Jillian's 30 Day Shred



  • Ckinse
    Ckinse Posts: 14
    Woke up cranky and pms-ing, so did not want to work out! So I decided to step it up and if I can do it when I feel bloated and cranky I can do it even easier on a typical day! I officially completed day 4 of level one and I'm so glad I didn't put it off! The proud feeling actually boosted my mood, and have decided to still go to the gym after class for another butt kicking of 40 min elipitical and some strength! Feels great reading your guys posts knowing how you all step up when you don't want to! Real inspiration everyone!
  • inkprincess
    Just finished level 1, day 6! It's getting much easier to do, but I still have my trouble spots. Much stronger though! I finally lost a pound too! I've been plateaued for almost a month! ick. I hope the loss continues!
  • s_sanchez
    I just bought this and will be starting tonight. For those of you who have been doing it for awhile, what kind of results are you seeing?
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    So I came home and changed out of work clothes into workout clothes and then into comfy clothes and then back into w/o clothes... and so on 4 times! Finally stuck it out in w/o clothes came down and busted out level 3!

    Thanks for sticking it out with me everyone!
  • supermom1114
    Great Job on keeping up with your workouts everyone!!! I'm taking tomorrow off, got my tattoo today and I'm going to give it a day to kind of heal up, I asked the guy when I could work out and he said tomorrow if I wasn't in pain I could. I dunno, I may end up busting it out tomorrow afternoon... anywho heres a pic of my tattoo, I love it!!

  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Awesome ink!

    I took a break from the Jillian the Terrible today and instead I did some intensive housework to get some cardio in. My muscles are thanking me for the extra rest, but its so weird! I really wanted to work out today, I've never been so pumped about doing excersize. And..is it just me, or does anyone like that good, deep ache in your muscles you get the day after your workout? While I was walking around at work today, I couldnt help but be proud and enjoy the acheyness of all my muscles, it makes me feel stronger.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Thanks Dragonfly and Supermom for the encouraging words!

    And Supermom -- LOVE the tat!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Janet - I'm so busted! :):laugh: How did you know I took the day off? I agree with your comment that it helps so much to log in here first - it gets me motivated if I'm not really feeling it. Great job - everyone! (I'll do it tomorrow - I promise!) On a positive note - I bought my first ever pair of running shoes - for running only - today! :) Woo-hooo!!!!

    Supermom - love the tattoo!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I just bought this and will be starting tonight. For those of you who have been doing it for awhile, what kind of results are you seeing?
    I'm dead even on weight, 2" smaller on the waist and 6pack abs. Doing weights and additional cardio too, but the shred is a huge part.
  • supermom1114
    Thanks everyone! I'm glad I finally got the tattoo!!

    I'm doing Day 2 Level 2 today! I'm also doing EA Active, and Biggest Loser Wii Games. Oh and my C25K run as well!! I weighed myself this morning because its weigh in day for the biggest loser game. I'm back down to 141.8 so I lost the extra lbs from monday that bumped me up to 144 but its still discouraging to not see an overall loss in lbs. I see a difference in my body and how my clothes fit though so I'm trying to stay positive
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Mornin' shredders!

    Level 1 day 6 DONE!

    Definitely seeing an improvement in my stamina from day 1. I've been doing all the arm exercises without weights (I don't have any yet) but it's starting to feel like time to invest in a set. I didn't push myself as hard as I think I could have during the cardio today -- I'll have to be mindful of that tomorrow.

    Tomorrow is my personal weigh-in day and I'm really eager to see what (if any) change the scale has in store for me! Haven't noticed any difference in how my clothes are fitting, but it is only the first week. Just gotta stay positive and keep movin'!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Try it with cans of veggies Fit - those weigh about a pound each.

    Taking today off from all exercise, resting the back. Hope to be Okie and hit it hard tomorrow. Bought another 40# of iron last night, so now have my dumbs set up heavy enough again. Looking forward to it.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Another option for weights are the small 16.9 oz water bottles. I started with them before I bought my handweights.
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    I fell off the myfitnesspal wagon and I'm back now. Just logged today. I'm not sure what happened this week. Somewhere between working, sick kids and Christmas I just lost my motiviation. Anyways did level 2 again. I think it was day 3 of it.
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Happy Friday Shredders!!
    Got home around 830p last night so it ended up being a rest night for me - Did 20min ABJam this am befor work and just busted out 40 consecutive full out "Rocky" style push ups onmy lunch break!! Considering checking out this "200 sit up challenge"- check the site if you're interested : http://www.twohundredsitups.com. Supposed to be a 3 day /week ab circuit.

    Shredding on for tonight + 20min something else - will log in to confirm that level 3 day 9 is in the bag!!

  • nanastasia
    I just bought "Jillian's 30 day shred" from Target and did it this morning. It is a single DVD. Is this what everyone is talking about? How does it work, exactly?
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I just bought "Jillian's 30 day shred" from Target and did it this morning. It is a single DVD. Is this what everyone is talking about? How does it work, exactly?

    Yep - that's the one. You'll see a menu to choose workouts from - start with Level 1 and do it until you're ready to move up to level 2. It's intended for 10 days at each level, but i've heard from several who moved up to level 2 after only a few days on 1 (got bored).. I stayed on level 2 for well after 10 days... but that's the idea.

    Oh, and just a tip - consider following along with the chick on the right (Anita) who does modified moves in the beginning to see how your body responds to the intensity of the exercises. I thought I was a badass when I started and did the full lunges, etc - and could barely walk for 3 days! Have heard of others on here with the same experience. So... might want to start easy and build up? Then again, more power to you if you can attack it head on. Good luck!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Level 3, day 8 done! Seemed harder somehow than normal. Maybe b/c I did a run first and I've been off running for the past week?

    Anyhoo, 2 more days and I'll feel I've officially completed it! This has been such a great experience.. I'm not sure what to do after "completing" 10 days of level 3. I know I can keep doing it, but I'd like to keep it fresh and not lose motivation.

    Suggestions anyone? I'd like to maintain some of this muscle tone I've worked so hard for.... !!! :)
  • supermom1114
    So I haven't worked out at all today, I feel like crud... I WILL get my Shred workout in though, I REFUSE to skip a day in december except Christmas. It is very motivating to read all of your posts! I WILL get my workout done before I go to bed!!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Shredders,
    9:41 here in Spring, Tx and just finished day 9 level 3 ~ Woo Hoo!! I was going to do more but it's late and I need to eat something.
    Level 3 is still a challenge but I was pleasantly surprised that the rockstars weren't completely brutal tonight, :drinker: What was harder than usual were the side raises, "Natalie" style. I was losing steam toward the last few reps... but I didn't quit!! I read your posts before I started and agreed w/ Super - "getting the shred done before bed!" You guys rock!! BTW Super.. Smokin Tat!!,

    Hurray for all of us.... for our commitment, our accountability, and our follow through!!!

    Have a great nite everybody,