Calling all Cathe fans!



  • ZeldaCat
    Thanks so much for all the info Tami, definitely helpful! Did you guys purchase the program off her website? I would really like to try it out...

    Is there a lot of jumping around during the cardio segments? I live on the second floor so I need be a little quieter than most!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member

    Today I got in KCM' 30MTF Kickboxing #2 (used weighted gloves), and a 3 mile run on the treadmill. My legs where really sore from doing plyo yesterday, but I pushed myself that last mile. :wink: Nope two legs days would be not so good :laugh: .

    :noway: You mean we are suppose to work! :huh: :laugh:

    Yasmine, I concure with Tami on the STS weight workouts, I have LOVED every minute of these workouts. Each workout seems different, even though she has the same footage in them. I have not done ChaLEAN X, because I couldn't stand the Turbo Jam workouts, so I didn't want to take the chance that I wouldn't like her in these. I think the only thing between the two that I know are different, are the weights used. In STS you can use either a barbell or dumbbells. ChaLEAn X also includes cardio, which STS doesn't have until that last cycle with Plyo Legs. Cathe is going to be releasing the cardio portion of STS in a few weeks.

    Tami would have to verify, but CLX does have jumping around. I think some of the workouts in that series are HIIT.

    I would recommend getting your DVD's through or, because Cathe charges alot for shipping. Both of the site I gave you will take any defective material back. I actually purchase mine through Cathe's site, but I got on her presale, so the price was right even with the shipping. Hope this helps. :smile:

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Hi Ladies - Excuse me for being ignorant, but which Cathe program are you currently using? I am considering either her STS program or Beachbody's ChaLEAN Extreme. I like the fact that STS is different every day as I tend to get bored easily. What do you guys think? Have you had good results with Cathe's programs?

    I do not really have weight to lose, I need to work more on toning certain areas and getting rid of fat in certain areas (love handles, legs, etc!)

    I appreciate your help!

    I have a few pounds that I would like to get off my bod, and can tell you that I have lost the most in my upper body and legs. The tape measure really hasn't moved to much in the waist, but that probaby was because of my eating. I have been eating much better in this last Meso cycle. I'm hoping to be able to post some pics of the changes, because I did take before pics of myself. :embarassed: I'm very happy with my results so far. :wink:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning ~

    Sounds like you got a great workout in, that’s awesome! :smile:

    I did end up doing the Pilates this a.m. Felt good but anxious to do a cardio again tomorrow. I think my little "break" last week has made me feel like I need to work harder vs. recovering. :blushing: I am planning on doing the Plyo workout I was thinking of yesterday. (KCM Ultra Cardio Blast) Speaking of, did you get that one during your Thanksgiving sale you were going to check out on :wink:

    So will you be done with STS at the end of this month or in January? From there you will be starting the Jillian M. rotation then? I can't believe how fast this program is going .... and I'm on the 6.5 month rotation. Definitely says a lot for the program and level of enjoyment forsure!! :happy:

    Yasmine: I did purchase STS from Cathe’s website as well but definitely check out or that Laurie suggested. I have bought a lot of my DVD's from collage. I agree, Cathe’s site does charge a lot more for shipping.
    Yes, with STS you incorporate your own cardio workouts or Cathe's workouts that are cardio based ~ (except Cathe has just come out with a new cardio program that is just being sent out in a couple weeks – the one Laurie mentioned). I definitely want to do a rotation of STS with her Shock Cardio system.
    With ChaLEAN X she does have cardio workouts mixed in with the program/DVD’s, alternating weights and cardio days. There is some higher impact/plyo style exercises in those, but it isn’t a whole bunch from what I remember. Sort of like a “burst” within the workout. Hopefully this helps!

    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • ZeldaCat
    Thanks to both of you for all the help! The only thing I worry about right now is purchasing all of the equipment that is used in the program - I am starting school in January and need to try saving some money! I really like the look of this program though, hopefully I will be able to start soon.

    Thanks again!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning! :drinker: TGIF

    Disc 30 Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps is finished. One thing I have noticed about these workouts is that they are deceptive. I am lifting heavy weights for only 7 reps. Ok so I'm thinking this isn't so bad. Right now my biceps are SORE! :noway: :laugh: Funny that at the time I'm lifting I'm thinking these weights are not so heavy! :laugh: Would like to get in a 3 mile run after work, and it will probably be on my treadmill. We received a blanket of snow, and I don't think running in the dark on a slippery road will be a good idea. :wink:

    I didn't get that workout during the sale, because I forgot to get on to order them. :mad: I don't understand how I could do that. Oh ya it was getting ready to leave for the hotel. :laugh: I will be getting that one though, because I really really want it.... along with some other ones. Mary will probably have another sale. :wink:

    When are you leaving for your vacation?

