Join US! FAB FOURS (4 week challenge group) NEW!



  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    My favorite exercise is the elliptical machine at the gym. Booooring, I know, but I log great results. I plug in my earphones, close my eyes, and let it rip.

    I REALLY want to try Essence's Salsa for my next workout! I'm feeling a little sexier lately. Hotchacha!

    No extra sugars today - easy for me since salt and fat are my Achilles heals! If chips and dip are offered, I'm manic. You'll see me at the hors d'ouevres table, shoveling it in like there's no tomorrow.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Verda writes:
    Susan are you staying up with all the new members!!! This is awesome !!!! How was your sugar challenge?
    Tryin!!!!!!! What great energy this group has!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Cherlou writes:
    Some stairs today, but nothing like my usual. Tomorrow is back to SHRED with Jillian. :bigsmile:
    SHRED IT, girlfriend! You should have some stored energy to burn!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I asked this of my other group I belong to also! What does everybody have for weather? We had 20 BELOW zero this morning and with the wind chill factor it was even COLDER ! We actually do not have much for snow but enough to make it seem like Christmas!!! Even if I did not have this cold/flu I would not be doing my running outside! Burrrrrr! I hope you ALL are warmer than us!!!!

  • The challenge for tomorrow: Post your favorite exercise routine, then chose someone else's to do on Friday. Sounds fun!!!! (courtesy of ashaver, right?)

    Yes that was me! I would also like to know how they benefit from there exercises!!!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Successful day again today- no sugar/sweets, ate within my calories and ate good, quality food.

    2 days in a row... woohoo! :drinker:

    Oh, and mskelly, thanks for the info. I'll look into those herbs that you mentioned!
  • cryslynn1980
    cryslynn1980 Posts: 111 Member
    OH my...girls I had a bad day yesterday and another bad one today! Found out at 130pm today that my sisters place got broke into and the Robbers was gonna take everything...ThankGOD for her MIL that lives next door cause she saw them and snuk over to their house while the Robbers where inside and got the keys out of thier get away car (which turns out to be stolen). She made it back home and called 911. The robbers got away on foot but with none of the goods. Her MIL not only saved her stuff but also 3 other families items that were in the car! I like to call her " The GRANDMA that saved Christmas!" Thank GOD she did not get hurt...she is soooo smart. I wouldnt of even thought to do that. sooooo.... I have been alittle stressed and it shows in my eating habbits. I have told myself no matter what comes at me tomorrow... I will do well! my carbs got the best of me today...but carbs watch out tomorrow! Have a wonderful night and everyone please keep your house under great watch this time of year!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I asked this of my other group I belong to also! What does everybody have for weather? We had 20 BELOW zero this morning and with the wind chill factor it was even COLDER ! We actually do not have much for snow but enough to make it seem like Christmas!!! Even if I did not have this cold/flu I would not be doing my running outside! Burrrrrr! I hope you ALL are warmer than us!!!!
    Verda, Ahchoooo! I hope you feel better soon. I get so impatient when I am sick! :flowerforyou: :sick: :flowerforyou:

    It's only 17 degrees here in the morning with a little wind. It's been very dry and windy, with no snow or ice. Moisture is supposed to arrive Friday night. That should be in the form of ice. We do 'ice' really well here! There's always a huge controversy about why people can't drive in snow here - but it's partly because they are so lame in clearing the roads, and the other part is that there's usually a layer of ice under the snow. Our neighbors from Alaska said it's much easier to drive up there than here. Fortunately, it never lasts long in Oregon, as in other parts of the country. Personally, I love the change of seasons, and the uncertainty that each change brings. It's exciting to me; I'm weird, I know.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    OH my...girls I had a bad day yesterday and another bad one today! Found out at 130pm today that my sisters place got broke into and the Robbers was gonna take everything...ThankGOD for her MIL that lives next door cause she saw them and snuk over to their house while the Robbers where inside and got the keys out of thier get away car (which turns out to be stolen). She made it back home and called 911. The robbers got away on foot but with none of the goods. Her MIL not only saved her stuff but also 3 other families items that were in the car! I like to call her " The GRANDMA that saved Christmas!" Thank GOD she did not get hurt...she is soooo smart. I wouldnt of even thought to do that. sooooo.... I have been alittle stressed and it shows in my eating habbits. I have told myself no matter what comes at me tomorrow... I will do well! my carbs got the best of me today...but carbs watch out tomorrow! Have a wonderful night and everyone please keep your house under great watch this time of year!
    GO GRANDMA! What a great result! I didn't think MILs could help that much. Great story and thanks for sharing!
  • I asked this of my other group I belong to also! What does everybody have for weather? We had 20 BELOW zero this morning and with the wind chill factor it was even COLDER ! We actually do not have much for snow but enough to make it seem like Christmas!!! Even if I did not have this cold/flu I would not be doing my running outside! Burrrrrr! I hope you ALL are warmer than us!!!!

