"No Mayo?" Why Americans Are Fat



  • leodru
    leodru Posts: 321 Member
    Every country has SOME bad eating habits. Don't fool youself. Did you know that many Canadians' condiment of choice for french fries is GRAVY?! They serve that option in most restaurants there that offer french fries. I had never heard such a thing before we started vacationing there once a year (from childhood on.)

    we have that here in NJ. Disco fries. yuck

    It's not a condiment of choice, canadians are more known for using vinegar (why, i have no idea). what you're refering to is a poutine: fries, gravy and curds of cheese, and some poutine places will have a bunch of other toppings on them too :tongue:

    Personally I think it's more about cutting out the processed stuff. If you made fries with fresh potatoes, chances are it wouldn't be as bad as the frozen stuff. For a several weeks I didn't lose any weight at all, despite being on my feet 60hrs/week for work. but then for two weeks I ate nothing but leftovers from a big party we had (and all of it was my mom's cooking, mostly rice-based dishes since it was all perian food *drools*) and in those two weeks I immediately lost 4 pounds. It didn't matter that I was eating a bunch of carbs sloshed in deliciously oily sauces, what mattered was that it was REAL FOOD, and not the cold-cut sandwiches and granola bars I was having at work everyday. And I think the best part of that time was that those two weeks was the only time I was ever actually full. Aside from then, every time I had a bagel or some other kind of sandwich or cereal for breakfast, I ALWAYS would suddenly become starving 3 hours into work on the dot. But with real food, I was always content. It was a beautiful time, and I now eat leftovers for breakfast every chance I get!

    Maybe it depends where in Canada you are from? Up here (Northern BC) We eat gravy with our fries. You can't even get vinegar unless you are at a seafood place having deep fried fish sticks. Gracy is offered at every restaurant if you order fries, and gererally I order it. Then I dip my fries into it.

    Poutine is good too....so cheesy. Its brown gravy made from beef stock....not that white stuff I keep seeing on American food shows.

    I've seen people put vinegar, ketchup and gravy on fries! Add some cheese cruds and I'm all in!
  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    There are overweight people in every country.
    Once, I would like to hear someone say "'..And this is why Germans/Brits/Italians/etc are fat."
    I understand that the US has a higher rate, but if you think about it, our states are the size of most European countries.

    Explain to me what the size of the geographical region or population size has to do with percentage proportion of those obese?

    Only because the patches of land are bigger and the population is a larger figure (excuse the pun) that does not change the percentage rate.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    We are fat because a double cheeseburger is $0.99 and a smoothie is almost $8.00. Nine times out of ten the healthy option will cost more dough than junk food.

    Or is it simple supply and demand? Americans choose to eat the double cheeseburger and turn their noses up at smoothies and "rabbit food" so the unhealthy food costs less and profit can still be made on volume.
  • plumper7
    plumper7 Posts: 3
    You'r joking, right?
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Why all this arguing?

    Can we not agree that some lose weight by eating whatever they want in smaller portions, while others lose weight by doing in it a more conscious manner i.e. being selective about what nourishes them on the path to weight loss.

    The quality, portions and type of food offered to the average middle class family in restaurants is pretty bad. Many people on this forum have openly admitted to not knowing how to cook or what to cook before they embarked on their journey to health.

    Let's not forget the $1.00 menu crap that is thrown at us on every street corner. You want to call that "food" and make it fit in your daily calorie intake? Fine. Why argue with the OP who chooses to be more selective.
  • plumper7
    plumper7 Posts: 3
    Yeah, I totally agree. Only Americans are fat and this is clearly why.
    You'r joking, right?
  • plumper7
    plumper7 Posts: 3
    Calories in, calories out. There are fat people all over the world. I've got news for you, not just Americans are overweight. Italian pizza stinks compared to good old fashioned Chicago style!! I know the Italians invented pizza, but the Americans turned it into something spectacular!!
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Why all this arguing?

    Can we not agree that some lose weight by eating whatever they want in smaller portions, while others lose weight by doing in it a more conscious manner i.e. being selective about what nourishes them on the path to weight loss.

    The quality, portions and type of food offered to the average middle class family in restaurants is pretty bad. Many people on this forum have openly admitted to not knowing how to cook or what to cook before they embarked on their journey to health.

    Let's not forget the $1.00 menu crap that is thrown at us on every street corner. You want to call that "food" and make it fit in your daily calorie intake? Fine. Why argue with the OP who chooses to be more selective.

    I agree.

    Personally, I was simply address the argument that people are obese because they are sitting on a couch eating copious amounts of jelly doughnuts.

    Yes, restricting calories will cause you to eventually lose weight. However, done in the absence of the nutrients that your body needs will result in cravings and subsequent over eating to make up the difference. Its one of the reasons that cravings are often so specific (fries, candy, ect...).

    When a person eats a lot of foods that have had major nutrients removed (what most of us call processed) they get a lot of calories without the nutrients that they would have eaten if the foods were whole.

    A more accurate picture of an obese American would be someone that gets all of their vitamin C from juice, all of their protein from a bar, a microwavable meal that was stored at room temp and tack on another 400 cal from impulsively snacking, because they are always craving something.