    Yasmine, For sure it is a lot of money for the program, but is sure is a good program.

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    So will you be done with STS at the end of this month or in January? From there you will be starting the Jillian M. rotation then? I can't believe how fast this program is going .... and I'm on the 6.5 month rotation. Definitely says a lot for the program and level of enjoyment forsure!! :happy:

    I will be finished with STS on 12/18, and then my recovery week is of course the 20th-26th. Then I plan on getting in the Jillian rotation, followed by Insanity. The Jillian rotation I have created goes until 1/26/10. I'm hoping to start Insanity on the 1st of Feburary. :wink: See how much of a planner I am. :laugh: :blushing:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good morning Laurie!

    Sounds like Meso 3 is really awesome. :smile: Would you say it is your favorite cycle of STS? They are all great in their own way but just wondering since I haven’t started Meso 3 just yet. Can’t wait by the way!! :happy:

    I ended up doing KCM Boot Camp (60 min Mix) ~ It was really good. I have normally done that one in just the 30 min workout (1 or the other) so combined it was a great workout.

    WOW! I can’t believe you are almost to the end. I have to ask ~ Have you had the results you were hoping for? I love it that you are already planned straight away with your workouts through Feb. :wink:
    I am trying to decide if I want to do Insanity next …… OR do another STS rotation with the Shock Cardio?
    So many choices. I am anxious to receive the Shock Cardio and combine it with STS forsure but not sure that doing another STS rotation right away would be the way to go?!? Can’t wait to chat with you about our choreography challenges :laugh: Again, so glad I am not the only one.

    My vacation is next Tues. – Sat. Like I mentioned earlier, having back-to-back time off is not what I am used to. I know it will be fun and if I can get to the gym in Vegas I will feel much better.

    Hope you're having a great day! :flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Thanks to both of you for all the help! The only thing I worry about right now is purchasing all of the equipment that is used in the program - I am starting school in January and need to try saving some money! I really like the look of this program though, hopefully I will be able to start soon.

    Hi Yasmine ~ I absolutely agree with Laurie and understand completely that the cost is up there on the program and if you need to also purchase some of the equipment/weights as well. Definitely worth the investment and a program you can use for many years ahead! :wink: You might also look on e-bay for equipment/weights; not sure what pieces you need.

    Hope this helps ~ have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member

    I'm on line so thought I would post. I didn't get in a run on my treadmill last night because our friend got a job and we went out to celebrate that. I was a good girl and had the baked cod, which was very good.

    This morning I went out into the 17 deg weather and ran 3 miles. I would still like to get in 30MTF Bootcamp #2 and Ab Circuit Stability Ball Abs. Well I have to get my food into my journal so bye for now.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member

    This morning was Disc 31 Chest & Back. Can't believe that I was lifting 90% of my max, but I managed. :wink: Yesterday I did the first day of running the Gateway to 8k. This starts out with interval running, so it was 7 minutes running 1 min. walking. Cami and I ran a different route, and had a dog try to make sure that his territory was secure. Well lets just say that Cami was ready to defend her mama! :laugh: The owner of the dog called, and the dog went back to his owner. Good thing, because I didn't want to get in the middle of a dog fight! :wink:

    Tami, Meso 3 for me is very deceptive. I'm lifting these heavy weights, and thinking well I sure could have lifted heavier. Then as I'm sitting at my desk I start getting sore. So I must be lifting heavy enough. :wink: Today I was lifting the 90% for only 6 reps, so I think that makes you believe that you can lift heavier. It is hard to point to which Meso cycle I like the best, because they all work your muscles in a different way. I think Meso 2 is my fav so far. :laugh:

    I have not tried the KCM Bootcamp premix, but have been wanting to try it out. I have done the two 30 min ones though.

