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  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Thank you for the thread! My goal is to keep logging to keep eating healthy, to be walking 4 days a week.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi everyone for sunny southern California,

    eshlemanc's - glad you were able to join MFP. I have 118 lbs to lose. Just taking it one day at a time. My first goal is to log on MFP everyday. So far I think this is my day 10 or 11.

    I hope everyone is doing well, all of your posts really help me, especially when I see your weight loss! May the MFP force be with you and keep your coming back here for more support!

    Blessings, Linda AKA SundanceB :happy: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Grrrr ... that's me moaning because once again I got soaking wet on the way to work! I love the rain, but sheesh, could do with some summer!

    My knee decided that it's not better after all. Unfortunately it waited until I was an hour away from home with no ways of returning other than on foot, to really start hurting. I don't think I will be doing my running of the stairs at work today!

    I just talked to my DD in Germany. She is coming over for a few days on Tuesday. Can't wait to hug her. I miss my baby girl so much!

    Ok, got to start moving around - got a whole heap of appraising to do this morning.

    Speak soon.
    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!:flowerforyou:

    It is yet another HOT day here in NC, I love summer, but I surely could do with a bit cooler weather. I wonder if its because we had such a mild winter?

    I did not make it to the farmers market yesterday:angry: , things got in my way, so I`m hoping to get there today. I did pick up a few fresh veggies and fruits at the grocery store, but its just not the same.:noway:

    Nancy, I DID throw away the cake:laugh: , I looked at it and all I saw were wasted calories, it just wasn`t that good.

    Michele, I wish I thought of the soup kitchen, I do take things there, usually canned items I have in the pantry before they expire, for some reason, I don`t know why, at the moment I have about 10 cans of fire roasted tomatoes and it`s just me, and I don`t really eat them:huh: :bigsmile: I do make homemade soup some in the winter when my daughter, son in law and my precious two granddaughters come over, but 10 cans, I think I might clean the pantry next week and take some things in. Oh btw I live in Winston-Salem, not too far away!!!:happy:

    jb2011, I loved your post on "Plateau City", I`ve not visited there yet, and hoping I can avoid it:laugh: , however, if I find myself there I will reread your post.

    Barbie, I find now that by the end of the day, when I used to read, now I`m just so tired I go to sleep while trying to read, drop the book on the floor and really scare my dog:laugh: , plus I always forget what page I was on.

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: , this is a wonderful place for inspiration and support.
    Someone asked who is Barbie...I`ve only been here since May, from what I understand Barbie started this forum, I`m not sure when, but she also keeps it going, I am very grateful to her, she has wonderful advice and words of wisdom, go back and read some of her posts. Thank you Barbie!!!:flowerforyou:

    Have a wonderful day everyone, will try to check in later.

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you Barbie, I can always depend on you for the answers. You are the beacon that guides us to the new link for the new month and the glue that holds us all together.
    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all our new ladies, we just seem to keep growing and growing. I love to hear about all the wonderful places you live. You have come to a great wealth of knowledge and support.
    :flowerforyou: I have found I like my scale at home way better than the scale at work, I guess cause at work I have on dress cloths and at home I can weigh in........... with less cloths. LOL
    :heart: My scale says 200 lbs this morning ( The scale at work is 3 lbs more) which would be a 1lb loss, and I lost an inch around my belly (finally). I went to GNC and bought Probiotic Chews to see if it helps with the constipation. I also bought Lean Shakes and I am going to try them for a month to see if there is any change.
    :huh: Gotta go get dressed, hubby wants to go to the auction.
    Everyone have a safe and COOL Saturday.
    :heart: Love ((((HUGS)))) and prayers, Rose
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Amanda :flowerforyou: , I am sorry your knee hurts, wish I knew something that would help.

    Sure wish I could send you some sunshine and heat, you could send some rain and cooler weather:bigsmile:

    Enjoy your visit with your daughter!!! I feel very lucky mine lives 15 min. from me:love: .

    Hope you feel better soon
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,350 Member
    Good morning ladies - so wonderful to read all the posts. It's great to be in touch with so many women who are fighting the same battles!! This morning I hope to get to the store for a stockup on healthy food, make a quick stop at the library and then back home. Maybe a short walk, a bite for lunch and off to a wedding for the rest of the day.

    Yeah, well, I hope the clothes I have targeted for this event actually fit when I get dressed later on. :laugh:

    That was a nervous laugh by the way.

    Going to sign off, tag--:drinker: :drinker:

  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    My stress level is through the roof with a fight with teen, father and mother.....

    I am going to try not to bite off all of my nails and eat everything that isn't nailed down....

    My husband is mad, my daughter is mad, but disciplining, as my 81 year old mom says, is a lonely place....

    Wish me luck sticking to my goals with a fight in my house from bad behavior.... : ) or should it be : (
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning ladies - so wonderful to read all the posts. It's great to be in touch with so many women who are fighting the same battles!!

    Totally agree with this Lin! Hope you have a great time at the wedding!

