Jillian's 30 Day Shred



  • Boo who? Boo me! I am pretty sure I have a sinus infection (gross) accompanied by a horrible headache and had to work 13 hours today...so pretty sure I'm skipping the Shred :sad: . Seriously, I hate it when I have to miss an evening with Ms. Michaels.

    Looks like everyone is still doing really great though! Keep up the positive 'tudes. Hopefully with the Zicam, Sudafed, and vitamin C, I will be jumping back in no time.

    Oh and Smiles, that totally was my hubby that wrote the one other post you commented on (in case he didn't reply). Ha. Jillian Michael's whoops his butt!! I love that he wrote that post.

    Talk to you all again soon!
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    Today was my 12th day, 3rd day on level 2. I also did an hour on the gazelle.

    My high point today came when my hubby was poking at my tummy (which I hate and always tell him to stop) and he said that it's firmer and he could tell a difference! Yay for him noticing results! (even if I can't)
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Level 1 day 7 DONE!

    I almost took the day off from exercise today. Yesterday was bad at work, and I barely ate anything (maybe 600-800 calories) and only managed to squeeze in about 8 cups of water. This morning I slept a little late and woke to find my knees aching. Then I got on the scale. I'm down to 199.8 from 204.8 -- that's 5 lbs in a week! I know it's mostly water weight -- not only was this my first week doing intensive exercise, but I also dramatically changed my diet and upped my water intake, so I'm sure a lot of sodium and other crap has been purged from my system. But still -- I have NEVER dropped that much weight in a week, and it was very encouraging to see the scale drop that much. Seeing those kind of results really motivated me to get the exercise in today. I know not to expect that kind of loss for more than 1 or 2 weeks initially, and honestly I wasn't really expecting much change in my numbers. If I can get a fairly steady 1-2 lb average drop I'll be happy. But this was a nice surprise.

    The workout today was interesting -- it was about 4 hours later than I have been exercising, and I found myself much less tired. It was easier getting through the workout, but I sweated more! Knees were really bothering me during the jumping jacks and jumprope, so for those I did a lot of brisk walking in place. If anyone knows of any other good cardio moves to use as modifiers for the jumping exercises, I'm all ears.

    Now for a shower and a late breakfast. Maybe I'll send the hubby out for some eggs... I think I deserve some eggs this morning. :wink:

    Have a great Saturday, all!
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Casper & Kath,

    I totally missed your posts... thanks for the advice re: weights -- what great ideas! I'm know I have some soup cans hiding under a cabinet somewhere that could be put to good use. :smile:
  • Level 1, day 8 done! Plus Walk Away the Pounds, 2 miles. Down 2lbs this week! Feeling great!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Fit_in..... so happy for your 5 lb loss! That's awesome! Very encouraging indeed. Great job!

    Inkprincess - Good to see you moving up toward level 2 also.... only a couple more days!

    Janet - is this your last day? Didya shred? Didya didya??? :)

    Level 3 Day 9 done (for me). That means... ONE MORE DAY and I can tell myself that I actually completed the shred! Looking forward to those bragging rights. I'm not sure why, but while my arms, shoulders, thighs, calves have all toned up, my midsection still is... schlumpy. I know I've got a lot more core strength than I had before starting, but seems like nothing went away there. I guess it's gonna take revving up the cardio....

    I'll post tomorrow (or Monday) with a report of Level 3 day 10. :)
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm finaly back on the wagon. I took a day off on thursday because my muscles were so sore, and I rested again yesterday. Didint have time to try again because of a work Christmas party and hanging out with co workers, but no worries! I actualy didn't overeat! I'm very proud of myself. :bigsmile: I also refrained from sweet drinks and such things like that, but I"m sure I went over a little. No matter, that gave my muscles a good rest.

    I came home from shopping todday and popped Jillian into my DVD player right after. I shredded and then had dinner immediately ready, since I read alot of you saying I need to eat right after. Green beans and rotisserie chicken, mmm. But again, my legs are giving me pain in the shin area. I'm sure the more I shred the better I'll feel. Its just a matter of all the strain from my weight on my legs while I'm doing all that jumping cardio. But YAY! I did notice my stamina is much better! I can push through all those excersises now with just a few pauses and alot less groaning, and I tried doing modified/half cobra pushups like someone suggested to me on here and, they are LOADS better for me to do. My arms thank you.

    Go Shredders! We can do it!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Shredders,
    Drum roll.........Ta Dah!! day 10 level 3 in the BAG!! Woo Hoo!! Even though this "30 Day " shred in all actuality was more like a 37 day shred, I completed it. I have never seen any work out "plan " through to the finish - i'm always tweaking it. This is the first on i've done as directed , at least the prescribed amount of time on a particular level. I have to laugh at myself b/c it's not like i'm actually DONE with Jillian. I have a long way to go and much, much more work to do. Now I'm trying to figure out what to start next. oh, and going to knock out my 1st day circuit of 200 sit up challenge when I finish posting. I know I am going to shred just not sure how often and debating on increasing from 5lb dumbells to maybe 7lbs.... Really missing my cardio too ......
    Fit - Great job!! Did you get your eggs???