    Its the difference in American obesity pre 1980s and post 1980s, portion control was self correcting because a 500 - 700 calorie meal satisfied their bodies needs. Now were get a lot of empty calories from nutritionally shallow foods.
  • jmcdaniel0
    jmcdaniel0 Posts: 130 Member
    Yeah, I totally agree. Only Americans are fat and this is clearly why.
    You'r joking, right?

    Sarcastic post is sarcastic!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I agree.

    Personally, I was simply address the argument that people are obese because they are sitting on a couch eating copious amounts of jelly doughnuts.

    Yes, restricting calories will cause you to eventually lose weight. However, done in the absence of the nutrients that your body needs will result in cravings and subsequent over eating to make up the difference. Its one of the reasons that cravings are often so specific (fries, candy, ect...).

    When a person eats a lot of foods that have had major nutrients removed (what most of us call processed) they get a lot of calories without the nutrients that they would have eaten if the foods were whole.

    A more accurate picture of an obese American would be someone that gets all of their vitamin C from juice, all of their protein from a bar, a microwavable meal that was stored at room temp and tack on another 400 cal from impulsively snacking, because they are always craving something.

    Its the difference in American obesity pre 1980s and post 1980s, portion control was self correcting because a 500 - 700 calorie meal satisfied their bodies needs. Now were get a lot of empty calories from nutritionally shallow foods.

    True dat :)

    We're not going to convince those who continue to incorporate dollar menus or high sodium restaurant foods in the food logs that is just might not be nutritious or healthy in the long run even if you are sticking within your calorie count.

    It's not about the mayo. I think that was an example. I try to stay away from anything that has a mile long ingredient content on the label. I'd rather eat a plum or a kiwi for the same number of calories.

    Same way nobody can convince me to get on the paleo bandwagon :laugh:
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    As a teacher, I can tell you that the food served in school is pretty gross. But the real problem with school food is that kids never eat the vegetables offered with their entree and instead they buy cookies and chips to add to their slice of pizza, and sometimes juice. They eat so wretchedly! Parents don't always know this is going on. If the food were great and all put on their plates with less choice, it could be much better for kids, because as they get talking with each other they will forget and just put it in their mouth and say, hey this is good. Kids don't even get good choices in school. So many of the children are overweight already. It was not like this when I was growing up. Kids deserve better.

    Yes...the ONLY REASON why Americans are fat is because of mayo.


    There are a bajillion of reasons why America has an obesity problem--cutting back physical education and health requirements in schools; poverty; over-dependence on tv and video games in lieu of parenting; kids no long being allowed to be "free range" and just stay outside all day; lack of education about good food choices; over-worked parents and the ease of picking up fast food; over-scheduling our lives; and the list goes on and on and on...

    Darlin', it ain't the mayo's fault. :flowerforyou:

    As an adult I can tell you that kids don't eat their veggies because most adults cook them (the veggies) to death. Before I was cooking my own food the only veggies I ate were corn-on-the-cob, potatoes, onions and little else.

    My mom cooked the Shyte out of all veggies and they were gross. I lightly cook my veggies, probably slightly lighter than my wife perferrs but she also cooks veggies raw in comparison to what we grew up with.

    Or maybe what everyone tells you about how your tastes change is the bigger reason I eat my veggies now. I even like brussel sprouts and my sisters used to refuse them when we were growing up and girls apparently need to eat them
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member

    Yeah,. maybe if you made homemade mayo, or avoided a HFCS version, and yeah, a little high-fructose corn syrup is not going to kill you, but hey, I have this sandwich quite often, so I'd rather not have the mayo, and the larger point is this: Why is the American presumption that I want mayo, chips with my sandwich, and a Coke? Or that I want fries with a burger, that I want the sources of my beef to be fed with grain, or that I want HFCS added to a steak marinade?

    The list just goes on.

    thing is, I don't much care about HFCS. it is sugar. I think my body knows what to do with it.

    Well HFCS is genetically modified. Are you sure your body knows what to do with it?

    Sugar TASTES BETTER than HFCS. If I'm going to have either I'd perfer sugar. That being said my sweetener of choice is Splenda which is definately the result of modification but it tastes better than sweet-n-low or Equal and not much different than sugar.

    I think new coke was just an elaborate ruse to swich Coca-Cola over the HFCS and have people to be thankful for Coca-Cola classic and not get up in arms over the change in taste (and it definately tasted different, we had a bunch from before the switch because my dad liked the way it was and bought a TON of it. We were able to compare the 3. Old Coke > Classic Coke > New Coke.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    We are fat because a double cheeseburger is $0.99 and a smoothie is almost $8.00. Nine times out of ten the healthy option will cost more dough than junk food.

    Or is it simple supply and demand? Americans choose to eat the double cheeseburger and turn their noses up at smoothies and "rabbit food" so the unhealthy food costs less and profit can still be made on volume.

    My smoothies are not $8. I make them at home. And even the ones I buy out are not $8.

    It doesn't matter, though. In all honesty, most smoothies you buy at a smoothie place have more calories than the double cheeseburger.
  • Zalovar
    Zalovar Posts: 92 Member
    You sir, have obviously never dipped your french fries in mayo.

