Fat Clothes - Toss or Pack Away?



  • jinni1941
    jinni1941 Posts: 7 Member
    Never thought of burning my old clothes, how satisfying that would be! I know I NEVER want to wear them again!
  • babywoofs
    babywoofs Posts: 2
    If there is an outfit you REALLY love, have it taken in by a professional seamstress or tailor. Otherwise, donate to charity. There is always a thrift store somewhere would willingly take anything you don't need and some will even pick it up for you.
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    Find a consignment shop or sell them reasonably on eBay -- your FAT clothes are the size I'm buying right now on eBay because I'm coming down from size 16. Someone is always looking for good deals on new size clothes. Also, I've donated to co-workers, too. You're right-- business attire is hard to give up -- the truth is though, probably by the time you might fit into them again, the styles will change and they will look dated or the wrong length etc. No harm in squirrelling away 2-3 favorite, timely pieces like a classic navy suit, etc. The kinds of items that no one really ever gives up.
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    Burn them! Have a ceremony and vow to never EVER return to the point where they would fit! Don't worry about the $. You have saved 100X in health care costs alone.
  • RejoicingL
    RejoicingL Posts: 95 Member
    Do you know someone who could use them? I like to give to those I know, and if I can't find any, then I donate to the thrift store or freecyle. You never know, your fat clothes, may help someone who is also loosing weight and needs that size! ;)
  • RunninSD
    RunninSD Posts: 36
    If you really like some of them or paid a lot get them taylored. I have some $300 Karen Millen dresses and there is no way in H!*&! I am going to give those away.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: http://us.karenmillen.com/Karen-Millen-Mirror-Pansy-Print/dp/B008280DFO?class=quickView&field_availability=-1&field_browse=2287592011&field_product_site_launch_date_utc=-1y&id=Karen+Millen+Mirror+Pansy+Print&ie=UTF8&refinementHistory=brandtextbin,subjectbin,color_map,price,size_name,style_name,pattern_name-bin,material_type,clothing_size-bin&searchNodeID=2287592011&searchPage=3&searchRank=salesrank&searchSize=12:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I am keeping two pairs of slacks for possible maternity clothes when the day comes. (I may change my mind, I hope I don't ever go back up to a 14 again)

    Everything else I have been giving to Vietnam Veteran's or the Lupus Foundation. I am not sure if you get those packets in your mail but it comes with a bag and they come pick up the goods and leave a tax receipt.

    SOURCES: I got rid of a third of my wardrobe already. :D

    If you're in your 20's or in the SHORTIES 5'3/5'2 and under add me!:drinker:
  • dianniejt
    dianniejt Posts: 175 Member
    I am going to save the outfit I wore in my before picture and the rest are going in the garbage
  • HelenDootson
    HelenDootson Posts: 443 Member
    Sell them on Ebay and use the profit to buy stuff in your current size. Simples.

    Yup!!!!! And often there are also charity programs that help women who are trying to get jobs and become self sufficient (away from abusers, off of welfare, etc) but just don't have the clothing to allow it....if you can find something like that!? Awesome!

    Both of these are good options - WTG for being in this position :smile:
  • Martin0524
    Martin0524 Posts: 59 Member
    Neither... Donate them....
  • StarkLark
    StarkLark Posts: 476 Member
    Agree with almost everyone here, get rid of them! Donating them sends a subtle hint to your brain that you have a new lifestyle and you aren't looking back :smile:


    Keep the biggest pair of pants you have so that you can pose for one of those awesome before and after pics where you get to stand in one leg of your old "fat" pants :happy:

    MFP really needs a clothing swap forum, off to suggest this now.
  • lindalou4850
    lindalou4850 Posts: 217 Member
    I say donate them!! i went from a sz 16 to a sz 6-8. I kept some sz 10 pants just so I can get thermals under them in the winter!
  • vgpeterson1984
    vgpeterson1984 Posts: 51 Member
    Burn them!! LOL
    You will never be that size again.
  • BaileyKat52
    BaileyKat52 Posts: 461 Member
    I gave away all my big clothes except for one t-shirt that I keep to remind me where I don't ever want to be again.
  • JuneBPrice
    JuneBPrice Posts: 294
    I would make them your new pjs and painting clothes. Or if you ever go mudding, you could use them. But I'm a packrat, so...
  • KaidaKantri
    KaidaKantri Posts: 401
    I have spent a lot on those clothes and I will probably fit in those sizes someday as I get older.

    does not compute


    What's the point of taking off the weight if you plan or assume on gaining it back? Might as well just maintain the weight you are at. If you want this to be a permanent change, then make it so and get rid of the clothes.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    take them to the consignment shop if they are decent quality, you dont want to keep them around and then you can get new stuff with the credit!
  • pixiepie3
    pixiepie3 Posts: 7 Member
    Donate the clothes that you don't fit into. I am a teacher too and have saved clothes only to find that over time, they get ruined being stored in my attic. Someone else who is in need could really benefit from those clothes. There are organizations that will accept clothes to help people getting back into the workforce who are in need of clothes. It's a win-win situation that will keep you on track not to gain those pounds back while helping others.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I kept two pairs of pants to try on and see how far I have come
    the rest I gave away and donated
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    I got rid because I said I would never be that big again! I donate mine to charity. :-)

    This - bags and bags of them!
  • ambeer2
    ambeer2 Posts: 66 Member
    I went from a size 12 to a size 6, and feel that I am moving down to a size 4 as I tone and build more muscle. I have made several trips to bring bags of my clothes to charity, and kept only one dress I really like to be taken in on the sides so it will fit again. Donate, donate, donate.