me to put it away? Also yes.
    Did I think he was a gentleman? Yes.
    Was it because he paid? HELL NO.
    It was because he opened the door for me, because he looked in my eyes when we talked, because he held my hand when I slipped on a grassy hill, and because unlike men in my past, when he said he'd call me the next day - HE DID.

    If as women we keep getting caught up in who pays the check - then maybe you should just stop dating!

    This. 1000x.