Ladies 5'4 - 5'6, what are your goals?



  • CindiBryce
    CindiBryce Posts: 438
    5'3 and 105
  • Hellaine
    Hellaine Posts: 79 Member
    5'4 and am currently 148 but my goal is 130. I'm not opposed to getting lower than that, mainly because I've found that I freaking love working out now that I've learned how to do it! But if I hit 130, I will be like yep, I did it!
  • statickey
    statickey Posts: 309 Member
    I'm 5'5" and I want to be around 150 or 160
  • ConstableOdo
    ConstableOdo Posts: 104
    18 INCH corseted waist. Probably around 115 lbs.
  • 5'6", 168cm and I'd like to weigh 110lbs, 50kgs
  • LRH64
    LRH64 Posts: 199 Member
    5' 4.75" (need every quarter inch I can get):laugh: Trying to maintain at 135 and to get my BFP to the 20-25% range.
  • ReneeCK
    ReneeCK Posts: 63 Member
    I'm 5'5" and weight around 149 now. My goal weight is set at 132... but what I REALLY want is to see size 6 in jeans with a tight stomach and toned arms, no matter what the scales say!
  • 1dce
    1dce Posts: 238 Member
    I m 5'6" my goal is to EAT CAKE! Just kidding, I need to build muscle, get the definition in my arms, and thighs. Those are my 2 problem areas. I have recently decided to start a cleaner diet, I usually come in around my calorie goal, and I am at a healthy weight, just need that muscle tone. Not body builder style just nice. Ya feel me?

    Haha! Cake, I wish :/ And I totally get you about the body builder style - I've been doing A LOT of weight lifting, so my arms are looking really toned, but I'm worried that the rate of arm toning is going faster than ab toning! Hopefully I DON'T turn out like a bodybuilder...

    Abs always takes the longest for girls anyway or in my case it's the thighs! HORRIBLE THIGHS!
  • Cassidygriego
    Cassidygriego Posts: 26 Member
    I m 5'6" my goal is to EAT CAKE! Just kidding, I need to build muscle, get the definition in my arms, and thighs. Those are my 2 problem areas. I have recently decided to start a cleaner diet, I usually come in around my calorie goal, and I am at a healthy weight, just need that muscle tone. Not body builder style just nice. Ya feel me?

    Haha! Cake, I wish :/ And I totally get you about the body builder style - I've been doing A LOT of weight lifting, so my arms are looking really toned, but I'm worried that the rate of arm toning is going faster than ab toning! Hopefully I DON'T turn out like a bodybuilder...

    Abs always takes the longest for girls anyway or in my case it's the thighs! HORRIBLE THIGHS!

    Oh boy, I gave up on the thighs already... lol
  • allsetnow
    allsetnow Posts: 13
    I am just over 5'5" and 52 years old. I started at 176 and my initial goal was 150. As I was getting there, I lowered it to 140. I just hit that this week, but now I am aiming for under 135. I'll see what that looks like when I get there. I too want to mostly get more toned at this point, especially my arms and butt and thighs. My stomach has always been pretty flat, thankfully. And it's funny how we all carry our weight so differently. Everyone thinks I weigh a lot less than I do, and I now fit easily into size 4 pants (sometimes even a 2). At my heaviest, I was a size 8 (quickly approaching a 10 though).
    SASSYnCHICago Posts: 98 Member
    I'm 5'5 and now at 138 (from 160) - so I reached my original goal. It took 6 months as I lost it by changing my eating habits, and varying my exercising types.
    My new goal is to reach 135 but will than aim for 130! Little by little I do healthy changes. I'm trying to build up my endurance with swimming and jogging - lots of improvement is needed.

    P.S. - Swimming is an awesome workout it get those arms in shape .. I'm had not done it over 25 years so started taking lessons and now my shoulders, triceps are really tone. TRY IT :)
  • bellyshelly
    bellyshelly Posts: 11 Member
    I am about 130 lbs and 5' 2". I want to lose 7 lbs and eat cleaner. I am not consistent. I weight train regularly and I see results. I am also training for my first mud run.