    Amanda-Sorry about your knee-as I have ongoing knee issues, I can definitely sympathize!

    Barbie-While I totally see your point about opening our food diaries if we have questions, I'm not quite able to yet. I stay within my limits and have made some positive changes but not eating as healthy as many of you are, so still private in that regard.

    On a positve note, my water aerobics workout was fantastic yesterday and my knee (knock on wood :wink:) is ok today! Will probably take it easy with exercise the rest of the weekend so I can go again on Monday. Have fun stuff, like bills and housework, to keep me busy anyway.

    Enjoy the weekend everyone!

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    I hope all is well. Amanda.... I love how you describe being so far away from home when your kneed started to hurt. I have knee troubles and I can relate to that. I am starting PT on Monday with my personal goal of being able to figure out how hard to push...how to heal and how to recoup because I think these aging joints are not going to go away and I want to keep moving. I really felt so off track with the past two injuries I've had. I also go for a check up with my regular doctor on Monday and I wanted to be alot further in my weight loss. I need to focus on where I am today.
    A friend of mine put this quote on Facebook and I think I am going to use it was a focus for my Summer Yoga classes:

    Start where you are.
    Use what you have.
    Do what you can.
    Arthur Ashe

    Have a great day. I am off for a boat ride to view the Tall Ships in Newport Harbor....can't wait!!

  • Hello Barbie!

    I'm new and waaaaaay down here in Tallahassee, FL where it is HOT and HUMID!!

    My goals for July:

    *walk for 30 minutes each day
    *Debbie seibers, bands rountine, abs and flex routine each day
    *Rodney Yee am and pm yoga each day
    *loose 5 pounds
    *Eat clean, no sugar, good carbs

    Thanks for the thread!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good morning to all! Well it's another hot one here today, but "ONLY" will have a heat index of 103 so it looks like a bone-chilling cold front is on its way! :ohwell:

    We went out to eat last night to Bonefish Grill....YUM. We had lobster, shrimp, and scallops. Needless to say I didn't count much! But I still feel in control of my eating and know that it's ok to have a free day once in a while. Used to be if I did that, I would binge for days, if not weeks, but now I know a free day means just that...one day then it's back to the healthy eating. I really love that feeling!

    DebA: I took a quilting class once and really enjoyed it. I wish I had more time for craft work. I also love to scrap book, but after we adopted our 2 kids 6 years ago, I pretty much stopped. I'm trying to get back into it, but I have a huge pile of pictures now.

    Kittime: I went to NZ once, but it was long ago. I loved it. We went to both islands. so beautiful!

    Michelle: I am jealous about your yoga! I went to a yoga class for a while and never could do anything (I"m stiff as a board) and the instructor told me "Maybe this isn't for you" LOL. I'm hoping once I lose some weight it will be easier to try it again.

    Barbie: I'm jealous of you too! Your weather sounds fabulous! I've never been to WA but would love to go someday!

    JP: what a cute pic!

    Connie: so sorry to hear about the stress in your life with your family. I hope that improves and that you get the patience you need. At least fingernails don't have calories! My husband always makes me laugh when I get stressed by touching his finger to his nose and saying "Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm".

    Newbies: WElcome! I haven't been here very long either, but this is a great thread and we are all here to support each other!

    Well you all have a great start to the weekend and stay strong! Meg
  • sissygok
    sissygok Posts: 97 Member
    Sally, I really understand and relate to "how hard I can push" after 4 knee surgeries and a knee replacement I am always worried that I am going to do damage to my knees. That is one of the primary reasons that I have signed up for private sessions with a trainer..She has a Masters in Kinesiology so figure she should know what I can do and can't do.

    Today is not usually our gym day but they were closed on the 4th so we have a makeup day today. It was also egg day for breakfast day today..and with an added bonus of fresh salsa left from last night's dinner. I am such a fan of eggs but we only eat the about 2x's a week.

    We have been promised cooler weather starting on Monday...I am so thankful, it has been way above my tolerance level. Seems the older I get the lower my heat tolerance becomes. I remember being somewhat annoyed at my mother because she was such a complainer about hot and cold weather...I used to say that her personal thermometer was set at only between 68 and 72 degrees and anything above or below started her complaining.

    Happy weekend everyone, go out and play and have fun!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,968 Member
    I like the suggestion for opening our food diaries. That is precisely why I went and made mine open yesterday.Because I am basically an honest person (even to strangers on message boards), I will write it down if I eat it. Knowing there may be someone reading my diary will help me to make better decisions.

    Today makes the 8th day in a row that I have walked. My husband became obsessed with walking back in January and set a goal to walk a thousand miles this year. He is retired with plenty of time on his hands,so I said,"Go ahead. I'll try to walk 500." Well, he's already at over 750 and I have yet to break 100. Our usual route is 2.65 miles daily. He does it twice most days. I do it twice most weeks! Since July 1 was the start of the second half of the year, I made a new resolution to at least do my 500 since it looks like he's going to do his 1000 plus my 500, too. Two more trips around and I will reach 100 miles.

