Secret motivation!



  • abetterjune
    abetterjune Posts: 219
    Oh, also, I want to have people offer to borrow me their clothes but I have to decline EVERY time because they will ALL be too BIG... so... in other words, being the smallest person I know. :)
  • Coryd2012
    Coryd2012 Posts: 132 Member
    I can't really say that my motivation would make people laugh, per say. But my "secret" motivation is that my husband told me that I've gained too much weight. As much as it kills me to replay that in my head constantly, it gives me a reason to not give up on getting my old body back.

    And when you DO get your old body back...he doesn't deserve it....

    i second that opinion
  • I'm 46 and do a lot of what the younger girlies are doing, i want them to look and say WOW! she has a great body for an oldie
  • Mine is imagining someone saying that I eat a lot. If I have a perfect track record for my calories, I can show anyone who says anything.
  • Of course I'd love to feel sexy and confident and be more attractive to guys... but the unexpected secret motivation? I want to dance ballet en pointe.

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  • knittingbandmom
    knittingbandmom Posts: 190 Member
    Because at 48 I want to be hot. I used to be hot and I want it back. If Sharon Stone and Madonna can do it and be over 50 by God so can I.
  • My secret motivation, to look like i did when i was in highschool. To be able to snap my fingers and have people do anything for me. Conceeded, yes. But i want people to be jealous and to envy me.
  • frankensteen
    frankensteen Posts: 75 Member
    Mine is to be able to go a full round against my friend who is a pro MMA fighter with a 6-3-0 record. She's so entirely bad *kitten*. I want to be at least a fraction of that awesome.

    Amen to that! When I'm working out, I like to have some awesome music on to remind myself how much of a beast I am. Imagining myself in some sort of action movie or in a fight gets me so pumped up! I take kickboxing too, and I love it!
    So I guess my secret motivation is that I just want to be a savage!
  • Long_and_Lean
    Long_and_Lean Posts: 175 Member
    This thread is awesome. It's like postsecret for MFP.

    Here's mine: I'm a dancer. I want to be able to do everything with my body that the music tells me to do. I want to be able to do splits. I want to be able to do a grand arabesque en repose. And I want it to look GOOD and have nice lines, not have bulges and folds destroy the aesthetic.

    Secondary motivations are being able to wear whatever outfit I want and turning the head of *any* man I want. I turn heads now, but only with those guys who like a girl with big butt/hips. I want to turn the head of a guy like Channing Tatum....mmmmmmmm