    I'm going to be doing a STS/Shock Cardio rotation after Insanity! :bigsmile: After that rotation I don't know what I'm going to be doing! :noway: Really I can only plan as far as May! :laugh: I'm really a sad sad person for having my workouts all planned out like this. :blushing:

    Your vacation is going to be a great time, we might be heading out to Vegas in February! :drinker:

    Have a great day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning! :flowerforyou:

    Your run sounds like it was good ….. I have tried to incorporate “interval” type running when I go with my dogs because I am not a runner so that seems to help, (ie: the walk in between!). My plan is to always build up to running further and further. Glad you avoided a dog issue along the way! :noway: :laugh: I know exactly how that goes with our two!

    That is amazing on Meso #3 and the 90% of max. It will definitely be a challenge! :huh: OH – I looked online at WalMart and ordered the weighted vest. It was only $34 and FREE shipping if I pick it up there so I went for it! It will be in the week I am back and right into Meso #3 . . . . can’t wait. :wink:

    So have you already treated yourself to Insanity!! I am thinking it might make more sense for me to do a Insanity rotation next and then STS w/ Shock after that?!? I wish I had it all planned out :blushing: …. You’re amazing ~ I think that’s awesome. I just can’t decide which to do next because I love STS so much and at the same time want to do Insanity. :tongue:

    This a.m. I did Jillian’s Trouble Zone workout – I think tomorrow before we leave I will do KickMax. Then I will be at the mercy of the hotel’s gym to see what I can get in. Will pick back up on Sunday and Meso #3 MONDAY! Yahoo. :drinker:

    I hope you have a great week ~ I’ll check in with you when I get back. :smile:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Tami, I know that you are not around until next week, but I'm going to keep up so that if you have a chance you can read all the great Cathe workouts I have done. :laugh:

    This morning was day 2 of GW28K, and Cami and I had a great run in the dark and snow. :wink: :noway: Yep we ventured out in a light snow. I'm glad that each week the Techno music changes, because I think that I might get sick of it. I also was able to get in Ab Circuit Stability Ball Abs, and Basic Stretch from Total Body Stretching. I had an eye appointment this morning so I had time before that.

    No Insanity yet, I'm waiting for my MIL to give me my Christmas present. She usually gives DH and I money, and then wants to know what we bought. She will probably look at me funny when I tell her what I bought, but it is what I want the most. :happy: I'm going to find it hard to resist doing my new Shock Cardio too. I'm thinking that some of the Shock Cardio could be used in your last Meso cycle, just to try it out. :happy: If nothing else I might sub in some of the STS HIIT workouts in place of Jillian's. :laugh: Just to try it out of course. Rotations have a habit of changing, when the mood strikes. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful time on your vacation,

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    We had 9" of snow and it was still coming down when I left for work. Got to work late, but I got here. :laugh: Took DH 3 hours to get our driveway opened up, the snow was very wet. I got in Disc 32 Plyo Legs, and it was another good workout. I like the plyo work in these. I can't believe I said that. :laugh: Maybe Insanity is going to be just what I'm looking for in a workout. :laugh:

    That's it for my update!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    This morning I didn't venture out into the below zero and wind chill to run. Instead I ran on my tm and finished the first week of GW28K. From start to finish it came to a 4 miles. The techno music on these podcasts are starting to grow on me. :happy:

    Congrats on getting the weighted vest, I'm going to invest in the vest after Christmas. Or maybe that is what I put on my list for my SIL. :wink: If you do get Insanity in after this last Meso, we just might be starting Insanity around the same time. :laugh: Or close to it.

    That's it for me today, I'm hoping that Vegas has been nice and warm for you. :wink:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member

    Today was Disc 33 Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps and of course another great workout. I'm going to try to get in a quick 20 min workout after work. I'm looking at something on ExerciseTV on Demand with Cindy Whitmarsh. She has a really good workout called Less is More Cardio. I have done that one in the past, and have gotten a great workout in a short amount of time.

    Someone gifted me with fudge today, so I couldn't resist and had a piece. It was very good, and I will keep the container closed. I'm offering some fudge to everyone that comes to my desk today! :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Laurie ~

    We got in last night and needless to say I am beyond excited to be home and get in one of my workouts this a.m.! :smile: Thanks for keeping in touch while I was gone. I just got caught up on your week. Sounds like you have quite the snow and cold ... BRRR. We have only had the cold temps but no snow yet other than a little skiff here & there. That's awesome you have been getting in some great workouts. I'm jealous!