    You make a valid point. In many European countries using mayo as a condiment for fries is common. That being said, it is my personal experience (from my travels) that the rate of obesity in European countries is far less than that of the US. I don't have any specific scientific data to back that up; however, I can only theorize that it's probably not the mayonnaise that's the difference maker...it's probably a multitude of factors. Having lived in Germany for a good part of my life, the few things I can remember is that we rarely ate out (certainly no fast food), we rode our bicycles everywhere and ate far more whole foods and cooked meals than prepackaged stuff. Sweets, cheese, etc were treats, not everyday snacks. A few years when I visited some family, I noticed specifically that there really weren't that many obese people in the population...in the US being obese is so common that people don't even take notice anymore.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    We are fat because a double cheeseburger is $0.99 and a smoothie is almost $8.00. Nine times out of ten the healthy option will cost more dough than junk food.

    Or is it simple supply and demand? Americans choose to eat the double cheeseburger and turn their noses up at smoothies and "rabbit food" so the unhealthy food costs less and profit can still be made on volume.
    It's the fact that beef is subsidized, as is wheat, and corn. Meanwhile only 2% of farms grow fruits and vegetables, because there are no subsidies, and it's ridiculously more expensive to farm fruit and vegetables than it is to farm corn, wheat, or beef.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    There are overweight people in every country.
    Once, I would like to hear someone say "'..And this is why Germans/Brits/Italians/etc are fat."
    I understand that the US has a higher rate, but if you think about it, our states are the size of most European countries.

    Explain to me what the size of the geographical region or population size has to do with percentage proportion of those obese?

    Only because the patches of land are bigger and the population is a larger figure (excuse the pun) that does not change the percentage rate.

    Thank you. I did a facepalm when I read the quoted post.
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    Whenever I order a sandwich at a deli, I give the precise description of what I want: whole-wheat bread, cheddar, lettuce, tomato and mustard. Nine times of 10, the counter person replies: "No Mayo?"

    Nope, don't want the empty calories and fat that come with Mayo or white bread.
    Mayo is not very flavorful in any case and white bread tastes no better than wheat.

    Add up all those mayo and white bread calories, not to mention high-fructose corn syrup in sodas, the propensity of Americans to eat fast food or packaged food products, and a generally sedentary lifestyle, there's little wonder why Americans are so chunky. I recall several "aha" moments even in Italy where I saw thin people drinking wine, eating pasta. They tend to walk a lot more, eat fresher food, their pizzas are ultra-thin crust, and it's nearly impossible to find mayo, Cokes and fries. Dessert and snacks there are usually fruit, sometimes a small scoop of gelat, unless it's a special occassion.

    I recall at my heaviest my meals consisted of McMuffins, burritos and chips, Domino's pizza. For what it's worth. One can make allot of progress just by eating more fresh stuff and cutting the junk.

    I actually base my choices around being able to fit mayo calories in. I can't stand mustard, and don't like "dry" sandwiches. I also like mayo.

    People seem to fall either into the "I love mayo" or "I hate mayo" camp with no in-betweens.
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241

    As an adult I can tell you that kids don't eat their veggies because most adults cook them (the veggies) to death. Before I was cooking my own food the only veggies I ate were corn-on-the-cob, potatoes, onions and little else.

    My mom cooked the Shyte out of all veggies and they were gross. I lightly cook my veggies, probably slightly lighter than my wife perferrs but she also cooks veggies raw in comparison to what we grew up with.

    Or maybe what everyone tells you about how your tastes change is the bigger reason I eat my veggies now. I even like brussel sprouts and my sisters used to refuse them when we were growing up and girls apparently need to eat them

    Except that the only way I can stomach most veggies is if they're super-cooked. They make my throat itch otherwise (don't ask me to explain why, I don't know).
  • rockinright
    rockinright Posts: 241
    To mayo or not to mayo? Is this really the question?

    While I agree that way too many people don't put a lot of thought into what they are eating, I don't think any one food is the culprit. It's the portion sizes. A tablespoon of mayo in tuna salad won't kill your diet - it's the gigantic sub filled with tuna salad that can feed three people that will.

    Europeans, including Italians, eat a lot of high fat foods. In fact, they dip their french fries in mayo (which is delicious, BTW). The difference is that they don't eat as much of it, they take time out of their day to savor a meal and they walk everywhere.

    The portion control has been a FAR, FAR, FAR bigger struggle for me than simply eating healthier foods. I'm sitting here literally starving, and more or less have felt hungry to some degree or another since 2010. It hasn't gotten better for me.
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    Switching the Mayo for thousand Island dressing is a better choice (54Cals per TBSP) and has more flavor. Also the bread in Europe is not made the same way as bread here in the US. The coarser grain bread and the thin slices are more popular, and have a higher fiber content. In Germany, they tend to have open-face sandwiches on the course bread. Much healthier. Also, as indicated in the original post, people walk more. The public transportation system in Europe is much more extensive than in the US. Having said this, obesity is not only a US problem. There are overweight people in Europe as well.