Jillian's 30 Day Shred



  • supermom1114
    Shred, done this morning. :drinker: I did levels 2, 3 and 1, in that order. I burned 442 cals. :drinker: I already logged in all my meals except for dinner. I still have over 700 cals to eat for dinner. :noway:

    Supermom, try not to weigh yourself too often. Once a week or every other week is best to see true weight loss. And pay close attention to your diet. Your diet is the most important aspect of a weight loss, fat loss program. For me it is the hardest part but I know it is an important one. Mine is not perfect and it will never be but I try to eat clean at least 80% of the time.

    Amboardman, welcome to the Shred!!! :drinker:

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:

    Oh trust me I know exactly how important diet is, I'm majoring in Nutrition and going to become a registered dietician. lol
  • supermom1114
    on a random note, whats your best advice for learning to ride a motorcycle? My husband rides and loves it and I love riding with him. I plan on going to a course once he gets back from Iraq and can watch our son while I'm gone. I've heard its easier if you know how to drive stick shift first... and well.. I never had. I'm kind of nervous I'm going to screw up and drop the bike ugh
    Take the MSF BRC (Basic Rider Course). They'll provide the bike, and the training. It does start from square one, you don't need to know anything about riding motorcycles beforehand. If you can drive stick and have an understanding of what a clutch does it might help a little, but I've taught hundreds of people either way. If you can ride a bicycle you're ready.


    I teach the same class here in Ohio. It's great, the best safest smartest way to get started riding motorcycles. You'll spend 4 hours in a classroom and 12 hours out riding around a parking lot and you'll learn so much. Have fun...

    ((Oh ya', about dropping the bike. It happens sometimes, don't sweat it. Training bikes have a hard life and get a few battle scars, no biggie. You're not going very fast, and there's nothing to hit. I've had a lot of students just fall down, but I've never had one hit anything - and I've never had a young person get really hurt)).

    Thanks for the info!!!
  • supermom1114

    on a random note, whats your best advice for learning to ride a motorcycle? My husband rides and loves it and I love riding with him. I plan on going to a course once he gets back from Iraq and can watch our son while I'm gone. I've heard its easier if you know how to drive stick shift first... and well.. I never had. I'm kind of nervous I'm going to screw up and drop the bike ugh

    I took the Basic Rider Course that Casper mentions. Army provides it for free. I too was in the same boat as you. My hubby rides and loves it and I used to ride with him and completely enjoyed it. So while he was deployed I signed up and took the course. Here at Fort Lewis they do it right in the PX parking lot! You could use your free CYS hours for your son while you take the class. Just an idea! I didn't know how to drive stick... and I too was DEATHLY afraid to drop the bike. This is the reason I refused to let my hubby teach me. I didn't want to get embarrased in front of him. I didn't drop the bike during class.... and even more I scored number 1 on the tests for my class!!! :happy:

    I don't live on or near a base. My husband is in the National Guard. Hes an air traffic controller and the indiana unit that was deploying didn't have enough controllers so they took a few guys from the unit my hubby is in. But I will look up a course in my area, thanks everyone!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Morning Shredders,
    Happy Tuesday!! Glad to see we're all still here and working towards our goals - After an extra 35 minutes added to an already lengthy commute home from work - I still got day 7 level 3 done last night. I was going to bail but I thought of all of you and how hard you're working!! I also found my gratitude that I am able to work out. So it was on!! and I'm real glad I did.
    Tonight I am trying a new DVD something to alternate between shreds - I seem to be having better results with a rest day in between lately (?) So tonight trying Walk Away the Pounds (comes w/ a stretchy resistance band thing that you use during the walk) 40min and ABJam. At least that's the plan - Might end up shredding anyway!! I can't believe I've almost completed this ( not in 30 days straight, LOL) but the time has sure flown by!!
    This w/o is a keeper!!

    I'll check in later,
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Your suppose to do one level at a time right. Firt 1-2 weeeks level one and increase by weeks?

    Yes to start out do one level at a time, most of us did each level for 10 days before moving on. I know there are a few people who are doing 2 or all 3 workouts now at one time. But not me! HA!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Shred, done this morning. :drinker: I did levels 2, 3 and 1, in that order. I burned 442 cals. :drinker: I already logged in all my meals except for dinner. I still have over 700 cals to eat for dinner. :noway:

    Supermom, try not to weigh yourself too often. Once a week or every other week is best to see true weight loss. And pay close attention to your diet. Your diet is the most important aspect of a weight loss, fat loss program. For me it is the hardest part but I know it is an important one. Mine is not perfect and it will never be but I try to eat clean at least 80% of the time.

    Amboardman, welcome to the Shred!!! :drinker:

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:

    Oh trust me I know exactly how important diet is, I'm majoring in Nutrition and going to become a registered dietician. lol

    Glad to have a future RD in this thread!!! :drinker: :drinker: You could give us some good tips!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Your suppose to do one level at a time right. Firt 1-2 weeeks level one and increase by weeks?

