What sacrifices have you given up to lose weight?



  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,911 Member
    I avoid things like french fries and Chinese food and foods that I know are high in sodium even if I love them. I also avoid foods that are high in sugar.

    I don't generally feel that I'm missing out on anything because I enjoy the foods that I do eat and am never (or rarely) hungry.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    I gave up Monogamy.
  • lilyxD
    lilyxD Posts: 33
    Eating whatever I want. I honestly used to just eat whatever i want, when i wanted. I dont know how i stayed the size i did! I was honestly never that big, but i just got to a point where i was uncomfortable with my body.
  • jryan83
    jryan83 Posts: 72 Member
    Gave ups:
    1) I have given up mindless eating. Ya know, just eating something cause the idea to eat it just "popped" into your head.
    2)Given up fast foods. I've had it twice in my 80 days of using MFP.

    Do Differents:
    1) Daily counting of calories. Measuring portions. Planning meals (and sticking to plans).
    2) Shopping for higher quality foods (I :heart: Whole Foods)
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    3 things come to mind: Alcohol, fast food, soda. And two years later, soda is the one I still have a hard time with. The first two I could care less about at this point.
    Yep. I still drink 1 diet soda a day though. I dont want to give it up. And although I still eat alcohol and fast food, its far less. Like 90% less. I miss it but I know alcohol is the worst thing I can do for my weight loss.
  • linziwigan
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I haven't given up any foods. I just eat them less, and less of it when I do have it. That's always worked for me.
  • resan224
    resan224 Posts: 30 Member
    I have given up red meats and dairy! This is really touch because I love yogurt, cheese and steak SOOOOO much and the replacements aren't NEARLY as yummy! I haven't really seen a difference in my weight loss, but my body feels better!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Given up:

    *** Girl's Night Out: I still go out with my friends every so often, but I'd rather take them to a workout class or go walking in the park instead of sitting at a restaurant or watching them drink at a bar (I don't drink).

    *** Television: I TiVo a whole lot of stuff and somehow eventually get around to watching it... sometimes. If I'm in front of the TV, it's for a moment while dinner is cooking, to monitor the crazy stuff my kids are watching or to do a workout DVD.

    *** Domino's: Sure, I love pizza, but I can make it better at home -- with more toppings and for super cheap!

    *** Pringles: Yep, carbs and fat and salt and carbs LOL My true loves... or they used to be. We broke up :laugh:

    *** Feeling 'Less Than': I'm a person... all be it a jigglier version of the person I'm becoming. I will not let other people's opinions load my validation tray. I work hard. I play hard. I love and laugh and do my best. That won't change even if there are nay-sayers out there trying to derail me.

    *** Sitting on my Butt/Being Lazy: I'm a go-go-go kind of person. Type-A personality and I won't deny it any longer. I like to get up, get out & get busy with my life. No reason to be a lazy bones and let someone else live my life for me. I am still capable of asking for and being receptive to help, but I like to do things myself these days.
  • mcn79
    mcn79 Posts: 112 Member
    Binge eating and about 2 hours of sleep in the morning lol

    I haven't given up any food. Everything in moderation. I have reduced a whole lot, soda, fast food, and now I make the snacks worth it.

    Good luck in your journey!

    This! I agree 100%. I don't eat mindlessly and I devote at least one hour, five days a week, to exercise.... which in turn makes me crave "healthy" foods not the junk I used to eat. Potion size is huge, too. I'm have an iced vanilla latte today. I hate the taste of splenda, so I refuse to get it skinny. But I got a tall instead of a venti and it's plenty. It's all perspective, really. I also eat two "mini" pieces of chocolate pretty much ever day after lunch. :)
  • sistasledge101
    I havent had sweet tea or alcohol in a little over 6 weeks. No white bread or pasta. I only eat 100% whole grain now, if I do eat a grain. Also, I've given up regular milk. I drink almond milk in my cereal now. For the most part given up adding shredded cheese to things. Oh, and potatoes. The only time I have potatoes is on a splurge day (that stays within my calories).
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I haven't given up anything... this is a life change for me not a diet. I just eat everything in smaller portions and in moderation now

  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    I haven't given up eating anything in particular, I just eat less of it. I count calories pretty seriously, so I no longer pick up things from independent food shops or market stalls (who tend not to provide nutritional info), that don't have a generic calorie count on the MFP database if that makes sense.

    I guess because I walk to and from work most days, and I walk into town when I'm shopping or going to the movies, you could say I have given up using the bus to get around, but that'll be a moot point when the olympic festival of crapulence gets under way.
  • charanne52
    charanne52 Posts: 88 Member
    I used to eat a lot of cake and biscuits.
    I've cut down on them a hell of a lot.
    When i see that one biscuit can be 100cals i think of what i could have instead of that.
    I still have the odd bit of cake and i enjoy it when i do

    what i have stopped completely is Pizza. It's been so long haha
    Maybe next weekend after my race as a reward

    There's no way I would ever give up pizza but I make my own healthier version of the dough in a bread machine and use less cheese. We actually prefer it to take out. I have cut back immensely on chocolate, cookies, cake, pies, doughnuts, etc. although I do still indulge from time to time.
  • HeathArrow478
    I haven't sacrificed anything. There are a lot of things I eat less frequently, like junk food. I don't believe in deprivation, I believe in planned treats. There are other foods that I don't eat any more and don't miss either.

    That's it really. If it's too much of a sacrifice, it's unsustainable. If a particular food is making you ill, yes cut it out completely. However with junk food, one portion here and there is not going to do any harm, just make it an occasional treat thing rather than an every day thing, and keep it within your calorie allowance/part of your plan.

  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I haven't given up anything but I've reduced the frequency that I eat some of my favourite things. For example, I used to order pizza a couple of times a week. Now I order it maybe 1-2 times a month.
  • monandez
    monandez Posts: 34
    All the frou frou drinks at coffee shops and fried chicken. I am a coffee fiend and those drinks were killing me. I still allow the occasional sweet pastry here and there, but moderation is key. And I've stopped eating fast food. I really don't miss it. Makes you feel sick anyways afterwards so it's not much of a sacrifice.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    alcohol would be mine. i would have at least 2 drinks with most meals that i ate out. i would frequent gastropubs, and bars/pubs with great selections have have several(many) pints one or two times a week. and of course i'd have some beers while watching sports.
  • AbzRocks
    AbzRocks Posts: 45
    I have not sacrificed anything. I have gained my health
  • snowstorme
    snowstorme Posts: 125 Member
    I've given up not sleeping thru the night due to back pain.
    I've given up High Blood Pressure and medications to combat it.
    I've given up shopping in the Plus Size stores.
    I've given up feeling like I'm going to passout doing grocery shopping.
    I've given up the inability to keep up with my preteen/teenage kids.
    I've given up the spontaneous afternoon naps at my keyboard.
    I've given up the indigestion/acid reflux.
    I've given up the bile salt diarrhea.
    I've given up excessive sweating in not so hot temperatures.
    I've given up most crankiness/mood swings.
    I've given up excruciating stomach pain from over indulging.

    Hmm not seeing the sacrifice in my choices...