  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    I'm 5'5", but used to be closer to 5'6". My goal weight is 125, because I looked good at that weight when I was 29 years old.
  • Cassidygriego
    Cassidygriego Posts: 26 Member
    I am just over 5'5" and 52 years old. I started at 176 and my initial goal was 150. As I was getting there, I lowered it to 140. I just hit that this week, but now I am aiming for under 135. I'll see what that looks like when I get there. I too want to mostly get more toned at this point, especially my arms and butt and thighs. My stomach has always been pretty flat, thankfully. And it's funny how we all carry our weight so differently. Everyone thinks I weigh a lot less than I do, and I now fit easily into size 4 pants (sometimes even a 2). At my heaviest, I was a size 8 (quickly approaching a 10 though).

    That's awesome! Very true about how we all carry weight differently - jealous of your flat stomach! :smile:
  • melann1974
    melann1974 Posts: 84
    I'm 5'4" (well, almost) and started March 1st at 220lbs. I am now down to 194lbs and still losing. My first goal was to get under 200 (done), my next goal is 175lbs and go from there. I am now able to wear my size 12 jeans (snug) at 175lbs I wear a size 10. The smallest I have been has been a size 7/8 at 155lbs (still considered overweight by charts though) and people said I looked sick and too thin. However to be 155lbs I was pretty much killing myself (exercising 3+hrs a day, not eating right, purging, etc) so guess that is why I looked "sick".
  • Cassidygriego
    Cassidygriego Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5'4" (well, almost) and started March 1st at 220lbs. I am now down to 194lbs and still losing. My first goal was to get under 200 (done), my next goal is 175lbs and go from there. I am now able to wear my size 12 jeans (snug) at 175lbs I wear a size 10. The smallest I have been has been a size 7/8 at 155lbs (still considered overweight by charts though) and people said I looked sick and too thin. However to be 155lbs I was pretty much killing myself (exercising 3+hrs a day, not eating right, purging, etc) so guess that is why I looked "sick".

    Great job! I had the same problem with over-exercising and not eating enough, and it definitely didn't help. That's awesome that you have been reaching your goals! :smile:
  • melann1974
    melann1974 Posts: 84
    I'm 5'4" (well, almost) and started March 1st at 220lbs. I am now down to 194lbs and still losing. My first goal was to get under 200 (done), my next goal is 175lbs and go from there. I am now able to wear my size 12 jeans (snug) at 175lbs I wear a size 10. The smallest I have been has been a size 7/8 at 155lbs (still considered overweight by charts though) and people said I looked sick and too thin. However to be 155lbs I was pretty much killing myself (exercising 3+hrs a day, not eating right, purging, etc) so guess that is why I looked "sick".

    Great job! I had the same problem with over-exercising and not eating enough, and it definitely didn't help. That's awesome that you have been reaching your goals! :smile:

    Thank you. That 155lbs was 10 years ago, before divorce and remarrying and a lot of other things life threw at me. I am comfortable in my own skin around a size 10 (been a couple of years for that).
  • dfast12
    dfast12 Posts: 13 Member
    I am 5'5 and I now weigh 206... I want to be healthy and weigh approx 175lbs and fine .... I love good at 175 .... and feel good ..
  • I'm 5'5" and am shooting for 120, but I may go lower depending on how I feel when I get there.
  • I am 5 foot 3.75 lol so I say 5 foot 4. I'm currently 149.8 lbs. My first goal was to get to 150 lbs which was my pre-pregnancy weight (I had a baby April 29th). I've reached that goal! My breasts are massive and I'm happy with how my body looks. However, I do wanna go a bit lower. So my current goal is to get to 140 lbs and work on getting my body toned up, my baby sure stretched my body out!