    I'm sorry for all the cold weather you are having and your cold/flu. But, it was around 80 degrees here in Florida today, it is 74 degrees right now at 10:50pm, so it shows how warm it still is here. I usta live in Ohio in the snow belt and my friends up there say they are preparing for a blizzard that is about to hit! I'm so glad to be where I live now. Who else is in the cold right now?
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I'm sorry for all the cold weather you are having and your cold/flu. But, it was around 80 degrees here in Florida today, it is 74 degrees right now at 10:50pm, so it shows how warm it still is here. I usta live in Ohio in the snow belt and my friends up there say they are preparing for a blizzard that is about to hit! I'm so glad to be where I live now. Who else is in the cold right now?
    We can live vicariously through you! Enjoy your warmth! :teeth are chattering and I literally have a heating pad on my feet!:
  • I would like to join in on this group, but just need to know what to do to start out....If someone wants to let me know or send me a quick message. Sorry for being a day late for the beginning of all of this. But, I need all the support I can get because I am going on a family vacation to Florida end of February and would like to lose at least 20-30lbs by then.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome! :flowerforyou: We're glad you found us! It's never too late to join our group. Just jump right in, post your current weight, and the weight you'd like to be on January 5th, 2010 (I'll get it posted in the official chart soon). Then, just stay in touch. We have a daily challenge that we take turns posting. Tomorrow, the challenge is to post your favorite exercise, and its benefits; then chose someone else's exercise to try on Friday!
    This is an awesome group of very motivated gals. We hope we can help you, as much as you can help us!
    Again, welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • Sunsama
    Sunsama Posts: 100 Member
    OH my...girls I had a bad day yesterday and another bad one today! Found out at 130pm today that my sisters place got broke into and the Robbers was gonna take everything...ThankGOD for her MIL that lives next door cause she saw them and snuk over to their house while the Robbers where inside and got the keys out of thier get away car (which turns out to be stolen). She made it back home and called 911. The robbers got away on foot but with none of the goods. Her MIL not only saved her stuff but also 3 other families items that were in the car! I like to call her " The GRANDMA that saved Christmas!" Thank GOD she did not get hurt...she is soooo smart. I wouldnt of even thought to do that. sooooo.... I have been alittle stressed and it shows in my eating habbits. I have told myself no matter what comes at me tomorrow... I will do well! my carbs got the best of me today...but carbs watch out tomorrow! Have a wonderful night and everyone please keep your house under great watch this time of year!

    i'm so glad she wasn't hurt !! Imagine what could have happened if they had seen her... She deserves an award or something for that!

    I totally failed the challenge today *sigh* I caved at the last moment and had a soda, totally my fault. But I did start working out again today (that kicked my butt too... was only able to do 10 minutes! oh gosh) but tomorrow is a new day, and I'm off from work, so I'll be able to do a complete work out and relax a bit :)

    It's not too cold here in MS where I live, nothing like MI or Alaska anyways, but definately not flip flop material either =P
    I'm sorry for all the cold weather you are having and your cold/flu. But, it was around 80 degrees here in Florida today, it is 74 degrees right now at 10:50pm, so it shows how warm it still is here. I usta live in Ohio in the snow belt and my friends up there say they are preparing for a blizzard that is about to hit! I'm so glad to be where I live now. Who else is in the cold right now?

    We can live vicariously through you! Enjoy your warmth! :teeth are chattering and I literally have a heating pad on my feet!:

    I agree! We will just live through you this winter, ok? hehe

    My favorite workout it on the elliptical as well, but I'm a fan of the 30 Day Shred too since there isn't an elliptical readily available in my house =P I'm also a big fan of lunges, but I don't really know why. After I've done a set or two of them I just feel so much better, and its very rewarding for me.

    Well, I hope everyone else did better than me on the challenge for today! Best of luck for tomorrow!!

  • skrumm
    skrumm Posts: 169 Member
    Wow! Third day no school for the kids! We are at about -13 degrees and maybe 12 or 13 inches of snow. Kids are loving it!
  • I'm fairly new at this, so my exercise routine just consists of riding a stationary bike and working my arms with an aeroblade (some infomercial thingie LOL but I love it! It KILLS my arms! - but warning: you have to be seriously coordinated to make that thing fly! :noway: I do pretty well because I am a musician and I keep a steady beat! :tongue:

    My FAVE exercise thus far on my journey has been dancing to Michael Jackson music with my students! I highly recommend his motown stuff. So my work out suggestion out with your kids or special someone/friend through DANCING!!! You'll LOVE it!!!

    I did really well on the no sweets. Other than two granola bars for bfast, I had absolutely NO extra sugar!!! :bigsmile:
  • Favorite exercise ... I guess I can't write "power shopping" ... so I will suggest Jillian Michaels' SHRED. If you don't have the DVD, check your local cable's Fitness Channel as they sometimes offer it there for free. Otherwise, it's pretty cheap. Anyway, there are three levels. Although I'm still on Level 1, it's quite the workout for about 30 minutes (including proper cool-down). A good over-all toner. Enjoy!

  • Essence320
    Essence320 Posts: 154 Member
    Favorite exercise ... I guess I can't write "power shopping" ... so I will suggest Jillian Michaels' SHRED. If you don't have the DVD, check your local cable's Fitness Channel as they sometimes offer it there for free. Otherwise, it's pretty cheap. Anyway, there are three levels. Although I'm still on Level 1, it's quite the workout for about 30 minutes (including proper cool-down). A good over-all toner. Enjoy!


    I love "power shopping"... I call my Nana and we hit the mall. Our local malls have mile markers inside b/c so many people walk them in the winter. :happy: We do a few laps and then we hit the stores.:laugh:
  • k1b2k3
    k1b2k3 Posts: 10
    Hi! I' m Vero.
    My current weight is 130.95 lbs
    I want to get 121 lbs

    Good luck, everybody!
  • I've missed a couple days of posting on here. It's so hard to get everything you need done and everything you want to do with a 2 month old. I'm still staying on track with the weight loss and exercise though. One of the hardest things that I can never seem to get through mentally is running. I don't get tired or out of breath, but I always seem to stop just because I tell myself that I can't do it. Yesterday, while at the gym, I finally got through that barrier and ran at a pretty fast pace for 21 minutes! I was so excited. Since having a baby I have never felt more motivated to be healthy, lose weight and feel good about myself again. MFP and the FAB FOURS have helped me a lot. Thanks you guys!!!!
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