What "dressing" do you put on your salad?



  • lmeasterling
    lmeasterling Posts: 139 Member
    I use a half & half mixture of Kraft Zesty Italian & Kraft Fat Free Caesar Italian dressings...ends up being 45-50 cals for each 2 tbsp serving. :)
  • sportybrewerschick
    sportybrewerschick Posts: 170 Member
    my FAV! waldens farms no calorie bacon ranch dressing! it also comes in ranch but bacon ranch is soooo much better! you can find it at copps, walmart, and safeway! (i'm sure other places also)
  • twistofcain
    twistofcain Posts: 190
    I use Kraft Fat Free Thousand Island w/Bacon.
  • MrsRando
    MrsRando Posts: 155 Member
    Kraft Light House Italian. YUM! I never get tired of this.
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    I actually like to use (1%) Cottage Cheese and put that on top of my salad... I think it is delicious, and a bit healthier than salad dressing.
  • joslin2005
    joslin2005 Posts: 138
    I use full fat dressing on everything except I only use 1tbsp instead of the serving size of 2 tbsp.

    Chipotle southwest-Hidden Valley
    If I'm eating a taco salad, I skip the dressing and just use salsa. Sometimes I add sour cream
    Honey mustard
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    Bolthouse has a classic balsamic vinaigrette that is only 10 or 20 calories a serving. Love it! Very flavorful. I do baby spinach or spring mix with onions, cherry tomatoes, red peppers and a little bit of reduce fat feta cheese. Would rather have the cheese than the oil in the dressing.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I make my own. Most times I start with some type of mustard, some type of vinegar, spices and a little olive oil, because I LOVE mustard. But sometimes I'll use hot sauce as the base, or the juice from pickled vegetables and sometimes I just spinkle on a little balsamic vinegar. It's super easy to make a dressing.
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    don't know if this is available everywhere.. but i love hendrickson's! it's so yummy.
  • trutlet
    trutlet Posts: 11
    EVOO and red wine vinegar.....great mix of zip and good fats. I love spinach, pecans, strawberries, feta, red onion and EVOO/red wine vinegar!!!
    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member
    NONE, I love the taste of all my veggies...but that is just me. My son is the same way. When we go out to eat, the servers are so confused. It is the best!
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    All I nrmally use is extra virgin olive oil, as good quality as you can :flowerforyou:
  • Lemon juice or light soy sauce. Sometimes both.
  • Keeliek8
    Keeliek8 Posts: 4
    Sounds strange but I use mustard a lot.
  • sarahperkes
    sarahperkes Posts: 1 Member
    I have gotten out of the habit of using store bought dressings. (Ranch USED to be the only thing I would use, and LOTS of it) Now, I use, a dash of EVOO, and apple cider vinager, dijon mustard, and sometimes a packet of truvia. Today, I just used a dash of EVOO and vinager. I try to mix it up.

    Salsa sounds so good though. I go in spurts.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Usually Ken's light options
  • ianmommy
    ianmommy Posts: 1
    Bolthouse Farms yogurt dressing. They have all the 'classic' flavors at 35 cals per tbsp.
  • Dawnhasajeep
    Dawnhasajeep Posts: 180 Member
    None. Its a wast of calories and the oil dressings are bad for you.
  • EmmaR25
    EmmaR25 Posts: 33 Member
    Olive oil and Balsamic vinegar...yum
  • thndr200
    thndr200 Posts: 2 Member
    Walden Farms has some great dressings ... no carbs, no sugar, no fat, no calories. Don't waste your time on the Ranch ... it's as bad as any other fat free Ranch out there, but I really like their Honey Dijon and the Balsamic! Look for it in the refrigerated/produce section. They also have a website offering pancake syrups, chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, jams, etc. Haven't tried any of them, but there's always that option!