No Results??? I give up!!



  • TheLadyInGreen
    TheLadyInGreen Posts: 4 Member
    Don't quit! I have 80 pounds to lose and I've been on MFP for over a month and I've lost 3 pounds. Three stinkin' little pounds. I've been really good with journaling my food (missed a few days when I got sick and a couple more when we were visiting relatives, but I tried to be good throughout) and I started Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred (walking pneumonia forced me to stop for a bit, but I'm starting back up today!). I thought for sure that I'd be one of those 18-lbs.-in-the-first-month people, but I guess my body just likes to hang onto its bulk a little longer. Perseverance is key. Plus, MFP is all about lifestyle changes and STAYING healthy. How can you "quit" your life? If you stick with it, things will get better. Slowly but surely. (Slow weight loss is nice, too... less saggy skin to worry about--lol!)
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    It has taken me 15 months to lose 78 lbs. I never gave up, even when the scale didn't budge for 6 to 8 weeks at a time.
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 164 Member
    Losing a pound a week is very healthy weight loss. People they lose so much in the first month are most of the time severely obese and most of the weight they lose is a water weight. I never lost more pound a week, and am not gaining it back either. The closer you get to your goal, the slower the progress will be.
  • Mainey13
    Mainey13 Posts: 54 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. 1-2 lbs a week is healthy and you will be able to keep it off. If you lost 30 lbs in 2 months chances are you wouldnt keep it off. Plan to celebrate in 7-8 months and treat yourself to a new top or something when you reach your goal!
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    Like everyone else is saying, 4lbs a month is healthy.
  • denise032
    denise032 Posts: 108 Member
    Do you REALLY want to lose weight, or do you just kind of want to?

    Losing weight is HARD, but you want it to be that way. If it were easy to lose weight, you wouldn't care if/when you gain it back because you know just how easy it is to lose it again. Knowing that it's hard is what's going to make you keep it off, for LIFE.
  • rachel_d_b
    rachel_d_b Posts: 15
    I just posted this in another thread, but I'll repeat it here. Exercise burns fat and builds muscle. Take a look at the picture at the link below. It compares 5lbs of fat to 5lbs of muscle. They weigh the same, but the muscle takes up a lot less volume. So if you burn fat and build muscle, you very well may weigh the same but there will be less of you. Rather than just worry about the scale, take other body measurements and notice how your clothes fit differently. Your body may be changing more than you think.

    And remember the saying, "Rome wasn't built in a day." It took time to get into the shape that you're currently in, and it'll take time to get into the shape that you desire.

    ^^^^ THIS!!! Exactly!!! I'm glad you brought up the fact that 1 lb of muscle is the same as 1 lb of's the density and volume that make the difference!!! People always want to say, "well muscle weighs more than fat" and this is so wrong the way it is worded. The fat takes up a lot more space. In 30 days I lost absolutely no weight, but I lost 3.5 inches around my waist, 1.5 inches around my hips, 1 inch around my bicep, 1 inch around my chest, and 1 inch around my thigh....not to mention the 4.3% body fat I've lost in that 30 days. I'm almost done with my second set of 30 days and can't wait to see how many more inches I've lost. 4 lbs in 1 month is a great's the healthy rate of weight loss that matters....not burning it all off in a matter of weeks/months. A long lasting, healthy body weight is what I'm going for!!!
  • emmag25
    emmag25 Posts: 8
    I felt that way until a friend pointed out to me - have you ever been in the supermarket and seen how big a 1lb of butter is? you have burned 4 times that amount of fat in just a month! It puts it into perspective!
  • bassanne
    bassanne Posts: 56
    Sorry, but what is wrong with 1lb a week. Giving up shouldn't be a option.
  • Effster
    Effster Posts: 18 Member
    You're doing fine. If it makes you feel any better, I'm trying to lose 10-15 pounds total and I haven't lost a pound this month. I would be ecstatic if i lost "4 lousy pounds" in one month. But I know it's harder to lose weight if one starts out closer to their goal weight, so I'm trying to switch stuff up through my diet and exercise regimen, to see if I can get the scale to budge. Good luck on your journey, and though it may not seem like it, you ARE getting results. :)
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I Lost ZERO the first full month! And, it took me 1 year, not 6 months to reach my initial goal of losing 28 lbs. And, another 4 months to get to my current stats. But, I'm 40, 133 lb, I'm toned, I run races (5k-13.1) and I feel better than, well, ever.

    None of that would've happened if I gave up.

    4 pounds is 1 lb a week. That's WAY better than my first month.

