Does myfitnesspal work?



  • lacensuch
    lacensuch Posts: 36
    I know its a cliche....but one day at a time and don't give. I think of MFP as a bank. I have so much in my bank that I can draw from per day. I look at my choices and decide what I want to spend my bank calories on. There have been many times that I have been tempted to grab that donut or cake or cookies from work, but then I stop and think....where would I rather spend my bank calories? I would rather spend on a good steak or piece of salmon and a huge portion of fresh veggies. Definitely more satisfying and so much less guilt. That is not to say that I don't treat myself. The other day I was craving a piece of pie. I mean REALLY craving. I sought out a special place to have that pie ala mode! It satisfied that craving. I didn't feel guilty. I took my time and enjoyed every last bite. But the next day I went right back eating as I had been doing, never looking back. When the cravings come on real strong, I probably will indulge again. But so far, I am good for a while.

    Do what you find works for you. Believe in yourself! You can do it!
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    I would think so, I've lost 6 lbs since I started 2 months ago. But it won't work if you don't comply with it lol
  • WarriorMom2012
    WarriorMom2012 Posts: 621 Member
    Listen to Taso. He is all knowing!!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    How do you commit? You want it badly enough. It's same the same way you get an education, a successful career, a quality relationship or anything else that is hard work and takes a long time to achieve. You decide it's worth it.
  • yelpat
    yelpat Posts: 414 Member
    I started almost a year ago. I wasn't too serious at first and didn't even know there was anything beyond tracking food until January. I have an awesome group of friends who help motivate me and vice versa. To date I have lost 48 lbs. It boils down to eating healthy food and exercise. Sounds simple, but that's it :)
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    First off, this isn't a diet. It's a lifestyle change. If you commit, then you can do it. You just want to want it. No one is going to do this for you, YOU have to do it!

    Annnd, I'll toot my own horn and show pix. This is what mfp did for me.

  • KeishaK89
    KeishaK89 Posts: 40
    Honestly anything will work if you have the motivation to see your goals through. MFP is a great tool which offers support and a ton of info but individual results will always vary.

    side note:

    DIETS DO NOT WORK. Health and fitness is a lifestyle.

    best of luck !
  • stretch12d
    stretch12d Posts: 27
    Stay with it!!! I've been using MFP (after a friend highly recommended it) since the beginning of June, and have lost around 10lbs. I like it because I have begun to REALLY look at my eating habits, and make better choices... AND control portions. I have not talked to one person that hasn't absolutely loved MFP.

    I'm held accountable for the food I'm eating. I want to lose some weight, feel better about myself, and develop better eating habits for a lifetime...and most importantly, I want to keep up with this to set a good example for my son (and future kiddos).
  • positivewaves
    I love your simple "eat less move more" response. I just joined the ranks and am excited to see my progress. I know being in menopause will be a challenge, but I am motivated by not wanting the scale to get any higher.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    It's science. Lucky for us, it's simple science.

    Other than the EXTREMELY rare variables such as wonky medication that can eff with your metabolism, thyroid, and other weight-impactors, it's just about infallible when used correctly. All the major areas are covered that most "diets" miss.

    Psychological - diligent, honest logging of EVERY bite/sip, and exercise enables you to visualize your input vs. output.
    Emotional - you have a support system out there just waiting for you to acknowledge them.
    Physical - it's sustainable. The one factor that makes this plan a success is that it honestly is something you can do forever. It will always work no matter what stage of life you're in, what your abilities and handicaps are, or what the distance between your start and end points are.
    Physiological - tracking your progress DILIGENTLY and CONSISTENTLY creates an inarguable defense whenever you hit a plateau, motivates you when you succeed, and alerts you of problems or bad habits you might have otherwise ignored.

    Most importantly, 3500 calories = 1lb. MFP is a tool designed for those who believe in the existence of science and logic to keep a record of their calorie intake and expenditure in order to find the formula which works best for them.

