No Results??? I give up!!



  • helenlp83
    helenlp83 Posts: 67
    I've lost 17lb since new year. Fair enough I've been on and off it but it's still 17lb. This month so far I've lost 2lb. I have 30lb left to lose and I'll be happy to have lost it by Christmas. I currently weigh 184lb so I know that losing 1-2lb a week is a good loss and it means it's not going back on as easy. If you're losing it gradually then you're not crash dieting, you're learning a new way to live and eat healthily which will stay with you for life. Stop stressing about how quick you do it and just focus on doing it. Even on weeks when I stay the same weight I think "well at least I didn't gain" Take measurements, take photo's and compare.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    That is a great idea! Give up... that should take the weight off :k
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    I truly believe that those who lose a large amount of weight tend to have a lot more weight to lose from the start. You don't look like a very big girl, so weight loss for you may be harder. 4 pounds in a month is great, honestly, be proud of yourself. Don't give up!
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    1lb a week is amazing. Im struggling to hit that at the moment...
  • noojones8
    noojones8 Posts: 1
    Dont give up, i havent lost much either but I know that my body puts on muscle fast and as you have been doing so much exercise I'm guessing thats what has happened with you. The muscle weighs more so once the muscle has built up enough you will start seeing the weight come off and then you know you will definatly losing fat. Stick with it!!! This always happens to me when i start exercising again and although it is disapointing not seeing the scales change know that you body is changing into a leaner healthier body.
  • ShifuYaku
    ShifuYaku Posts: 504 Member
    Come on now! I would kill to have lost 4 pounds in that month! You know what I've lost in this whole stinking month? NOTHING. I haven't lost weight for almost 2 months. I'm hoping this week will be the deal breaker... I have begun giving everything bad up in hopes that I'll soon move the scale. I am also hoping I'm losing inches, because I haven't lost any inches at all, either, so that really means either nothing is happening, or my body is waiting for that right moment to drop a lot. So hang in there... because I have been for a longer time than you.
  • Angie_Fritts
    Angie_Fritts Posts: 263 Member
    So in 7 months you will be 30 pounds lighter. If you quiet, in 7 months you won't have lost anything and may have even gained some. Hang in there. Those folks that lose 18 lbs in a month are the exception not the rule.

    You are losing a pound a week. I know it is frustrating but the old saying of slow and steady wins the race is true in this case.

    Keep your chin up and don't let your inner dialoge defeat you.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    I'm sorry but, seriously, stop moaning. I've been here 6 months and lost NOTHING. And it isn't that I haven't been working, trust me.

    Maybe Dan can give me some numbers. ;-)
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    If you keep quitting you will never succeed. And four months from now you will be starting all over again thinking, I wonder what I would weigh had i kept going. Just take one day at a time. Ignore the scale and focus on how you feel.
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    First off, 4 pounds is a healthy good weight loss so you should be thrilled instead of beating yourself up.

    Second, 7 months is going to go by either way. Would you rather be 30 pounds lighter in 7 months or be the same?

    Stick with it. You'll feel better and reap the rewards.

    thanks for this, that is a great way to think about it!

    Plus I would love to loose 4lbs a month, but I've been lucky with 1 or 2 a month, but it is way better than the scale going i have lost lots of inches, I'm down just about 2 pant yes, measure yourself and don't give up! the measuring tape means more than the number on the scale...
  • Don't give up!! 4 pounds is great! If your only wanting to lose 30 then your already at only having 26 more lbs to go until your goal weight! Hang in there!!
  • TessieAnne
    TessieAnne Posts: 11 Member
    Seesh, I would be happy to be steadily loosing a pound a week! I've only lost 5 pounds since I started back in May! I have however, lost at least 3 inches off of my waist and more in other areas (save for my hips, they're still a solid 40" @_@).