    My now 19 year old son, had a **miserable** freshman football year. Stupid coach only let him on the field for 6 plays TOTAL! I was at every game. I remember. He told me toward the end of the season he was thinking about dropping football altogether. I told him he certainly could do that, but he would never know if he could be successful under a different coach. If he quit, he would never have a chance to succeed. He had a fantastic JV season the next year and was a "star" player.

    GIve up now, and you'll never know if you could have succeeded or not. You've made a start. Walk away now and you'll likely look and feel exactly the same a year from now. It's entirely your choice.
  • jordanreddick
    jordanreddick Posts: 197 Member
    First off, 4 pounds is a healthy good weight loss so you should be thrilled instead of beating yourself up.

    Second, 7 months is going to go by either way. Would you rather be 30 pounds lighter in 7 months or be the same?

    Stick with it. You'll feel better and reap the rewards.

  • Jaccyber
    Jaccyber Posts: 620 Member
    Do not give up. I have been doing this for a year and 3 months now and have averaged about 3 lbs per month. I have went from 240 to 200 in 1 year and now have platuead a bit but I am still working on strength training and cardio. For me it has been a lifestyle change and it is helping me feel better overall. My food choices are sooo much better as well. You can do it. Keep on going. Add me as a friend and we can cheer each other on. Congrats on your weight loss so far.
    LAJONESS Posts: 1
    I am down only a few pounds also in the last month. But just a day or two ago, it started coming off with results. Working out 5 days a week. Two with a trainer. It's been tough but just hang in there. It will pay off!
  • if you really want to lose...

    1) drink more water and nothing else! No coffee, no starbucks, no adult beverages, etc.
    2) No fast food!
    3) Lots of fresh fruit and veggies!
    4) Lots of lean protein! Turkey burger, grilled chicken, etc.
    5) work out a minimum of 20 minutes: walking, dancing, etc
    6) Meet with friends over a walk as opposed to eating.
    7) Eat 3 meals with snacks in between! Pack your lunch and snacks!
    8) Prepare, prepare, prepare!! Go to the grocery store at the beginning of the week. Cut up all your veggies and fruits so they are readily available.

    Lastly, don't give up! Put up motivation quotes EVERYWHERE! search for a weight loss simulator image so that you can see where you are now & quit as to where you are when you reach your goal!

    Hang in there! :)
  • LadyIntrepid
    LadyIntrepid Posts: 399 Member
    I only had 13 pounds to lose and it took 8 months. AND -- I was working out like a fiend, tracking calories, etc., etc. When you don't have that much to lose, it can take a while (and probably even longer for me because I'm older -- soon to be 50). But it's been worth every ounce of effort. Keep in mind that committing to an overall healthier lifestyle has many many benefits other than pure weight loss. Also, I feel confident the weight will stay off now. Fast and furious when you don't have that much to lose can be a set-up for yo-yo dieting and weight gain, completely messing with your metabolism, and just feeling lousy later.
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    People who lose 18lbs in a month usually have 100-odd lbs to lose in total.
    4lbs is respectable.
    If you're expecting super quick results, you're not gonna get anywhere.

    To lose weight, and maintain that weight, you have to make a LIFESTYLE change, not embark on a diet that you then 'give up' once you've achieved the results you wanted, or because you can't be bothered to stick to it any more.

    You have to make changes for life. If you're not prepared to do that, then you obviously don't want it bad enough, in which case, sure, give up.

    If you do want it, then stop complaining and get on with it. 1lb a week is a pretty respectable loss for anybody.
  • mercymarque
    mercymarque Posts: 450
    Encourage her! Don't call her names. I didn't check your food log... You have to drink lots of water, really change your eating habits and exercise. You have to exercise 60 minutes just to maintain the weight you currenlty have. You don't have to go to the gym, you could walk briskly. Don't skip meals. Use lean meats, fruits and vegetables (fresh werer possible). Eat protein with every meal and smart snacks. You can find snacks that are 100 calories or less.

    Don't give up, ur worth it! It's a life change not a diet.
  • ksun10
    ksun10 Posts: 76
    I have lost 8.6 pounds in about 8 weeks. A pound a week is nothing to be ashamed or discouraged over. This isnt a "quick fix." This is a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. The most important thing (even more so than the number on that scale) is how you feel. If you feel healthier, stronger, etc...then you have SUCCEEDED!!
  • missfelicia6
    missfelicia6 Posts: 174 Member
    Everyone thanks for your advice (and even the people that cussed me out).

    I didn't mention in the original post, getting into shape is a little time sensitive for me.

    I have been TTC for 9 months now and I did, but then at 9 weeks I lost the pregnancy. The Dr. told me to get in shape NOW because the chances of getting pregnant after 35 years of age lessens.

    So, there ya have it.

    I'm just tryin to get in shape to carry a pregnancy to full term.