    The original recommendation is to do each level for 10 days. A lot of people see good results following the recommendation. When I got this DVD last year I felt I needed more than a 23 min workout so I started by doing 2 levels at a time with a "rest" day in between. I got this idea after doing a little research in the web for some reviews. I found this suggestion from other people who had this DVD. After doing a couple of levels at a time I increased it to three. Other people do the same level 2 or 3 times at a time before moving on to the next level. I am also a firm believer in rest days when you do resistance trng even when you are using light weights. You may do what you think is best for you. I think this is a great workout and you will see results no matter how you decide to do it. :flowerforyou:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Morning Shredders,
    Happy Tuesday!! Glad to see we're all still here and working towards our goals - After an extra 35 minutes added to an already lengthy commute home from work - I still got day 7 level 3 done last night. I was going to bail but I thought of all of you and how hard you're working!! I also found my gratitude that I am able to work out. So it was on!! and I'm real glad I did.
    Tonight I am trying a new DVD something to alternate between shreds - I seem to be having better results with a rest day in between lately (?) So tonight trying Walk Away the Pounds (comes w/ a stretchy resistance band thing that you use during the walk) 40min and ABJam. At least that's the plan - Might end up shredding anyway!! I can't believe I've almost completed this ( not in 30 days straight, LOL) but the time has sure flown by!!
    This w/o is a keeper!!

    I'll check in later,

    Janet, good for you for adding a little variety!!!!!:drinker: I also get better results when incorporating other workouts into my routine. I will be doing some yoga tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • feliciamac
    Wow! I am excited just reading this thread!!! I just joined MFP today at the recommendation of my trainer. I am going to go to every Walmart in the Metro St. Louis area until I find this workout!! I would love to start it tonight or tomorrow. I already have a gym regimen, so this will be a much welcomed "at home" add on. Can't wait. You guys are all doing a fantastic job. Any other pointers for the newbie?? Thanks in advance!!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Didn't have time to post this morning...

    Level 1 day 3 DONE!

    Getting better every day. :smile:
  • inkprincess
    Today I will be doing Level 1 Day 4! My sore muscles are almost all gone. YAY. Haven't been that sore (in my thighs) EVER.
  • Ckinse
    Ckinse Posts: 14
    Wow. So I did the elliptical at the gym for 35 minutes today then went home and immediately went and did LEVEL 1 DAY 2 of The Shred. I was burning, but didn't quit! Just quick question though... I was wondering I should avoid doing the elliptical before the shred as my legs were already tired, and instead try to do it after? Or is it good because it makes my workout with the Shred tougher? Either way I feel great from such a workout today!
  • supermom1114
    I'll be doing Day 8 Level 1 tonight after the biggest loser finale. Then I'm doing my EA Active work out on the Wii too!! I probably won't be on later tonight so I'm posting it now. Have an awesome night fellow shredders!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    It's exciting to see new blood on this thread- and just as exciting to see everyone from the first days still hanging on! Did level 3 day 6 today - felt great!
    1. Those scissor ab crunches... push me every time!

    on the positive notes:
    1. Kitty didn't feel the need to help today so traveling pushups were easier! (As were the situps)
    2. My arms are feeling so much more defined... I wore a sleeveless top today and caught myself peeking / flexing at the biceps on my drive home... :laugh: This is the only resistance training I'm doing, so shred gets the credit!

    As for those asking about losing lbs... inches, etc.... Since starting this, I've lost a couple of pounds, and when I did measurements about 3 weeks in, I actually GAINED inches in my calves/thighs. It really FREAKED me out and I was all like WTF?!?!?!? BUT.... I feel strong, and my clothes are fitting better, through shred I've gone from a tight 8 to a very comfortable 8, and even some 6s. So that's cool. The only thing I'm NOT liking is some of my jeans are tighter in the thighs, thanks to my newly developed quads/hammies. (Oh yeah, I run too, usually e/o day, so it might not all be the shred).

    Anyone else had that experience?
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    I'm going to give this a try, I need something to do at home while its so cold and gross outside.

    Edit: Oh my gosh! Just got done with level one day one and I'm shaking! I havent cried durring a workout since high school marching band! but its so much easier to do so in the privacy of your own home. Hehe. Hopefully I can keep this up and stay dedicated, it seems like a good replacement for my haphazard jumprope and squat routine.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Shred level 3 again last night,,, felt a little weak, did some of the walking pushups girly-style. It's all good, you can't be the ox every day.

    I know what y'all are talking about Re: thighs. When I started MFP I was wearing 40 waist jeans (and riding them a little low, under the belly). All I wanted was 36 waist jeans, maybe 34's,,,

    Well, now I'm wearing 32's, and I can't go any smaller 'cause they're tight in the thighs, and the thighs ain't getting any smaller. :laugh:
  • supermom1114
    Doing Day 9 of Level 1 today. Yesterday I was actually a tad bit bored mid-workout. But those side lunges with anterior raises got me again lol. I'm definitely ready to move up to Level 2 on Friday, 1-because level 1 is getting pretty easy at points, and 2- because I'm just getting bored doing the same stuff over and over.

    Anyways I'm also heading out for a run, and playing my wii games. Then off to get my hair cut and stop by the tattoo shop to drop off my design ideas and set up and appointment for tomorrow! So excited! I love this shop, a lot of my friends and my hubby have gotten ink there and the guys are really chill and love drawing up stuff thats unique for you. Its going to be my first tattoo, took me years to decide what I wanted, I'm excited!
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    Level 1 day 6 down today. I feel great!!! My knees are a little sore but other than that im feeling more energetic. I have a lot of weight to lose and it will be a long time before I have visible results but my abs feel tighter to me and that makes it all worth it. I am tracking my food and exercise and that definitely keeps me on track in that area. Working out is becoming fun for me so im going to take advantage and add in some more things next week. MFP is a wonderful site...im grateful for it and the members. Ya'll rock!

    Mendy :o)
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Go Mendy,,, good job.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'm so bummed I didn't get to Shred last night... got busy with the kids and ran out of time and energy. And tonight will be impossible. Maybe Thursday. Ugh... I hate busy weeks like this. :grumble: I'll keep checking in here, though, for inspiration!