No Results??? I give up!!

I started changing what I eat, and exercising 6 days a week.

Today marks one month!! Yay, congrats, good job, hang in there......

NO NO and NO!!!

I give up!!

It's been 30 days and I have ZERO results!! I lost 4 lousy pounds??

I see everyone on MFP talking about losing 18 pounds the first month, some 20 pounds, some even only 10!!
But I only lose 4???

I can't believe this. So it will take me 7 entire months to lose 30 pounds??

My body is not meant to be sexy I guess.

It's not fair that I have to go the rest of my life knowing that I can't even sit down without my stomach resting on my lap.

I give up....sorry for the rant. I just can't get over how much I HAVEN'T lost in a full month :(


  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    So, you've lost roughly a pound a week then and that's not a success?

    You need to revise your expectations. Your body is doing just fine...
  • angelbaby52102
    angelbaby52102 Posts: 42 Member
    Don't give up!!!

    Have you tried switching up your workout routines? If your body is used to doing the same things over and over you won't get as much out of it.

    Also, have you measured yourself? Sometime you don't see results in weight, but it will show in inches

    Trust me, I know how frustrating it can be to be stuck :( I'm in the same situation, but at some point the scale will start moving.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    First off, 4 pounds is a healthy good weight loss so you should be thrilled instead of beating yourself up.

    Second, 7 months is going to go by either way. Would you rather be 30 pounds lighter in 7 months or be the same?

    Stick with it. You'll feel better and reap the rewards.
  • Do not give up. You have way less weight to lose than most of us who lose a lot the first month.

    Hang in there, it will be worth it.:happy:
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Oh stop it. People you see on MFP who have lost 16 pounds in a month are usually OBESE, like I was when I started losing weight. I have lost 38 pounds and I am still quite overweight, 200 pounds, so my weight loss is still going to seem more than someone who only has 30 pounds to lose. Your weight loss is proportionate to your current weight!

    Yes, it very well may take you 7 months to lose the rest of your weight. So? The 7 months is going to pass anyway so you might as well just go on and lose the weight. Or you can just 'give up' i.e go back to whatever it was that caused you to gain the extra 30 pounds in the first place.

    You DON'T have to go the rest of your life with your stomach resting on your lap. If you choose to, that's your business. But understand it is your choice.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Oh no! Don't give up. 4lbs in one month comes out to 1lb a week. I've always thought that 1-2lbs was the recommendation anyway.
    I wish the weight could come off faster, but then again good things are worth the "weight". :smokin:
  • Tamara6984
    Tamara6984 Posts: 30
    A pound a week is a healthy weight loss. The bigger you are, the more you lose initially due to water retention etc and you don't look like you've got stones and stones to lose to me!

    Don't quit please; that's what we're all here to support you for :)
  • valerieg78
    valerieg78 Posts: 84 Member
    It has taken me 6 years to lose 39 pounds! Yes, some of the slow weight loss has to do with my thyroid, but I'm just happy it has stayed off. Don't give up!!
  • bikhi
    bikhi Posts: 175
    4 pounds is not "no results". you only have 20 pounds to lose and in one month you are 1/5 of the way there. one more pound and you will be 1/4 of the way there.

    20 pounds by your meter, anyway.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    4 pounds is not "zero results". You are just getting started. Don't worry about the results of other people. Focus on you. Take a look at the broader picture, and examine what you are doing. Make small adjustments and give them a chance to show if they are effective.

    Personally, I think you are off to a good start. Keep at it. :)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I started changing what I eat, and exercising 6 days a week.

    Today marks one month!! Yay, congrats, good job, hang in there......

    NO NO and NO!!!

    I give up!!

    It's been 30 days and I have ZERO results!! I lost 4 lousy pounds??

    I see everyone on MFP talking about losing 18 pounds the first month, some 20 pounds, some even only 10!!
    But I only lose 4???

    I can't believe this. So it will take me 7 entire months to lose 30 pounds??

    My body is not meant to be sexy I guess.

    It's not fair that I have to go the rest of my life knowing that I can't even sit down without my stomach resting on my lap.

    I give up....sorry for the rant. I just can't get over how much I HAVEN'T lost in a full month :(

    You dont know what you are doing.

    I can help.

    Post or PM:

    Body fat%
    How often you work out and what types.

    I'll advise you on what to do in order to lose weight.
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    That attitude needs to stop. 1 lb a week is totally normal. I bet your body is no where near similar to mine.. or any one else here. You only have 30 lbs to lose? That is why you aren't losing as fast.. your not as heavy as some people here. When you are really heavy, weight comes off faster at first. Stop comparing yourself to someone that is extremely overweight.. because obviously you aren't gonna have the same results.
    Give up if you want too. No one here can make you want to keep going.
  • MrDel
    MrDel Posts: 33
    A lb a week is what you should be aiming for as healthy weighloss. Especially if you only have 20 to lose that is great.

    Some people on this site have 100+ lbs to lose which is obviously going to be a bit quicker at the start than those like us with 20-30lbs
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 909 Member
    But you only have a total of 20lbs to lose, is that correct? The people who lose 20lbs in a month and such have a large amt of weight to lose. If you only have 20lbs to lose, its going to be harder, you have to be super dedicated and expect to not lose a lot each week.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member

    Second, 7 months is going to go by either way. Would you rather be 30 pounds lighter in 7 months or be the same?

    ^This. A pound a week loss is great! You may not have as much to lose as the people who drop 10-20 in their first month so your results may be slower but you will get there. Don't forget that this isn't just about loss, it is about getting fit. It sounds like you have a nice gym routine going, wouldn't you want to keep that up?
  • sdb214
    sdb214 Posts: 5
    Angel is exactly right, measuring will help. If you are working out so much, muscle weighs more than fat so you may be losing but it's in inches. Don't give up!
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    First off, 4 pounds is a healthy good weight loss so you should be thrilled instead of beating yourself up.

    Second, 7 months is going to go by either way. Would you rather be 30 pounds lighter in 7 months or be the same?

    Stick with it. You'll feel better and reap the rewards.

    True, thanks :)
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I lost 17 pounds my first month, then it started slowing. I think what you need to realize is that the bigger you are the faster the weight tends to come off. When I was at my heaviest it was a lot easier to burn calories. What I used to be able to burn in an hour, now takes 2-3. I wouldn't give up, because in a year you are going to be kicking yourself. I would rather wait the 6 months to lose 30 pounds, then to not lose anything at all. You are here for a reason. Stick with it.
  • gkbanister
    gkbanister Posts: 28 Member
    Okay so I looked at your pics and u look wonderful, I am also one of those people that just need to lose alittle, I lost 13 to start and now have been stuck for 2 wks nothing, but my clothes are starting tofit better...remember sometimes the weight relocates, when u exercise and muscle weighs more than fat.
  • caraguard
    caraguard Posts: 41
    First of all, losing 4 pounds is not "ZERO" results! That's still a loss of 1 pound per week, and it's only been 1 month so far! You've still started to make a lifestyle change and you have already lost some, which you should congratulate yourself on.

    I think it's important to keep in mind that everyone is different. There are thousands of people on MFP and they all have different bodies, different lifestyles, and different starting points. You need to find out what works for you. I can certainly tell you that not everyone lose 10-15 pounds in the first month! Every BODY is different.

    I also second what angelbaby said about measuring yourself - you might see results there that are more encouraging. Also, how do you feel? Feeling better, healthier, happier, sleeping better, etc. are all RESULTS. Those are all accomplishments and part of the road to a healthier lifestyle.

    DO NOT GIVE UP! You can do this!! We all feel how hard this is, but whoever said acheiving something great/important was easy??