    Smiles - Is tomorrow going to be the day???? :happy:

    Ink - Hey there! Good for you on your progress!! How often do you use Walk Away and what kind of results do you get?

    To all of us Shredders that are continuing to work out in spite of holiday shopping, parties, excess of food and (for the drinkers) alcohol ~ I applaud your commitment. I have to admit I really had to push myself these last few work outs. Not sure if it was because of the holidays or because I was going to "complete" something or the combo. Anyway, If anyone else is struggling with working out right now.. hang on in there!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Good Nite Shred Family,
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    Day 13, and day 4 on level 2. I also did the gazelle for an hour and walked who knows how much at the outlet mall.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Smiles: Thanks!

    Dragonfly: I did get my eggs. They were delicious. :wink: And HUGE congrats on finishing Level 3 day 10 -- awesome job! When I get there, it will be my first time seeing a program through to the end, as well. Way to go!!

    Keep up the awesome job, everyone!

  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Happy Sunday, shredders!

    Level 1 day 8 DONE.

    I used a couple of 16 oz cans (beans) for weights today -- that really made a difference! Boy, those anterior raises are a lot harder with weights!! :laugh: I can feel the burn in my arms still, but in a good way.

    Have a good Sunday, all!
  • mroper
    mroper Posts: 92 Member
    Still shredding. I stayed with level 1 again today even though its day 11 for me. I wasnt brave enough to move up to level 2 yet. I did however do 10 pushups finally without stopping which is a great improvement from day 1. I was so out of shape but I will probably move up to level 2 tomorrow...I just so dread the pushups they do on there and the mountain climbers..... :noway: But cant hurt to try and I may surprise myself. :bigsmile:

    Its very helpful to read all of the posts. I know some of you have completed the workout and I hope you keep us posted on what you do next. I really like Jillian and I think I will probably get a few more of her DVD's to do after I finish Shred.

    Hope all of you have a great Monday. :flowerforyou:

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi everyone!!! Still here, took a couple of days rest, I am still trying to take care of my leg injury. :grumble: I am planning on shredding sometime today. I am home taking care of my sick child.

    Mendy, you can do it!!!! :drinker: Go for level 2!!! It will challenge your body even more and you will be amazed by your strength. :flowerforyou:

    Have a wonderful day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Still nursing the painful lower back. Starting to think it's our mattress. If this keeps up I'm buying a sheet of 3/4" plywood.

    I've been doing shred level 3, and doing pretty well with it - but with the back problems that last circuit where you do assume plank position and do the rows and leg lifts is pretty brutal. So,,, saturday afternoon, I did my weights (love the new iron BTW) and then took a step backward and did shred level 1 again. That was Ok,,, little easier on the back. Maybe a little too easy...

    Thinking of doing level 2 for a while. That one was fun, I like the oblique twists and skaters.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Morning, shredders!

    Resting the knees today, so no shred this morning. I've been icing them in the evenings, but they are getting progressively more painful. I'm hoping a day of rest will help. I may shred after work tonight... it feels so wrong not to be exercising!!

    Going to take some ibuprofen and get ready for work.

    Have a happy Monday, all!
  • Good Afternoon Shredders!!!
    AAAHHHH!! I missed a day!!! I missed saturday, I'm so disappointed in myself! But I got it done yesterday and am planning on doing the shred this afternoon so today will be my 4th day on Level 2!

    I hope everyone is doing well, I still haven't seen any lbs lost.... I'm hoping my body starts letting go soon!
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    Yesterday I officially completed one week of shredding! Yay me! I even managed to talk my mom into getting the dvd, so now she and my sister are shredders too!! I didn't exercise this morning, it was a late nite last night, and the baby was up at 100 am (very uncharacteristic of her-she usually sleeps through the night). Anyway, I will definitely get my shred on tonite! I even told my son (who is 6 and likes to "work out with mom") so I would have some accountability...he definitely won't let me forget!!
  • shadechick
    shadechick Posts: 54 Member
    So, sadly, I did not get to shred yesterday. I was super busy and also had a Christmas party to go to, so I wasn't eating well either. By the time I got home, it was 10pm and I was too tired to do anything. I did however manage to squeeze in 20 mins on the gazelle. I'll do better today.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Level 3, Day 10 DONE!!!!! (of course, it took me quite a bit longer than 30 days, but still... I actually completed it!)
    :):):):) What a great experience this has been - from the support and motivation on the thread, to the newly toned shoulders and thigh muscles.. :)

    I'm thinking that for variety's sake, I will be moving on to something new (still haven't figured out what - I'll have to see what Wally-World has)... BUT I will be keeping this DVD and returning to it again, maybe this spring? Or after I "complete" the next program? Goals are good!

    Amanda - how's it going? And Janet.. if you're still reading.. I DID IT!!! :)
    Casper - I kept telling myself that "slow and steady wins the race".. to keep on keepin on. Take good care of your back, and it will take care of you. :):flowerforyou:
  • Could I ask you how much you lost doing the shred? It says you could lose a lot...I have lost 4lbs after doing it for 11 days...I am hoping to lose about 8 more!?!?!?!
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