    Although Vegas was fun & we seemed to be going here & there like crazy, visiting Casinos we haven't seen before, etc. I missed my normal routine. We walked A LOT every day and made it to their gym only 1 morning. :blushing: I was glad at least for the walkng. I did try to eat as healthy as possible for each rest./buffet we would go to. Loading up on fruits & veggies when I could. OH and you said you hoped it was warm. NO! :noway: :noway: it was only like 50. Which compared to the 2 degrees we left at home this was better but that seemed really cold for Vegas.
    I'm not much of a drinker or gambler so Vegas for that many nights was maybe one too many. :ohwell: It was a really fun group of friends and had a great time with them. My hubby placed a few sports bets and made some $$$ yesterday on the Roullette table (sp?). :happy:

    So at any rate, today is a WORKOUT, laundry, grocery store and then a nice healthy dinner tonight!
    I'll check in with you tomorrow ~ hang in there w/ your snow and cold! :wink:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    Glad you had a good time, but I know how nice it is to be in your own home. :wink:

    Today starts my last week of Meso 3, with Disc 34 Chest & Back. :sad: It warmed up for us starting on Saturday, so yesterday I was able to get in a run with Week 2 Day 1 of GW28K (including dog). This interval mix was really fun, and I have been enjoying my runs a lot more by doing these downloads. During my cool down walk, I started to move to the music, and I'm sure I looked like quite the dork! :laugh: People would probably think I'm weird for enjoying a run! :laugh: Saturday I did the Less is More Cardio workout on ExerciseTV On Demand, and my calf muscles are still sore. I'm going to download that one from their web site and burn it onto a disc. Just need to have that one. :wink: Wish Cindy would make more DVD's, because I really like how much she gets done in a short amount of time. I also was able to try out her Incredible Abs also, and like it too.

    I'm probably going to be taking a vacation day on Friday, and then next week on Wednesday. I'm off of work for the full time between Christmas and New Year. We will be going to see my parents sometime during those days. Did you manage to get in a workout yesterday, I think I would have been to tired. :wink:

    Suppose to be getting back into the cold weather again this week. :grumble:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hey Laurie ~

    I started Meso #3 this a.m. - Chest & Back. :smile: It felt so good to do STS again, I have really missed it. I enjoyed the workout and know what you mean about thinking you could get another rep in possibley but feeling it afterwards. It felt strange to only be doing a few exercises is all but 4 sets.

    I did get my workout in yesterday. :drinker: My hubby thought I was crazy for wanting to workout. I did KCM Cardio - I was tired but felt really good to get my HR up! :huh:

    Can you believe you are on the last week of STS? :noway: Are you feeling a bit sad or excited to start your Jillian rotation?
    So what is GW28K interval mix? Where do you find it? That Less is More cardio workout sounds great; that's awesome you can download it.

    How fantastic that you get some nice time off for Christmas ~ that's great. Do your parents live far or in the same area?
    It is still kind of up in the air about what we will be doing but it looks like we will go to my in-laws Christmas Eve and then either have them over Christmas Day or go to brother-in-laws. Either way it will be pretty low key and the good thing ~ I won't miss any workouts being at home! :laugh:

    Tomorrow will be cardio ..... I'm thinking of a Cathe workout/premix. Have you heard if Shock Cardio is being sent out this week?!?

    Hope you have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,454 Member
    Morning Tami,

    GW28K is Gateway to 8K, not that I'm planning on running an 8k. :noway: I got the information at, and they even have a link to free podcasts that I downloaded to my I-Pod. It helps me keep my pace. This morning I braved the 10 deg temp with wind and got in Week 2 Day 2 of GW28K. Cami was all excited to go running, she let out a howl when I got her harness. I had to shush her, because everyone else was still sleeping. :laugh: The more I take her with me the better she is about running next to me, instead of trying to sniff everything she can. I think it helps that I still take her on her "normal" 15 min. morning walk.

    :drinker: WTG on getting in that workout, even though you where tired. :happy: I am a little sad that I'm finishing up with STS, but I am looking forward to my Jillian workout. :wink: I'm hoping that Jillian will tackle my middle area, where Cathe has taken care of my arms. :laugh: The running seems to be working for the legs. :wink:

    My parents live in the same state, but it is a 5-1/2 hr drive to get to them. And if it is snowing, it can take longer. :frown: We will not be going up there until Sunday afternoon. If it is snowing really bad we have the option of waiting. :wink:

    So far it looks like the 17th is still the ship date for STS cardio. You probably will be able to incorporate some of those workouts into your rotation. :wink:

    Have a great day!