Anyone wanna join? 30 Day Shred Today!



  • is the final day of the 30 Day Shred. I took my measurements this morning and am happy to report that I'm down 10.75 inches and 5.5lbs! Arms - 0.5", Waist - 4.25", Hips - 2", Bust - 1.50", Thighs - 2". I think its worth another round because I feel like I could have really done better than I did and I really need to make some diet changes as well. Overall very happy with the results :)
  • karijoeide
    karijoeide Posts: 103
    Would love to join the 30 day shred challenge...will be doing my DVD shortly, thanks for the motivation!! :smile:
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member is the final day of the 30 Day Shred. I took my measurements this morning and am happy to report that I'm down 10.75 inches and 5.5lbs! Arms - 0.5", Waist - 4.25", Hips - 2", Bust - 1.50", Thighs - 2". I think its worth another round because I feel like I could have really done better than I did and I really need to make some diet changes as well. Overall very happy with the results :)

    That's awesome Trina, way to go!!
  • kayladees88
    kayladees88 Posts: 9 Member
    ive heard so much about this ! im ordering the dvd today :)
  • I started Day 1 (again) yesterday! Anyone want to join? Friend me and let's do this!!
  • NickiRae04
    NickiRae04 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm in!! I'm staring TODAY! I also have ripped in 30 by Jillian. My plan is to do Jillian Monday, Wednesday and Friday and then run/weights Tuesday and Thursday... Thoughts???
  • NettyIOM
    NettyIOM Posts: 44 Member
    Oooh, I bought this on Amazon yesterday! As soon as it comes through, i'm in!
  • garbor16
    garbor16 Posts: 43 Member
    Finished Day 18 (level 2) this morning. Missed 2 days over the weekend, due to being out of town. Wow, tough to get started again!
    2 more days until level 3, this has gone by so fast!
  • wooface
    wooface Posts: 12
    Hey guys!

    I have recently finished the 30DS and thought I'd write this to say - IT WORKS. It works in the way of inches and giving you stamina to do other things. A few days ago I ran two miles, and only stopped if I needed to for no longer than one minute. I can promise you that would not have happened if I didn't do the 30DS.

    I didn't do it everyday - I did it 6 days a week, and added up to 30 that way. Now that I am a 'graduate' of the 30DS, I have moved onto her cardio circuit training DVD, which is kicking my butt. There are 6 circuits at minutes each and so far, I have only managed to do four!!

    Be careful when you get to Level Three - those plank arm and leg raises caused me to pull a muscle in my neck, which triggered a migraine!

    But keep at it - you will see results and you will feel great. If anyone wants to add me as a friend - please feel free to :)


  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Day 25 of 30 DAY SHRED done! 5 more to go, whoop!
  • Loeski5
    Loeski5 Posts: 56
    I haven't been doing anything guys. First I was drained by the heat and now I have sinusitis. I was invited to Zumba today but as of right now, I'm really not sure if I'll be going. They say when you're sick and you workout it helps heal you quicker and makes you feel better. I know that the mornings are the worst when you're sick but I'm really hoping my body wakes up soon because I feel ultra cruddy -___-
  • Loeski5
    Loeski5 Posts: 56
    Congratulations Graduates!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Hey all,
    I took a few days off over the weekend but I'm back now. I completed Day 19 this morning.
    Welcome to all those just starting out - you can do this! :bigsmile:
  • oanamoise
    oanamoise Posts: 26
    Doing Day 15 today Level 2...and have been running every day. I feel like my body has improved however the pounds are still flunctuating. Might be water weight. :)
  • oanamoise
    oanamoise Posts: 26
  • Perixi
    Perixi Posts: 116 Member
    I don't seem to be loosing any inches, getting a bit concerned I'm on day 5 of level 2.
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    I don't seem to be loosing any inches, getting a bit concerned I'm on day 5 of level 2.

    To be completely honest, I'm on day 19, and I've *gained* weight. And it's real weight, too, not water weight, because I'm holding onto it. I haven't noticed any loss in inches, either. And no difference in how my clothes fit. So I'm bumming about that, but here's the thing:

    I am feeling stronger. I couldn't do practically any push-ups on day 1 and now I can do pretty many. That has got to mean something, right? Also, I've been complaining about lower back-ache for about a year now. I went to a doctor, a chiropractor, and had physical therapy, and none of that helped. Since I have started the 30 Day Shred, my lower back pain has significantly improved. In fact, it's almost gone. I think I am strengthening my core. Anyway, I say all this because even though it's not weight/inches that are coming off, I believe this program works. And I believe if I stick with it, the weight will start to come off eventually. For some of us it just takes longer.

    Don't give up. I keep telling myself, it's only a 20 min. investment per day. Patience and hard work will pay off.
  • Hey everyone, I'm currently in a weight loss competition that started 4 weeks ago, for the first 4 weeks I have done circuit training 3x a week for 60 minutes at the gym with my coaches and jogging/elliptical trainer 3 x a week with a low carb high protein diet. I have lost 13 pounds since 5.21.12 and am to weigh in today (which I think I have at least a 3lb weight loss, yay!). Anyway, since this is the start of the 2nd month I decided to incorporate 30 Day Shred every day with my current routine, if any of you wanna start today also we could check back here daily and give tips/support./motivation. I finished day 1 this morning. Thanks!!

    I started today! Feel free to add me, everyone and we can keep each other going :) I haven't taken measurements yet, but I did do before pictures...
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Day 26 done ladies, keep pushing!!! We are so close, go, go GO!!! 20 minutes, that's it!!!
  • DianneOfTheMoon
    DianneOfTheMoon Posts: 209 Member
    Day 27 done, where are all of you guys at?? How is everyone doing?