    My other goal is to weigh less than he does. That one probably won't happen this year, but maybe next!
  • m1311
    m1311 Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks for this thread!

    I want to lose two pounds in July – strange to say, because any other time I was working on weight loss, I would expect to lose that much a week, and would always fail. I'm getting toward my goal weight, and it's actually a lot harder than it was to be on even this little schedule.. Used to be I just stuck to what MFP told me and I went down the pound or half-pound as expected each week. Now I finally understand the word "plateau."

    My other goal is to figure out how to get enough exercise while I'm travelilng to conferences in hot places and visiting one of my kids. I don't run, walking is getting to be an issue with one knee, so now I'm hoping that places have either a bike or a rowing machine (the latter is better). Surprisingly enough, I would actually pay to use equipment now if my hotel doesn't have what I need so as to get a workout. That's a big change for me. My daughter works for a fitness place, so with any luck she can help me out.
  • wyocoke
    wyocoke Posts: 8 Member
    I was just asking if there are other 50s who are supporting one another! I'm new to the site, 1 week. I alreadly lost 25 lbs. before my daughter told me about MFP.

    I love the site as well as the support.

    My goals for July:

    Continue to log every day
    Keep my water intake to at least 8 cups daily
    Continue my 3-days-weekly walking routine
    Add to my distance

    I would like to get 6# off by August 1st.
  • happydays2525
    happydays2525 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi, I'm Margaret and thanks for starting this group. It is hot and muggy in Southern Ontario.
    My goals for July are:
    :flowerforyou: exercise at least 25-30 mins 6 days a week
    :flowerforyou: log in every day and record everything that goes in my mouth (I do this everyday now)
    :flowerforyou: lose 5 lbs.
    :flowerforyou: to not go over my calories so much on the weekend even if i do more exercise
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Wow...lots of new faces!!! WELCOME to all of you:-)

    ONE WEEK until our youngest son's wedding in Chicago! I am still busy with little details and trying to get my extended family taken care of! OMG!!! I forget that because we have lived all over everywhere and traveling is no big deal to us, that SOME of my family isn't used to traveling and not to a large city...the older ones more than the younger ones! ANYway, if I wasn't worried about them, this would be SO much fun. They are worried about the flights, they are worried about taking a cab, they are worried about how they will get from point A to point B when they are there, they are worried about what they should wear....the list is endless. :angry: :angry: :angry: We are paying for the hotel, we have booked limo pick up (& will pay for) for my parents and one worry-wart brother, I have made all the plans for meals and daytime activities, we have booked a shuttle to and from wedding...I am tired before I am heading out! :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: SORRY, for the venting, but I just want to go and enjoy this happy time instead of feeling like I have to BABYsit everyone!:noway:

    On a happier note, at least I went one whole day (yesterday) getting my nervous eating under control and I realize, having written above, that a good part of my nibbling late in the day was "OLD BEHAVIOR" stress eating. I feel so much better WHEN I eat well that it was becoming a old vicious cycle. SO, I have planned all of todays foods too and will do an exercise DVD, jump off the dock for a bit of a swim and tackle a bit of packing. It's amazing how much better I feel having just written this!

    I am SO sorry for those of you struggling with bad knees. (Sally, Amanda, Sissy, m1311...) Any injury that makes exercise difficult is such a downer! I hope you find some relief:flowerforyou:

    marytally: I am also in HOT and HUMID SC...not much cooler than you, I'm sure. It does make exercise outside more of a challenge. I LOVE Rodney Yee DVDs! Need to get back to doing them like you!

    drkatie: WTG for trying to up your walking. Your DH is doing awesome...I'm sure that bit of competition is a good thing! It is easier to do when you are retired!

    OKAY...off to get my exercise in while the tide is high enough to jump into:tongue: Take care:heart: Kackie
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    I was just asking if there are other 50s who are supporting one another! I'm new to the site, 1 week. I alreadly lost 25 lbs. before my daughter told me about MFP.

    OMG-When I read this post just now, I thought it said "1 wk, I already lost 25 lbs." :huh: I'm thinkin-how did she do that and is that even good healthwise and then I reread it! :laugh:

    Kackie-Congrats on your sons wedding!! My youngest son just got married this past Oct. Reading your post brought up alot of good memories of that big event! It sounds like you've put alot of planning and work into it and I'm glad you vented and shared with us! My son's was out of state so we had an eight hr drive there a few days before and then the whirlwind of get togethers, rehearsal dinner, etc. I was finally able to relax and enjoy the ceremony and reception! Enjoy this special time!!:smile:
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    Happy HOT Saturday taking a break from cleaning the bedroom. Got new bedding and bought new curtains for the room and they are to short WTH. Now after struggling by myself to get them up need to take them down so I can take them back. Why is it when cleaning you have to make a mess bigger to get organized>

    I am doing some major cleaning, as I asked my supervisor if I can change my hours 3 days a week so I can watch my grandkids, I am hoping this is a sign that the answer is yes, Life is too short and I want to be a part of their memories.

    Drink your water and move

    Good to see new faces joining us.