    Hint: This formula is ALWAYS some variation of → Calories in < Calories out.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    nope it doesn't work, I've only lost 70lbs on here.
  • avt85
    avt85 Posts: 64
    As people said, commitment is the key. Logging everything is the sacred action that cannot be broken and everything has to be as accurate as you can make it out to be.
    I lost 40kgs since I started mfp in march this year alone and I'm one of the people who thought I cold never do it as I loved food too much and was too lazy. But proof is in the pudding!

    Just make sure to log everything that goes into your mouth no matter how trivial and you are guarranted to see results.
  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    It has definately worked for me. I've gained steadily since about 2003. I've lost 45 lbs in six months so far. I can only wish that I had had this site when I was gaining, then I wouldn't have to lose so much now. This works if you are honest with it and yourself on your calorie counts, and stick with it. This is the only thing that has EVER actually helped me lose weight. And I am losing weight at a pace I can see, feel and be proud of. And that makes me want to continue. Forget Jennie Craig, Weight Watchers and all that other crap. This is free and it works better.

    Best wishes for meeting your goals on here.
  • maribel03
    maribel03 Posts: 2
    Today is my first day just signed up I'm so committed to being fit wanting to lose 15-20 pounds... I need help on what should I eat through out my day where can I go to help me plan my meals
  • susiebear29
    susiebear29 Posts: 266
    It has worked for me iv been on here about 6 weeks and have lost 6lbs, Iv had problems with food before, bingeing or not eating enough, MFP helps me to eat regularly, healthily, and encourages me to eat enough which I wasn't always doing before, it really makes you aware of what you're eating and what is in it, I agree with what others have said it's not a diet, it's about treating your body with the respect and kindness it deserves!! Good luck and feel free to add me! :smile:
  • kittenkris
    kittenkris Posts: 112
    Without a doubt. I am a 48 year old woman with hypothyroidism and I have lost 10 pounds in the last 16 days. You just have to track and stay within your calorie goal. I exercise and I eat most of those cals too. This is the best tool I have ever used. There is also lots of knowledge here too. Eating clean, forcing water and and 3 wonderful bits of info I have found here. Good luck. You can do it!
  • barney50501Missy
    I started on MFP in mid March and have lost 40lbs. I agree with what everyone is saying...this isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change. I eat what I want, I just watch my calorie count and I exercise almost daily. I'm doing Insanity now...before I started with MFP I wouldn't have even thought that was possible. My profile pic is my progress so far. Just remember...the scale is not everything. Depending on what you do you could be losing inches, not always lbs. Measure yourself so you will really see your results.

    Good luck and welcome to a new way of thinking. :drinker:
  • pinkprincess1952
    pinkprincess1952 Posts: 194 Member
    ok I feel miserable... weighed myself today and after eating the right amount of calories and working out every day I gained 5 lbs... Im about to give up!
  • barney50501Missy
    ok I feel miserable... weighed myself today and after eating the right amount of calories and working out every day I gained 5 lbs... Im about to give up!

    Make sure to give yourself recovery days. Working out every day you can actually be holding water in your muscles. Let your muscles recover. Also, mix up your exercises a bit, don't do the same thing every day. Depending on your exercises you could be losing fat but gaining muscle. In doing that you may not see the scale go down but you could be seeing your clothes are a bit looser (muscle is denser, takes up less room than fat). Stay with'll get there :wink:
  • ShadowSP7
    ShadowSP7 Posts: 53
    You're right! It is a simple solution but not overnight. That is what I am coping with now. I want 15 lbs in a month thing but I know it is not efficient. Thank you for your advice!

    Losing 15 pounds in a month is not impossible, I re started MFP last month June 1st to be exact. I weight 235, I did a weigh in on July 1st and dropped down to 220.

    I put in my settings that I wanted to lose the maximum of 2lbs a week which is the maximum my fitness pal lets you go up to, but I modified my caloric intake that was recommended by MFP to be 300 calories less so I lost a little more weight than I would have.

    A lot of people wouldn't recommend losing so much so fast, but hey, I feel felt fine in the process and i feel good about myself for losing the weight.
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