Expressions you hate..



  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    "My Bad".

    My mother taught me proper grammar (by constantly correcting me).
    Therefore this statement is completely illogical to me!! :)
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    "I'll pray for you" "CPS should take away your children" or "You're going to hell"

    those are expressions?
  • crochetnut
    crochetnut Posts: 35
    I know, right? - Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo soooooo sooo annoying!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    1. "There's nothing you (or we) can do"
    I'm not a submissive person so whenever I hear this phrase, I feel like hitting the one who said that with a steel rod. While there are indeed some things that is way beyond our control but that doesn't mean that it is impossible. That phrase really doesn't help except to make more people lazy.

    2. "God has a better plan for you"
    That's why my faith weakened & then my uber religious parents would wonder why, LMAO!!
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    "I'll pray for you" "CPS should take away your children" or "You're going to hell"

    those are expressions?

    I consider "I'll pray for you" to be an expression. The others are just part of the explanation for why I hate it.
  • jjteddy1982
    jjteddy1982 Posts: 107
    I hate with all my heart "NEEDLESS TO SAY" stupid expression!!!!!
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    If I hear "It is what it is" one more time I will burst...I was at the store today and someone next to me said it....I think I bit my knuckles!!! My apologies to frequent users of this expression...but...I - just - can't - stand it..

    what do you got?

    Yes! Yes!! Me too! I can't stand it.
    What is worse is "it was what it was"..

    Another pet peeve of mine is when people say "wah-lah" instead of "voila!" "Wah-lah" isn't a word. lol (I hear this ALL the time on the HGTV shows.. its like nails on a chalk board for me)
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    "Everything happens for a reason"...bleh!
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    I can't stand when people say, "For all intensive purposes!"


    It's for all intents and purposes!
  • realia
    realia Posts: 169 Member
    "Time heals all wounds."
    "Same difference."
    "Everything happens for a reason."
    "If God meant for it to happen, then it would have happen."

    I kept hearing these after my dad passed away and after I didn't get into NYU. The two lowest points of my life. :mad:
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    It's all good.


    oh, but it is (if you want it to be) :)
  • AliciaBeth78
    AliciaBeth78 Posts: 437 Member
    Oh and the expression, "Bless your heart!"

    All southern women know that means nothing more than "Go f**k yourself!"
  • ElizabethObviously
    ElizabethObviously Posts: 380 Member
    My ones are :

    You have such potential. (which makes me feel what I have now is *kitten*!)

    You have such a pretty face...( because everyone knows after that is the unheard rest of 'but the rest of you needs serious work")
  • MisterGoodBar
    MisterGoodBar Posts: 157 Member
    "it is what it is" hate it and the phrase "vajayay" it sounds so unpleasant and adolescent.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    "Everything happens for a reason"...bleh!
    I forgot to put that one... I hate that as well especially if coupled up with "God has a better plan for you" , BOOOOOOOOOO!
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    While not an expression, hearing people say they want to 'aks' a question or say 'ek cetera'.


    The f---ing term is ET. The Latin word for "and". CETERA. The Latin word for OTHER THINGS.

    It's also not ect. ...It's etc.

    I think I love you. Or as the kids say, I heart you! As a former Latin student, this one grates on my nerves so badly. I want to smack someone when they use, spell or pronounce it incorrectly. Another one that slays me is the "c" in miscellaneous. It's silent; I wish everyone knew that. Oh, and the "ask" not "aks"...I can't even talk about that one.
  • snowmaniac
    snowmaniac Posts: 600 Member
    Oh snap
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Also...words shortened for the sake of "Oh she's just jelly" (as in jealous) and girls adding in the word "so" unnecessarily like "are you SOOOO excited?!"

    OMG! I hate that too. I was watching last season of American idol, and every time, Jennifer Lopez said, "I got goosies..." I got irritated, It's goosebumps!!
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    1) "guestimate"... it's "estimate"... thanks. "guestimate" is NOT a word.

    2) "Irregardless"... it's "regardless". Believe me. If you don't, look it up.

    3) "That's gay"... Do I even HAVE to explain this one? It's just rude, insensitive, & makes you sound homophobic... No, I'm not gay, but it still sounds like nails on a chalkboard.

    4) "I was Jipped/Jewed"... racist comment against Gypsies/Jewish People used as nazi propaganda to make people think they were thieves, & that was why they needed to be (as a race!) killed... and YES... I *do* ask people if they know the origin of that phrase when they use it, and am not afraid to tell people the TRUE meaning of what they just said. Once again... I'm not a Gypsy, nor am I Jewish.
  • masterschild54
    I've always hated "Not for nothin' but..." You can rest assured whatever comes after this is stoooooopid