Do people think your older or younger than you look?



  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I am 30 years old -- people routinely think I am in my teens. I've had people comment that it must be hard to have a baby and be so young (I had my daughter when I was 27 -- I was also very much married) or ask me if I plan to go to college (I graduated from college in '04 and own a business now).

    I guess I am glad not look like I am in my 50's at this point, but I can't help but be annoyed sometimes.
  • brittvee
    brittvee Posts: 123
    20 to 24.. I'm 26 almost 27..
  • hornseagirl
    hornseagirl Posts: 32 Member
    I am 61 but people think I am mid 50s
  • supermoo2
    supermoo2 Posts: 77
    People have told me I look younger - especially since I lost weight. They are shocked that I am old enough to have a 30 year old daughter. :smile:
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 324 Member
    I always get told I look about 24. I just turned 28.

    When I was 24 I walked into a Jamba Juice and the kid working at the counter asked if I went to the local high school and asked if I knew a certain friend of his since I looked familiar. I was like...ummm...I graduated 6 years ago from a different school!
  • SurfinBird1981
    SurfinBird1981 Posts: 517 Member
    People think I'm around 25, im 31.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    i've heard 15-16 and a lot of 18-20... I'm 25. mostly it's "you're married? well, how old ARE you?"
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    Usually get mid to late 20s, I'm 35 :bigsmile:
  • dinovino_59
    dinovino_59 Posts: 1,700
    I am 53, but I look like you are 17 most of the time...
  • Jamers1213
    Jamers1213 Posts: 16
    Most people are pretty right on with my age, I'm 26. Sometimes I get asked if I'm 20-21. I'll take it!
  • Quarrysider
    Quarrysider Posts: 56 Member
    Well I'm only 20 but people think I'm late 20's for some reason and when I say I'm only 20 they think I'm lying.

    Sad Story-- someone thought my 10y/o little brother was my son. Ouch.

    Hehe, I've got one like this - someone thought my 45 year old fella was my son, and I'm only 41. Must've had a very tough paper round...:wink:
  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    im 23 and i got 16 the other day.
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    Usually younger. I think I pretty much look my age though (36). I got carded a few weeks ago, ha.
  • TheresaC928
    TheresaC928 Posts: 849
    Younger- got 32 one time but I am 40. I always feel and act like I'm younger than my real age. Ironically when I was 16 people thought I was in my 20's. That worked well for me then too. :)
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I will be 55 next month, but everyone guesses lower. Which I am very happy to say.
  • Amy271189
    Amy271189 Posts: 66
    I am 22 and still get asked for I.D to buy the Lottery, (You have to be 16 in the UK to buy the Lotto!)

  • elcyclista
    elcyclista Posts: 393
    I get mixed results at 23.
  • Snail313
    Snail313 Posts: 214 Member
    I am 29 but am told I look about 20. Thats ok though because when im 60 I am going to look 40.
  • ChristaLee72
    ChristaLee72 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm forty and people think I'm in my 20's. My boyfriend's mother thought I was 26 when she met me! :)
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I'm 39....the last person to guess my age guessed 28 :)