    Just keep at it and take your measurements once a month and write them down somewhere so you can see your progress. And even if you aren't shrinking like you want to, at least you feel a tad bit healthier with all of that exercise. :)
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    congrats on successfully losing 4 lbs in a month. That's excellent.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    First off, 4 pounds is a healthy good weight loss so you should be thrilled instead of beating yourself up.

    Second, 7 months is going to go by either way. Would you rather be 30 pounds lighter in 7 months or be the same?

    Stick with it. You'll feel better and reap the rewards.

  • denza123
    denza123 Posts: 1
    Don't give up!!! The weight is coming off slowly which means that it is more likely to stay off! Those people who are losing 18 pounds in 1 month are not healthy & will most likely gain it back! They must be starving themselves because that amount of weight coming off in that short of a time is extremely unhealthy (and pretty rare)!!! Unless you are morbidly obese, it is nearly impossible to lose that much weight in a month!

    I NEVER thought I would be able to lose any weight & here I am 6+ months later & 37 pounds lighter. It takes some time but the 6 months for me went REALLY quick!!! Hang in there, it will happen for you!!!!!!!
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    When you have less to lose, it comes off slower. Sure, people that have a LOT of weight to lose can sometimes lose large numbers for the first month or two. But when you only have 20 to lose in the first place, it makes sense that you're not going to get to your goal in only 1 month. Larger people burn more calories just being alive, that's why they can lose weight faster eating similar plans as a smaller person.

    When I had 45 lbs to lose, I started out losing about 2 lbs per week for the first couple of months. But gradually my weightloss slowed. If I'd continued at that rate I would have lost 40 lbs in 5 months, but b/c it is natural for weightloss to slow as you grow closer to your goal, in 5 months I actually lost 30 lbs. Eventually it slowed to 1 lb per week then 0.5 lbs per week. And now here I sit, trying to lose the last stubborn pound. LOL (in all actuality I'm not stressing TOO much over the last pound LOL)

    Anyway don't feel discouraged. The reason you're not dropping huge numbers right from the start is that you don't have as much 'work' to do as many other people that you see talking about those big numbers. The smaller you are, the harder it is to lose weight. Keep at it, you're actually doing quite well. :-)

    Also, I haven't read all of the comments - hopefully someone has already mentioned but if not: Take some measurements of your body. Thighs, hips/butt, abdomen, etc. Track those measurements over time in addition to watching the scale. If you've just started exercising you may notice changes in your measurements (getting tighter and leaner) even when it seems the scale is not moving. The size and shape of your body are what determines how you look in your clothes (and out of them LOL), not the number on the scale. So don't let the scale be your only measure of progress. :-)
  • rosiepor
    rosiepor Posts: 8 Member
    Don't you dare give up! You only have to lose 30 lbs and you are 4 lbs down. You're better off than you were 1 month ago. If you give up you will go beyond 30 and 30 is so doable. Who cares if it takes 7 months? Please hang in there. I want you to check back in a week and say you didn't give up and you are down another pound!!
  • ladybug1620
    ladybug1620 Posts: 1,136 Member
  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    First off, the people that lose 20 pounds in one month, usually have MUCH more weight to lose than you. Secondly, you cannot say 4 pounds is ZERO results! I am "only" losing about 5 pounds a month. It takes time, and 4 pounds in your first month is FANTASTIC! Keep up the good work and you will get the results you want! Or, just quit and remain the same!
  • _Mimi_
    _Mimi_ Posts: 233
    I didn't read every single reply, so I'm sure someone already said this, if so, sorry. A pound a week for someone as close to goal as you are, is fantastic! I'm sure those people you mentioned losing 10 pounds, and more, a month are people like me who let themselves go and have a LOT of weight to lose. Not minimizing your desire to lose 20. I salute you for taking care of it before it is to a point where you can lose 20 pounds the first month. :wink:

    So happy to read your later posts saying you feel better now. So YES! YES! YES!!! Keep up the great work! :drinker: