Favorite things to do with an Avocado



  • Scalesareforthefishes
    Scalesareforthefishes Posts: 92 Member
    I could eat an avocado everyday.
    I love them on rice cakes with sea salt and pepper, eggs, salad, wraps, by itself even!
  • kaylurzz
    kaylurzz Posts: 121 Member
    Love me some avocado! And guac haha.

    I love mashing up some avocado slices and putting it on bean burger patties. SO GOOOD!
  • susjan
    susjan Posts: 105
    I like to have just slices of avocadoes but I don't usually want to eat the whole avocado at once....my problem is keeping it to stay fresh...it turns brown really quickly for me. I've tried to leave the pit in the other half...I heard that helps it. Anyone like to share their suggestions??

    Sprinkle the part you are not using with lime juice and wrap tightly. Turns a little brown but not nearly as bad if I don't use the lime juice.
  • I put an avocado (peeled of course) in a blender with some olive oil and a little Italian dressing and blended til smooth. Then tossed in less than a quarter cup of parm cheese and blended again. It made a pretty decent Alfredo substitute for my spaghetti squash.
  • InvidiaXII
    InvidiaXII Posts: 315 Member
    Honestly, my favorite way to eat one is to just sprinkle a little salt on and eat it with a spoon.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I sometimes like to smear it all over my face.

    No, seriously, it's a great moisturizer.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    I make it into pudding or ice cream. I put it in another post not so long ago.

    Its fantastic before bed, I no longer get cramps in my legs at night.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I like to make avocado pie.....

    sounds crazy, but tastes like cheesecake. It is not baked, so it is fresh. It's in a nut or graham crust. Yummm...and is a good conversation piece lol!

    Google it.
  • ajcamber
    ajcamber Posts: 89 Member
  • Apiljax
    Apiljax Posts: 2
  • mytime60
    mytime60 Posts: 176 Member
    I love them plain just to eat. I also make guacamole with a little fresh onion, garlic lime juice and pepper and salt to taste. Yesterday I had a couple sitting here and we made BLT's for supper, so I sliced one up and put on the BLT. Yummy.
  • GreyEyes21
    GreyEyes21 Posts: 241 Member
    I personally like it on tuna melts, plain, in mexican or these two strange ways

    Avacado Fries
    -1/2 in olive oil heated in pan
    -1/2 in avacado slices
    -1-2 eggs (mixed up)
    -1/4 c whole wheat flour
    -1/4 c multigrain crackers crushed (Trader Joes green and white box are best)

    mix up the egg and set aside, combine flour and crushed crackers, roll avacado slices in egg mixture, then press into flour/cracker mixture. Place in oil and fry till crispy. It's a very healthy replacement to french fries and tastes AMAZING. High in fat so watch the ammount you eat.....approx 1/4 avacado per person.

    Chocolate Avacado (Never tried was told by someone it was good)
    -1 avacado
    -2t hersheys baking powder (unsweetened)
    -3t agave

    squish and refrigerate and enjoy.
  • Half avocado, crack egg, in to pit hole, sprinkle salt and pepper, bake and enjoy its delicious!
  • xokatelynmariexo
    xokatelynmariexo Posts: 84 Member
    loved them sliced on sandwiches and burgers, with my eggs, and on my salads.
  • Apiljax
    Apiljax Posts: 2
  • mytime60
    mytime60 Posts: 176 Member
    I put an avocado (peeled of course) in a blender with some olive oil and a little Italian dressing and blended til smooth. Then tossed in less than a quarter cup of parm cheese and blended again. It made a pretty decent Alfredo substitute for my spaghetti squash.

    This sounds wonderful, I Can't wait to try it! :love:
  • Rennae9
    Rennae9 Posts: 61 Member
    I LOVE AVOCADOS! :love: :love: :love:

    Here is my list:

    Chicken Avocado Salad- saute chicken breast, put avocado, garlic and chicken and salt and pepper in food processor. Eat with crackers or bread

    Avocado and Chickpeas- smash together with garlic salt and pepper. eat with crackers or bread

    Avocado grilled cheese

    Avocado smoothies!!!

    My list could go on forever but those are the recipes I use the most. I forgot to add my MOST favorite way to eat them>>>>>Plain with just a spoon to scoop out the goodness!
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I love avos!

    They're great on eggs (on top of omelettes)
    egg salad with avocado instead of mayo and a little mustard
    poached egg on a slice of toast covered in avocados

    Use avocado in place of mustard or mayo on sandwich (sometimes in the place of cheese)

    In salads
  • KellyMirth
    KellyMirth Posts: 153
    I never liked them until recently either, now I love them. My favorite way to eat them is to mash one up with a little sea salt and a squeeze of lime and then mix it up with chicken. I either eat it as is or put on a tortilla. I use it in place of mayonnaise.
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    California rolls! Or any variations - avocados are great in sushi rolls. Great in sandwiches and salads.

    And, most recently I've had avocados like this...


    oatmeal w/ two eggs poached in, center cut bacon (lower fat than regular bacon), and hot sauce.

    And avocado + mango salsa (use roasted tomatillos instead of tomatoes).